Chapter 48 - The Realization

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Ayla and Hunter sat at the backyard, wrapped up in each other's arms, enjoying the city view. Ayla reached for a popcorn and stuffed in her mouth, grabbing a few more and holding up to Hunter who took it without question. 

"Daddy, when did you get here?" Ayla asked, causing Hunter to laugh out loud. 

"Baby, you've been here with me for two hours and now you're asking me when I got here? Seriously, that's the first thing you ask me?" Hunter chuckled.

Ayla chuckled, feeling silly as well but oh well. 

"I got here this morning. Around 4am in the morning I guess? I got on the plane at 3am from Connecticut and got on a cab from the airport, so got here probably around 4 in the morning" Hunter said. 

"4 in the morning? Seriously, daddy. Where did you even get a cab at 4 in the morning?" Ayla asked.

"I don't know. I just ordered a Grab when I got to the airport and what do you know? I got one" Hunter said.

"Why did you come all of a sudden?" Ayla asked.

"Woah, woah. Why even ask that question? You not happy to see me?" Hunter teased.

"Daddy, seriously?" Ayla asked with a fed up expression.

"Okay, okay, relax, jeez I was just teasing you. Lighten up little one" Hunter pinched her nose. "Well, you wanna know why? Because last night a baby called me and was whining and crying like huaaaaghhhh" Hunter mocked her, doing a baby crying sound, although it sounded terrible and creepy with his deep voice. 

Ayla playfully pinched his arm, cracking him up. "Not funny"

Hunter let out a hearted laughter. Man, it's been so long since he laughed like that. If there is only one person in this world that could make him laugh out like that, it was only Ayla. 

"Alright, alright. You were crying and getting all upset. I know I told I'll call you today but I just had a bad feeling, like there was something serious which made you cry like that yesterday. So I thought it's better if I came and hear it from you in person" Hunter said.

"You came all the way just for me?" Ayla asked, can't believe her ears.

"Of course. Look, I love my job. I have a busy schedule and all. But nothing can compare to my love for you and your mom and your little sister. If my girls need me then I'll be there no matter how far we are, sooner or later. I'll be there for you girls" Hunter said, lifting her chin to meet her eyes. 

"I told you. If you need me, I'm just a call away. All you need to tell me is that you want me to be there with you and I'll be there. I'll find a way to be there for you. You didn't tell me yesterday you need me but deep down I knew you wanted me by your side and to tell you that whatever it is, it's gonna be fine. Isn't that right?" Hunter asked.

Ayla nodded. And she was glad that he came. She'd no idea how much she actually needed him by her side until he was here this morning. 

"And now that I'm here, I want you to tell me every single thing that has been bothering you. Not miss a thing and I don't want you hiding things just because you're scared I might blow up and beat up somebody" Hunter warned. 

"I want you tell to tell me everything, including how you injured your foot" Hunter said.

Ayla nodded, gathering all the strength in herself. 

"I guess I'll start from there. Yesterday after breakfast, Uncle Shane and Declan were arguing and I went to check on it. Declan got so mad and he threw a glass on the floor and a glass piece flew and cut a line on my foot." Ayla said. She paused to see his reaction to which he stiffen a little but thankfully didn't ask anything. 

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