[ Jack ]

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Since we can't be attacking clubs all the time, plus the fact that we already messed up two; we need to go check somewhere else.
— Like the casino.
Correct, RM. So I'm requesting you for today to send your team for the "Rabbit's Hole" and not the third club's as we planned.

The boss sighs at the phone, she's right, they already caused some incidents in the previous missions, first Alpha and Jimin, then Suga and Epsilon, the last ones setting on fire the assigned place.

— Okay... Then, I'll send J-Hope for your team tonight.
Fine. See them tonight.

The call ends and Namjoon focuses his attention on the man that lazily sits in his office's sofa, black dice jumping in his hand.

— So! You'll send me... where?
— The "Rabbit's Hole", I suppose Alpha would be your partner tonight.
— No Lambda, I see...
— You'll get easily distracted if she goes, and I bet her boss knows it too.

J-Hope grunts in disagreement but stands up to walk out the room.

— At least I hope that Alpha girl puts on a good show tonight, I don't want to waste my time in others but Lambda.

— Hoba — Namjoon calls the inner guy that's left from the mafia standing beside the door. — Please, behave and be careful with whatever you or Jack do, okay?

— Copied, Namjoon-ah~

Hoba, the nickname given to Hoseok, or better said J-Hope, during childhood days. This man leaves the place and walks across the hall towards his own office. He wasn't planning on going out tonight, but since the mission has been assigned, he's thinking of enjoying the night in one of the best places he could ever ask for: a Casino.

Five hours later, he's driving his Benz towards the so called "Rabbit Hole", in his black suit with an interesting light blue bow tightened to his neck. He stopped in a parking lot close to the casino, where his partner is supposed to be waiting for him.

— Hope.

Clicking sounds got closer to him and for one second, he held a light of happiness. But as soon as the body that carried those red heels became visible for him, that happiness turned into disgust.

— It's J-Hope, Alpha, not Hope.

She sensed the rejection to her persona from two steps back, and she knows why: He wanted to work with Lambda; but there was something interesting Lambda told her about Hoseok, so she wanted to confirm it and his rude behavior won't stop her from succeeding in both missions tonight.

— J-Hope, then.
— Correct.
— Let's not make your torture longer and get to the real thing. — She suggested and starts walking out of the parking lot toward the casino two blocks from there.

It surprised J-Hope a little that the girl seemed unfazed by his rudeness, but tried not to show it and just walked faster to get to Alpha's pace.

In front of the entrance, Alpha linked her arm with the man's to enter, while he showed the entrance tickets. Both made it to the entrance without much trouble but Alpha didn't let go of J-Hope's arm, instead, she whispered to his ear.

— Let's get a drink and wait a little to start playing. We may need to win couple of games to get the owner's attention.

Hoseok just nodded, and guided the girl to one of the tables in the corner, where they're able to see everything and everyone with their every movement.

The champagne arrived gastly to their hands and when the second glass touched Alpha's lips, J-Hope threw his first question.

— Why don't you allow Lambda to date me?
— That's what she told you?
— Not that she articulated that but I know she meant it.
— Or perhaps, she's not interested in you.
— You know nothing about her.
— And you do? Remind me, what's her main goal in this life?
— Get married.

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora