Chapter 7 - The Breakdown 2

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Ayla woke up with a confusion as she scanned her surroundings. She was surprised to find herself in a hospital, an IV poked into her veins. She had to pinch her thigh to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She pressed her arm without the IV on the bed as she hoisted herself to sit up.

"Ayla, Ayla, woah, cool down" She heard someone said. She turned around to see Cassy walking out of the hospital toilet.


"Yes it's me. Thank goodness you're alright" Cassy said, rushing towards her and helping her to wind her bed up a bit so she could sit.

"How did I get here? Weren't we at Rhode Island?" Ayla asked. The last thing she remembered was being at the campsite, having a small talk with Cameron at the hilltop.

"We are still in Rhode Island. You passed out at the campsite and you weren't responding to any of us even though we tried so many ways to wake you up. We brought you straight to the hospital" Cassy explained.

"Passed out?" Ayla asked. "What happened? Is something wrong with me?"

"I'm not sure, Ayla. Cameron and Gage are with your parents, talking to the doctor" Cassy said.

"My parents are here?" Ayla asked. She didn't think that they would come for her.

"Yeah, they got on the first flight from Connecticut and landed here yesterday at noon" Cassy explained.

"Yesterday? How long have I passed out?" Ayla asked.

"2 days? If including that night you passed, then 3 days" Cassy said.

Ayla's eyes widen. 3 days? What could possibly be wrong with her? She looked over her wrist on her arm without the IV was perfectly wrapped in a bandage. Uh oh. Have they known?


"Sit down, Mr and Mrs Helmsley" Doctor Carl said as he took a seat at his desk, going through Ayla's report. He sighed as he went through her reports, adjusting his glasses as he flipped through the papers.

"Is there something wrong with her, Doctor?" Stephanie asked.

Doctor Carl let out one final heavy sigh before closing the file, setting it aside. He crossed his fingers and placed both his elbows on the table, leaning forward as he looked at both the adults in front of him. He took a glimpse at Gage and Cameron who were standing behind Hunter and Stephanie before fixing his gaze back at Hunter and Stephanie.

"Before that, I would like to know, is she your own daughter?" Doctor Carl asked.

Hunter and Stephanie frowned, looking at each other before looking back at him. 

"No, we adopted her three months ago but she is still our daughter" Stephanie said, a little uneasy with his question.

Doctor Carl nodded, looking at the file briefly, then back at them.

"Why did she pass out, doc?" Hunter asked. "And why are you asking this question?"

"There is a reason, Mr. Helmsley and we'll get to it later. But for now, to answer your question, she passed out because she was dehydrated. Nothing serious about that. But what is serious is that there were many reasons why she is dehydrated. Her body lacks of vitamins, calcium and irons, almost everything a human body needs. And based on us specialists, we believe that she hasn't eaten for days" Doctor Carl said.

Everyone in the room looked at each other in shock. Eaten for days? Hunter and Stephanie looked at each other. "For days?" Hunter asked to which Doctor Carl nodded.

Hunter turned towards Gage and Cameron who shrugged and looked at them in shock as well. 

"Are you sure? I mean she was home for the past few days and we were at home with her" Hunter said, hard to believe.

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