Chapter 42 - The Sweetheart

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It's been two days since Ayla's been here in New York and she's started her rehab yesterday. Today is Rogan's show and tell, so Ayla practically had to get ready early in the morning. Rogan initially told her to wear her ring gear but settled down with casual clothes when she told him she didn't bring along her ring gear. 

Although not thoroughly her ring gear, she wore all black with her Hunter's oversized leather jacket that went all the way to her knees, black tank top and black jeans with a three-layered waist chain. Oh yeah, she stole one from Hunter. Not exactly stole, it's just she was borrowing but she didn't ask for his permission. She needed something of Hunter to be with her when she's gonna be away from him. It's not like Hunter is gonna notice if it's gone. He has loads of it. Ayla was just hoping she took an old one so Hunter wouldn't notice it's gone.

He would laugh his ass off if he knew she brought his jacket along because she misses him. And he is gonna use it against her someday, so Ayla didn't want to take that risk. 

A knock on her door brought her to her sense as she yelled for them to come in. Rogan came in, all ready for school. He was dressed all black also, matching Ayla's outfit. He also wore a black leather jacket except that it wasn't oversized like Ayla is wearing. 

"Hey! You look good today" Ayla said, turning to the mirror and adjusting her ponytail. 

"Don't I always?" Rogan said, chuckles erupting from Ayla. 

"Of course you are, baby. Looks like we're twins today. Same outfit, same color" Ayla said.

"We're like tag team champions. I wish we could wrestle together one day" Rogan said. 

"Of course, I'd love to have you as my partner. When you're older and you've signed a contract, maybe you and I could partner up. If your Papaw Vince allows it" Ayla smiled.

"I hope he does" Rogan said. 

"Come on, let's go downstairs" Ayla said once she was satisfied with her appearance. She held Rogan's hand and led him downstairs. 

"Good morning, Aunt Rissa, Uncle Shane, Mommy" Ayla greeted once she walked into the dining hall with Rogan. 

"Good morning, baby. Slept well?" Stephanie asked, pulling a chair beside her for Ayla, Rogan taking a seat beside Ayla. He always wants to sit beside her. He'd either save a seat for her or would ask her to save a seat for him depends on who arrives first. 

"Oh yes. The medicines really got me sleeping like a baby" Ayla said. 

"You both are matching" Marissa said, serving everyone at the table. At that time, Kenyon came down dressed up for school too. 

"I have show and tell today, mom" Rogan said. "So we both wanted to match"

"Is that your daddy's jacket, honey?" Stephanie asked, just seemed to notice it. 

Ayla who wasn't expecting someone to bring it up smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, I think it's one of his old ones" 

"And that it is. Does he know you brought this?" Stephanie asked. Hunter doesn't give it to anyone, his leather jacket. They are very precious to him. 

"No" Ayla scratched her cheek. 

"I had to bring something of him since we're gonna be away. At least I wouldn't miss him a lot if I had these" Ayla said when Stephanie shot a look. 

Marissa and Stephanie went in awe when she said that. "And let me guess, you cuddle that to sleep?" Stephanie asked.

"It's a little embarrassing, but yes" Ayla said, covering her face with her palms. The ladies couldn't control their laughter anymore upon hearing it. Stephanie gave Ayla a side hug, kissing her temples. 

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