[ Second death ]

143 13 3

— The dress is completely secured, Ma'am.

Lambda steps away from me after tightening the straps over my waist. I can't help but stare at the mirror.

— Would you like to wear the gloves? — Omega, who's also here assisting me, offers.

— No. — I check out the back of the dress. — I need to work with my bare hands.

— Here are the shoes. As you can see- — Lambda shows the sole of the black heels, where her daggers are perfectly hidden. — They're ready.

— Good. — I gesture Lambda to put them down so I can put them on, fastening them myself over my ankles.

— This is what Beta got you for your hair. — Omega shows a thin box, where a simple black kanzashi with golden details is shown. He is a good man, but he's always had a questionable taste in fashion. — He thought you might think of it as simple, but he said this is elegant and sharp, so...

— Haruchiyo... — I can't avoid sighing in disappointment. — It's... okay. Just help me get a half ponytail with it.

I had time before putting the dress on, to do my makeup, so now that the outfit is complete, a knot on my throat appears.

— It's weird not to see you with a dark eyeshadow, but glitter really fits you, Alpha. — Omega smiles through the mirror so I can forget about my throat issue.

— That's true, Ma'am. The red lipstick matches perfectly. — Lambda adds from the other side of the reflection.

— Thank you, ladies. Now that I'm ready, give me a second to collect my... stuff. I'll meet you in the twins' den.

— Sure. — Both women answer and bow at the same time, and I forget about them as I focus on fixing the straps over my shoulders. I hear the door close.

As I'm spraying perfume over my body, a voice interrupts the silence of the room

— You're not going with that hair, are you?

The voice comes out irritated, contrary to the hand movements that undo my poor hairstyle and start to comb my brown hair with gentle, calloused fingers.

I jumped in place at first, but after watching the man's doings through the mirror, I calm myself down.

— Didn't know you knew how to style hair, Suga-ssi.

Suga, who's collecting my hair in a low elegant bun, smiles a little without looking at me.

— Maybe you won't believe this, but all of the tough men in the Red Tails I knew, were a bunch of bitches that wanted to get their hair braided before every encounter. Guess who tied up their hair.

I chuckled at the thought of wild men worrying about their looks, then something shiny red was put in my head to keep the hair together.

The golden kanzashi that resembled a flower gave the extravagant detail to my looks for tonight.

— What with-
— Pretty and sharp, just how you needed it, didn't you?

— Of course, you eavesdropped my conversation with Beta. — I complained as, at the same time, I contemplate the beauty of the hair accessory.

— I needed to get my jacket. You just speak too loud. — He rolled his eyes, but I caught his ears turning red. — You saved me that time and... — He speaks in a low tune, audible enough because of his proximity. — I don't... I'm still indebted to you, so I made this- — He stopped himself when his face started to turn red. — Take it as my payment or whatever. — He started to walk out of the room. — Don't die.

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now