Chapter 16 - The Lone Star State

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"Shawn!" Ayla squealed as she ran towards her favorite boii, giving him the biggest hug ever.

"Hey little cupcake! Gosh I missed you so much" Shawn said, welcoming his guests inside his parents' house. The Helmsleys along with Cameron and Cassy flew to San Antonio, Texas for a show there. Shawn had come to San Antonio as well when he heard that they were having a segment of SmackDown this week. 

Shawn and his family has moved to Florida last year. Shawn figured it was time to move out as it would be nearer to the performance center in Orlando and he'd be able to be with his family as well. He still owns his ranch here although it wasn't under his management anymore.

Shawn told Hunter to visit him at his parents house as he'd be spending his time off with his mother and his siblings.

"Hunter! My work husband!" Shawn jumped on Hunter a little, the two men stumbling a little but luckily managed to gain balance.

"Shawn! You fucking idiot" Hunter slapped Shawn's ass, chuckling along. 

"I missed you a lot" Shawn said, doing kissy sounds, making Hunter push Shawn's face with his palm.

"Boys, are you really gonna have your lovey lovey session out here?" Stephanie asked, laughing as well.

"Anyplace is a love place" Shawn said.

"What is that your new motto?" Hunter asked.

"It's the heart break kid's principle of life. That's why I've got two kids. I could have more if I wanted but I pity Becca" Shawn said, earning a smack on the back of his head from a women in her late 80s.

"Let the boy breath, Shawn" Carol said, shaking her head.

"Boy, mama? You still call Hunter a boy, mama? Mama, he has a kid of his own already, he's no boy anymore" Shawn laughed. Carol has been calling Hunter as a boy ever since she first met Hunter back in the 90s. Hunter is 4 years younger than Shawn and Carol has been thinking of Hunter as her child as well. Hunter was still in his 20s when Carol first met Hunter. 

"He's still a boy to me" Carol said to which Hunter laughed.

"Nice to see you too, Mama" Hunter said, giving Carol a hug. "I brought some guests along"

"It's so good to see you, Mama" Stephanie said, giving Carol a hug as well. "And I'd want you to meet our daughter, Ay-"

"Ayla! It's so good to finally see you. Shawn told me that you're a Helmsley now. I've been telling Shawn to bring you here one day. And it's about time you came" Carol said with a huge smile, engulfing Ayla in a tight hug.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Michaels"

"Mama is a huge fan of you. She's been on and on about how vibrant you are on screen, whatever that even means" Shawn said.

"She has an amazing energy" Carol shrugged. "Goodness me, come on in. I've got a lot of things to show you" Carol said, dragging Ayla in, not waiting for the others.

"Looks like Mama is occupied. Come on in, guys" Shawn said, opening the door wider for Hunter and Stephanie to walk in.

"Not you, boy" Shawn said, putting his hands on his waist.

Cameron gave an awkward smile as he uncomfortably stood at the entrance.

"Hey dad" Cameron begin, awkward. "I brought Cassy along" Cameron tried to shift his dad's attention.

"Hello, Cassy. Go on in and join the family. Cameron and I are gonna have a little chit chat outside" Shawn said with a smile, anger hid behind that sugar crunched smiled.

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