Chapter 54 - The Tarot

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Ayla smiled as she looked at herself into the mirror. She was wearing an olive tank top, paired with a brown cardigan and matching leggings. She tied her hair up to a high ponytail, her bangs draping on her sides. Simple and elegant. She hooks her sling bag across her shoulder, slid her phone into her bag and went downstairs. 

"Hey mommy!" Ayla greeted Stephanie as soon as she walked into the dining hall. She stood behind her mom and gave a tight hug.

"Hey, honey. You're looking great!" Stephanie said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, mommy" Ayla said, taking a seat beside Stephanie.

"All set for your date?" Marissa teased.

Hunter eventually let her go out with Dolph. So did Shane. Shane even gave her pocket money to spend although Ayla refused at first. Shane insisted that she takes it. Ayla doubts she ever needs it when she has money of her own. Hunter and Dolph had gotten close a lot more lately. Hunter is more comfortable working with Dolph now than the old Dolph. Dolph is more manageable and a lot calmer than he was 4 years ago when he was fired. He surprisingly trusts Dolph enough to send his daughter on a day out with him. Hunter figured she might need this day out since she was too nervous for her daddy-daughter dance tomorrow with him. At least this day out could distract her. 

Ayla and Hunter has been practicing all week for their dance in separate places. Ayla has been training with Shane and the boys' help. Hunter seemed to get a little hang of it although he is no dancer. Luckily Ayla didn't choose a hard routine since she knows what of a terrible dancer he is. Ayla just couldn't wait for their big day tomorrow. It's been more than a month since she's been back in Connecticut. She is flying there first thing in the morning. Shane and Declan are accompanying Ayla as well to Connecticut while the rest would stay in New York since Stephanie couldn't travel. Stephanie is 8 months pregnant and she is definitely not gonna fly anywhere.

"It's not a date, Aunt Rissa. It's just a day out. With a friend" Ayla chuckled. 

"In our world, if a guy and a girl goes out together, it's considered a date, you know?" Kenyon teased.

"Unfortunately, in my world, there isn't such thing as dates" Ayla joked.

"Oh come on, you're 19! I'm sure you're old enough to date a guy" Marissa said.

"Dad would kill me!" Ayla exclaimed, cracking everyone up at the table.

"And so will I" Stephanie joined in. 

"See?" Ayla shrugged, placing a bagel on her plate. 

"Oh come on, I know I started dating a guy when I turned 19" Marissa said.

"And what happened?" Ayla asked.

"Well, I married him" Marissa said with a wink, kissing Shane's cheek and patting his chest. Shane chuckled and smiled proud.

Ayla looked at them in amusement. They sure last long.  

"And made 3 kids with him too" Shane joined in, taking a bite off his bagel. 

"How old were you when you met dad, mom?" Ayla turned to Stephanie. 

"I was 19 years old when he first came into the company" Stephanie shrugged. 

"19 years young" Shane corrected her, stressing on the word young. 

"He's overprotective of me, just deal with it" Stephanie said. 

"You were too young when you met Hunter" Shane pointed.

"You were the same age when you met Marissa?" Stephanie pointed.

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