[ Her first death ]

175 20 12

The officer uniform feels oddly heavy as I wear it, and even heavier the golden plaque as I place it over the left side of my chest. I ignore the sensation, and instead, I try to drink on the whole experience I'm having today.

I left my house once the first ray of sun painted the dark sky in a tint of orange and chose to walk all the way to the Metropolitan Police Agency of Seoul, even if it took me 73 minutes walking in a rather slow pace.

I arrived last at the usual meeting the superior in charge of our unit gives whenever something tragic happens. With the most stealthy movements I have, I took a seat at the back of the room under the attentive eyes of the four men gathered there.

— Y/N, good morning. — The superior said in a soft tone, almost as if he was scared of me breaking down with the slightles action. — I hope you are feeling better today.

— Good morning. —  I'm not breaking down about that, of course. — I'm fine, thanks for worrying, sir.

— Alright, then let's start the meeting with a quick resume of last nights events. We talked to the officers who were supposed to watch over you two and, mostly, make the arrest of the man. It was totally unprofessional of them to leave you two alone to deal with...

My mind drifted off from the talk to the pair of dark eyes staring intensively at me. There is Kogami Shinya watching me from the front-row chair he chose, blinking so slow that it makes me think he is silently asking something.

— ... So if you're okay with that, that's gonna be the only tasks for today. Okay? — The superior looks around the room to get an answer.

— Yes, sir. — Everyone but me answer to the old man, I'm too paralized by Kogami's eyes on me as he hasn't left my eyes a second.

— Well, then that'll be all for today. You're dissmised.

Everyone stands up, ready to leave and complete the little tasks assigned for today. My body reacts on its own and walks directly towards Shinya.

— What are we doing today, again? — I ask him once I reach his side.

— Vehicle mulct. Are you okay? — He passes one of his long fingers over the patch I substituted last night's big bandage with.

— Yeah, why?

— You weren't even paying attention to the old man. — He keeps his fingers on my hair, combing some of the bleached locks that fall free over the sides of my face.

— You were staring at me. How am I supposed to deal with that? — I asked in a low tone as I turned around to scape from the warmth creeping up my face.

— Oh. — I don't give him any time to answer.

— Let's just get those mulcts done.

We're supposed to wait in some big crossroads to catch any offending car that dares to break the rules, but the first hour goes by slowly. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket. It's around 11 in the morning, so the boss' meeting might have ended already. I ignore the call, but it reminds me of something: This is my last day here.

— Ko. — He looks away from the road to look at me. — Let's stop this and just put mulcts on every parked car around here.

He frowns. — That's... not illegal, but... isn't that rude?

— Ko, we gotta give 30 of these, — I shake the tickets on my hand. — And only one dude has committed an infraction. At this speed, we're ending tomorrow. — I whine. — C'mon~ Well, finish fast, and then I'll invite you lunch, what about that?

He alternates his sight between the cars and me, then sighs loudly.

— We had a rough day yesterday, so... I guess a little mischief won't hurt anyone, right?

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin