Chapter 14 - The Rumor

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Ayla gulped as she made her way into the WWE Headquarters. She made her way into the elevator and went straight to the 8th floor where Hunter's office is. She waved hello to Lydia who was busy going through files before standing right in front of Hunter's office door. 

She was surprised to receive a call from her dad as soon as he reached office this morning telling her to meet him in his office in 2 hours. He didn't say what was it about but he said it was urgent and that doesn't sound good. 

Ayla knocked on the door and pushed open the door when her father's voice said so. Ayla was surprised to see someone else in her father's office. Hunter shifted his eyes from the other person to meet Ayla's and they weren't filled with enthusiasm like always whenever he sees his kid.

The other person in the room turns around to meet Ayla standing at the door with a clueless expression.

"Oh? Seth? I'm sorry for disturbing, daddy. I'll wait outside" Ayla said.

"No no, Ayla. Come on in. I have something to speak to the both of you" Hunter said, making Ayla's eyebrows furrow.

Ayla closed the door behind her and sat across the table, beside Seth as Hunter crossed his fingers over the table, looking at both of them alternately. 

"I'm just gonna cut to the chase, alright?" Hunter said before taking a deep breath. "I'm sure you both have heard about the news by now" Hunter said to which Seth nodded.

"News? What news?" Ayla asked.

"You didn't see it? It's all over social media" Seth said.

"I'm hardly active on social media" Ayla said.

Hunter sighed before pulling out his phone and searching for something. He handed his phone to her once he found just the thing he'd searched for. Ayla frowned but took the phone anyways. Her eyes widen as she read the article.

The Persephone and The Monday Night Rollins in an unholy scandal?

A speculation has been going throughout the social media that The Persephone of WWE, Ayla and The Kingslayer, Seth Rollins are having scandal after being spotted at the streets in Weston, Connecticut at a late hour. The two were first spotted at a restaurant not far along with the other members of the Shield. There are other rumors that the two were spotted together quite often before this speculations. Fans are wondering what is going on since Seth Rollins had declared being in a relationship with fellow wrestler, Becky Lynch a few weeks ago. This news has left the WWE Universe in shock since it is so unlikely for the young star and current WWE RAW Diva's champion to have been caught up with such a rumor. There has not been any rumors regarding the personal life of Ayla since the champion tends to keep her personal life rather private. But the speculations has left the fans in confusion if this is true or are they just friends. Becky Lynch's fans are also on rage as some of them believe the speculations to be true and have shown their support towards Becky Lynch. Here are some of the tweets from Lynch's fans:

Fan1 : Always had a bad feeling about Ayla. She shall not rest in peace. I stand by Becky Lynch.

Fan2 : Becky deserves Seth more than Ayla. I cannot tolerate third wheels like her.

Fan3 : Personally, I feel Seth is a jerk. He shouldn't have cheated on Becky. If he is still in WWE, I will riot till he is out of the business. #IStandByBecky

Fan4 : Ayla is an embarrassment to the WWE and her family. Her family must be really disappointed in her.

The WWE Universe is waiting for either one of them to confirm the news since no one in WWE has reached us out yet regarding this issue. Stay tuned for more update on this issue.

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