Chapter 1 - The First Trip

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"The Authority loves the WWE Universe. We work to live up to your expectations. We work to give you a fantastic show. We work to entertain you." Stephanie said through the mic, earning boos from the crowd.

"We give you a show, we give you Monday Night RAW" Triple H continued to plaster that smug on his face although the crowd was booing him out of the arena.

"We are-" Stephanie was cut off by Ayla's match stick sound which sent the crowd crazy. The arena went dark, hyping the crowd. 

"What on earth?" Corey said through commentary.

"It can't be" Byron continued as Ayla's theme song played.

Stephanie and Hunter looked around, clueless of what's happening.

The crowd cheered with a loud pop as Ayla emerged through the curtains, the spotlight shining directly above her as she made her way towards the ring with her slow walk.

"No way!" Corey said.

"Yes way! It's Ayla! Ayla has returned!" Byron said.

"Ayla hasn't made an on screen appearance since last year's WrestleMania where Stephanie costed Ayla her championship title. Ladies and gentlemen, Ayla has returned. The Persephone has returned." Corey said.

Ayla went between the ropes as she walked into the ring, grabbing a mic from the techie and coming face to face with Stephanie and Hunter.

"Ayla! Ayla! Ayla! Ayla!" The crowd chanted as Ayla's signature side smirk formed on her lips.

Ayla took her own time to bring the mic up to her lips as she waited for the crowd to settle down a little. It was deafening in here.

"Ayla? How nice to see you? I-"

"Shut up!" Ayla screamed on the mic, cutting Stephanie off as the crowd went OOOOH. 

"Ayla, I-" Hunter was cut off by a sharp stare from Ayla, taking a step back as she took a step closer.

Hunter plastered a scared expression as he looked down at Ayla who was looking at him dead in the eye.

"This is awesome" The crowd cheered as Ayla and Hunter had an intense stare down. 

"This is not about you, Hunter. Stay out of it"  Slowly, Ayla shifted her look towards Stephanie as the two stared down. Ayla turned her head to the other side, looking at the Royal Rumble sign on the tron, Stephanie following suit. They lingered there for a moment, letting the crowd to feed off the emotion. She felt weird calling her dad by his name after so long calling him daddy.

"Let's end this" Ayla said, turning her attention back towards Stephanie, the crowd cheering for them as they got the signal.

"Woah, woah, woah. Ayla, calm down. As far as I would love to end it, this is not gonna happen. You vs Me? Oh come on, Ayla, you've got to be kidding me" Stephanie smirked.

"As much as the WWE Universe would like to have that match, it's not gonna happen that easily." Hunter said.

"Yeah, to go one on one with Stephanie McMahon, you've gotta earn your spot, Ayla. You can't just barge in and challenge me randomly. What do you think this is, some kind of a pig farm?" Stephanie roasts, making the crowd go OOOOH.

"This is the WWE and I own WWE. I decide who wrestles who, when and where. You can't come and interrupt me just for a 5 minutes fame for yourself" Stephanie roasts again, Ayla still had the smug on her face, being the psychotic arrogant prick that she plays on screen.

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