[ With my thug ]

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— Pink will do the job.

Alpha said while fixing the back of Lambda's dress. The latter is having a - bussines - date with J-Hope.

— If you say this dress will let me be efficient with my job, then I'll wear it, Miss.

The determined black eyes of the subordinate shined at the thought of helping her boss. She's not interested in the guy, she's interested in being useful for the mission.

— To complete this mission is necessary you look good.
— Thanks for choosing the dress, Miss.
— No problem.... Just make sure he talks a lot, and mainly about interesting things for us.
— I'll do, Miss.

The ladies bid goodbye; boss walking towards her own office to get ready for her own mission this same night: raid on the abandoned property that supposedly belonged to the Ivanov.
Lamda walks towards the stairs to the reception floor for her date tonight.

Alpha plainly trust Lambda, that's why she has no surveillance, no hidden cameras nor mics so J-Hope can fully trust her and talk his mind out.

She got on the car specially chosen for her, a simple black range rover, and drove away towards the casino she was invited.

She was welcomed by great yellow lights with "항상" written on top.

Her car was parked by the service and she was walked to the hall, security inspecting her and her belongings from head to toe. This surely must be an important casino... an illegal one... or both.

Once they were sure she meant no harm, they allow her to enter to the main room, where her eyes catch the glimpse of some gambling games and much more people around, wasting their money and lifes to the fake sensation of victory. The great phrase painted on the main wall said "항상 with my thug, right?", she almost chuckled at the metaphor of them enjoying their time in the same activity that would lead them to ruin, to death even.

Though, this is an usual image for her. Her job being the same thing as the one J-Hope deals with in here, and even on a larger scale since her places belonged to the greatest cities in Korea and Japan.

Just as she's about to give the first step farther, a voice comes from the back, in a playful - almost mocking - tone.

— Just a second here and you decided to play? What a naughty lady~

She turned around to find the male in gray suit, white hair perfectly combed back and a black napkin adorning his pocket.

— I'm not into playing, I was actually going for a drink. Good night, J-ssi.

Hoseok giggled at the short of his nickname and answered back — Night, Lambda-ssi. Lemme get that drink for you.

He offered his arm for her to hold, and she did. Now the couple walking towards the bar at the bottom of the room.

— Something sweet for the lady and some whiskey for me.

She didn't complain about the drink, just kept on looking carefully at her surroundings.

Once with drinks in hand, they started walking slowly to the boss's private office. But a little voice inside Hoseok's mind appeared, speaking louder at each step given.

"Play... C'mon play... Go for the win..."

Hoseok couldn't help it.

— What are the odds... — Lambda turned her face towards the man who held her hand. — ... Of you winning the next round in the roulette?

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now