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This is an image Y/N can't handle. Her legs and hands are shaking furiously, so she forces herself to press her thighs together and her hands to cage around Jimin's wrists.

His arms are sneaked around her waist, and his heavy lips are attending to the needy warmth of her neck.

She doesn't mind about her breast fully exposed on the mirror or how wrong is what she's allowing Jimin to do, she's just focused on the warmth provided by his lips and the stinging sensation of the the tip of the dagger digging into the flesh of her inner thigh.

— We should be careful with the fabric and the pins on it, right?

Jimin says as his fingers full of jewelry ran delightfully over Y/N's arms, freeing them from the sleeves, later running over her waist, hips and the start of her thighs to make the fabric pool over her feet.

— Oh, and what is this? — Jimin said when he caught on the black garter belt on Y/N's thigh. — Did you really think about attacking me at some point? — He whispers as his right hand gets in between her thighs to take the dagger out of the garter.

— It is for defense, not attack. — She managed to answer over her breath.

— Good thought... — He analyzes the dagger under the light but without moving away from the heat of her body. — But I won't hurt you today. — The same dagger on his hand is used to cut the sides of her panties, so now she's fully naked under an elegantly dressed Jimin, showing who's the one with the upper hand.

The dagger is thrown to a side, the sound of the metal hitting the floor makes Y/N shiver under Jimin's arms.

— Y/N. — Jimin calls out for her to meet his gaze through the mirror. When she does so, his smile grows to the kindhearted one she knows. — You're so beautiful... — His hand goes to cage her jaw tightly, forcing her to turn to a side to face him. — I'd love to be as pretty as you one of these days.

The anticipation eats her alive as she feels Jimins breath fanning over her lips and when those velvety lips lock with hers, Y/N allows her mind to be consumed by the dark haze in the same tone as Jimin's eyes.

The kiss has a particular rhythm, one that, of course, Jimin is leading, and Y/N doesn't mind at all; even if she's feeling as if the man is stealing her essence with that intimate touch.

The kiss seems to never end, as Jimin leaves her lips for a couple of seconds to breathe but immediately comes back to eat her again.

The uncomfortable position of her turned body becomes impractical for Jimin, thus, one hand tangles in the bun of her hair while the other goes to fold her right breast tantalizingly.

Her mouth is pasted to his all time, otherwise, she'd be moaning loudly with every fiery touch that he bestows on her.

— Who would've thought, huh? — Jimin speaks over her mouth before coming back to the kissing session. — You're their wet dream, but... — He starts to walk towards the wall mirror until her back bumps into it. — Look where you are.

Abruptly, the man pulls from one of her arms, so Y/N's body stays plastered in the mirror, the coldness of the material sending shivers through all her body to her core.

— Let's hurry the process cause' someone's waiting for us...

Jimin takes her hand in his and insert the fingers of both hands into the half-opened mouth of the girl; the wet muscle doing its job until he decides it is enough wetness on their fingers.

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now