Chapter 10 - The Family

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"Had fun?" Hunter asked as Ayla got into the car. He watched her place her bag at the backseat before looking at him with a smile. He gave her a tight hug and a pat on the head before releasing her.

"A lot. Gage paid for our coffee" Ayla said.

"Baby, you know you aren't supposed to drink coffee at the moment?" Hunter said.

"I know, dad. But just this once, please?" Ayla said, pleading.

Hunter sighed. "Alright, but no more coffee until I say so, okay?"

"I pwomise" Ayla said in her baby language, making Hunter giggle and ruffling her hair. He doesn't know why but he does ruffles her hair very often nowadays and finds it oddly satisfying.

"I want to take you to a very special place today once we land in New Hampshire" Hunter said, adjusting his ray bans as he sped off the highway.

"Really? Where to?" Ayla asked.

"You'll see" Hunter said, a knowing smile on his face.

"What about mom?" Ayla asked.

"She is already there" Hunter said to which Ayla nodded.

Hunter drove straight to the airport since they only had half an hour to their flight. They were flying to New Hampshire for an episode of RAW. Ayla wasn't going to make an appearance on screen just yet since she has no segment for the next two weeks. So, Ayla is allowed to travel with Hunter and Stephanie for the time being. Not as a superstar but as a fan, maybe?

The flight was a really exhausting one but Hunter, for the record, seemed so energetic when usually he'd have a jet lag. Their rental was already there so Hunter wasted no time and loaded their bags and speeding off the highway.

Hunter pulled up in front of a house, not as big as theirs, but it was enough to tell they live a luxury life. Hunter motioned her to get down as he got down as well. Ayla followed him without a question though she had a lot of questions on who's house they actually are at. The door opened to reveal someone Ayla didn't expect.

"Mom?" Ayla asked

"Hey honey, come on in. Everybody's waiting for you guys" Stephanie said as Hunter placed a hand on Ayla's shoulder, leading her inside.

Everybody? Who does Stephanie mean as everybody? As they stepped in to the house, Hunter was greeted by a girl running towards him, almost as tall as him.

"Uncle Hunter!" The girl squealed as she kicked off the ground and hugged him, wrapping her arms and legs around him like he was a teddy bear.

"Woah, woah, Ney, relax" Hunter chuckled, quickly wrapping his arms around her to support her weight. He patted her on the back as she bursts into a soft sob.

"Aww, Ney what happened? Why are you crying? Kid, aww come on" Hunter said, walking towards the couch with the girl in his arms. He sets her on the couch but she still had her arms around him, her sobs becoming more obvious.

"Ney, hey, no more crying. It's okay, it's okay, I'm right here" Hunter rubbed her back, trying to sooth her.

Stephanie smiled at the sight, nodding when Hunter signaled her to give them some space.

At the same time, Ayla felt a hand on her shoulder and when she turned around, she was greeted by a women probably in her late 70s.

"You must be Georgia?" She said to which Ayla nodded. It was a little unusual for someone to call her with her middle name.

"Oh how beautiful you are. Your dad and mom has told all about you. Oh come here, love" She said, pulling Ayla into a warm hug. Ayla returned the hug although she barely knows the woman in her arms. She placed a kiss on Ayla's cheek before pulling away from the hug.

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