Chapter 25 - The Fear

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It's the third day since Ayla and Kev spent their time together in Detroit. Three days just went like that. They spent time on long drives around the city, walking around malls without even buying anything except perhaps coffee, having a barbeque, going on a stroll at the beach, workout and more workout. They've had at least 6 matches in 3 days with each other in Kev's gym. He owns a gym in Detroit where most of the wrestlers would drop by whenever they're in Detroit. It wasn't as fancy or crowded as Hunter's gym in Connecticut but it was complete nonetheless.

In all those fun moments, there was an unfortunate accident that happened when Ayla knocked hard onto the steel post during her training and sprained her arm a little. Luckily she wasn't having a match this week on SmackDown and will be cleared to wrestle on the following week. She wasn't having a segment today on RAW either which was a relief to her. It wasn't too serious but it was still painful though. She was discharged immediately after her treatment today before they both went on a stroll at the beach again. 

Ayla loves it here. It wasn't crowded on a working day although it was almost in the evening. According to Kev, it would usually be crowded in the evening no matter what day it was. It was probably an advantage for them that it was a Monday, so it wasn't too crowded.

Ayla kicked the sand as she skipped along the beach, swinging her hand that held Kev's hand tightly for support. Her fingers of her injured arm clutched her shirt as support, not wanting to put much pressure on it. 

Kev smiled at how cheerful she was. Shawn warned him before he brought her to Detroit of how Ayla would randomly get up at night and cry at the most unexpected times. However, to his relief, she didn't cry at all for the past 3 days she spent with him here. He was delighted to have her with him. He showed her around the city that he grew up in. He was glad he could cheer her up after such a hectic week last week. 

In fact, she would actually speak a lot more than she ever did at the camp out. She was slowly being her old self, the one who would simply annoy him with the most adorable gestures just to get his attention. The one who would crack the lamest jokes ever just to see him smile. The one who was always up for donuts, anytime, anywhere. The most cheerful girl he's ever known.

He was happy that she was cheerful again, but at the same time worried of how she might be after this when their vacation together was over.

"Hey Kev, I have a question. What did the fish say when he swam into another wall?" Ayla asked.

"I don't know. Ouch?" Kev asked, tired of her lame but funny jokes already. 

"Nope, he said, 'dam'" Ayla laughed heartedly at her own joke which made Kev laugh anyway. It wasn't the joke that was funny, it was the way she was laughing that made him laugh along. He wraps his big arms around her neck, pretending to choke her as they laughed out loud, not caring about the weird stares they got from the others. 

"You better quit those jokes before I tickle the hell out of you" Kev threatened. 

"Alright, alright, I'm zipping my mouth right now" Ayla did a mouth zipping gesture, placing an invisible key in his pocket, tapping them when she was done. She raised a thumbs up, cracking the old man up. Kev pinched her cheeks, loving how adorable she was. She was behaving like a 10 year old when in fact she was already a grown adult. 

"Hey, I've something to tell you, by the way" Kev said, pausing to arrange his words.

Ayla who was still supposedly having her mouth zipped simply nodded, locking her eyes on Kev's face as he looked up straight, not in her direction. 

"Your mother called" Kev begin, pausing to see her reaction. As he predicted, her smile fell, turning into a frown.

"She said that your dad needs help at NXT this week. He said that its urgent. So we kinda need to leave for Florida tomorrow." Kev said, looking a little guilty, knowing she was going to be disappointed. She'd been looking forward to the both of them spending their time together. 

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