[ Mental mess ]

206 23 16

The bruise on her right shoulder disappeared a week ago, and the small cut caused by the tip of her own dagger now looks like a small mole in her inner thigh.

Though, from time to time, her mind wanders around the memory of her shaking legs while she walked towards the car and the relieving feeling of her whole body when she reached her peak. Her hands sweat every time she remembers it.

Is this what Jungkook feels when he thinks of her?

Surely not.

She breathes out in front of her mirror, like letting go of those sinful thoughts before coming back to reality and fixing the elegant low bun she has combed her hair in.

— It is a real shame I won't be enjoying this sight tonight...

A voice complains inside her bedroom. Until now, she remembers Haruchiyo was there, helping her get dressed.

— Your presence itself would've been enough eye-catching for them to realize we're intruders. — He sighs dramatically. — And your presence here in the HQ is crucial... I want you to check up on the whole building and over the kids, remember?

— I remember. — Sanzu rolls his eyes. — But you know what's the worst thing of all this? They'll be seeing you, not me!

Alpha laughs. — Stop making your tantrums, and let's go see the twins. I gotta leave in ten.

The man stands up from the vanity chair and walks until he stops in front of the lady in a white dress.

— You have your knife with you?
— I do.
— And your phone charged?
— I do.
— And-
— Imma be okay, Haru! And if something gets out of control... You'll be the first one to get in the car and save me, don't ya? — She asks to reassure the thoughts he already has in mind.
— I will.
— Then there's nothing to worry about. C'mon.

The leader and his follower travel to the next floor, where the computer room is installed. Knocking firmly on the door to be welcomed by the two identical looking boys wearing matching pajamas.

— Welcome, boss! — Caín opens the door farther for both adults to get in.

— Sorry to keep you awake, guys. — Alpha ruffle the curls of one of them.
— It's alright~ We really want to be part of it. We'll give our best, Ma'am.
— Fine, then I'm leaving the HQ all relaxed now that I know I'll leave Sanzu in good hands, right? — She jokes, winking at the younger ones.
— We promise to have everything under control! — Abel says while he fixes a pearls bracelet on Alpha's wrist.

— Okay, now remember not to get too comfortable with the target, kay'? — Alpha says referring to Taehyung, the one who they are teaming up with tonight.
— We won't. — Both answers simultaneously.
— Great, then I'm leaving now.

Y/N ruffles both twins' hairs, then she walks out of the room and towards the entrance, followed closely by Sanzu.

At the entrance awaits a black car she's seen already, but before asking the owner's name, he comes out from the driver's side to open the passenger's door.

— I'm driving with him? — Y/N asks between confused and worried.

— Driving only their cars averts the attention away from you... I also heard he pleaded his computer guy to team him up with you.

The lady watches from her peripheral, the man in an elegant black tuxedo waiting for her.

— If you feel uncomfortable, I'll get you a separate car.
— No, no... — She takes a second look to the man leaning in the car. — I was registered as Mrs. Kang, so surely I'm his couple for tonight and if Mrs. Kang arrives in a different car...
— Story not credible enough.
— Exactly... I'm leaving now, Haru. See you later. — She hugs him shortly to then start walking towards the man on the sidewalk.

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