Chapter 40 - The New Home

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Ayla and Stephanie walked out of the airport, making their way to the entrance where their car is waiting for them. For the first time, Ayla got to board on their private jet. Oh yes, they own a private jet. It was Vince's plane before this but he gifted it to Stephanie as a gift to his "first" granddaughter. Ayla decided to not make a fuss on it even though it did do as much damage to her.

She just doesn't know why Vince still can't accept her. She's tried too hard to please him in every way. Can't he see how hard she's trying? She's tried so many ways to impress him and show how genuinely she loves both her parents. But none of her efforts seemed to get through his head.

Ayla doesn't know what he has against her. What has she done to make him hate her so much. And Ayla knows there must be a reason why Vince purposely chose a hospital in New York.

From the previous records, only a few of the wrestlers in WWE have undergone rehab in the hospital that they choose. That too was years ago and it wasn't for a knee injury. Almost all of the knee injury cases in WWE had to go rehab in New Haven, Connecticut. In Yale to be exact. The university that Ayla is currently studying in. Ayla doesn't know why Vince did this to her, but she was gonna find out.

Sometimes Ayla thought to herself that she was just being paranoid since she is going to be away from Hunter for a few months. But still, she can't help but think, what if?

Stephanie brought Ayla back to her sense by a tap on her shoulder.

"We're here, honey" Stephanie said, holding her hand. "You ready?"

"I guess" Ayla said with an unsure look.

"Don't worry, we're gonna be just fine. Let's go, they're waiting for us" Stephanie said.

Ayla nodded and got down from the car, rushing to the other side and helping Stephanie out of the car. She wrapped an arm around Stephanie's waist and held one of her hands as she led her towards the door of the huge mansion before her. It was more or less like her mansion in Connecticut but probably slightly smaller. A huge gold sign outside that wrote McMahon went perfectly with the dark grey wall.

The door opened up to reveal a beautiful woman in her early 40s with shoulder length black hair.

"Stephy!" Marissa squealed, extending her arms out and pulling Stephanie in a tight hug.

"Rissa! Gosh it's been forever" Stephanie said.

"Come on in, come on in" Marissa pulled Stephanie in, Ayla following suit.

"And you must be Ayla" Marissa turned to Ayla.

"The one and only" Ayla chuckled, Marissa and Stephanie chuckling along

"Oh it's about time that we met. I saw you at the hall of Fame the other day but I didn't get a chance to speak to you. I was so excited when I heard that the two of you are gonna stay here for the next few months. So were my sons" Marissa said.

"Aww that's okay. I guess we'll spend the next few months talking each other to death huh?" Ayla teased.

"Oh we're gonna be great friends. I've always wanted a daughter but unfortunately I'm stuck in a house full of boys. Oh well, now that you're here, I'm sure we're gonna have a blast" Marissa squealed, her arms still wrapped around Ayla loosely.

"Honey, this is Marissa McMahon, my sister in law, or should I say, my partner in crime" Stephanie said.

"Aunt Rissa is fine" Marissa smile.

"And Rissa, this my baby, Ayla Georgia Helmsley" Stephanie said.

"Oh I know who she is. I swear Rogan has a huge crush on you, so you might wanna be careful with him" Marissa said.

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