[ Poor you ]

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I woke up from a dreamless sleep, but I didn't open my eyes. I opted for identifying my surroundings with the rest of my senses before anything else.

I'm in a room with no particular scent, just the soft remains of some perfume. I caress the sheets covering my body, and the fabric becomes familiar. I'm in my room.

I glup discreetly, and my throat feels dry, but that means I haven't had a drink or bite from the time being. Finally,  I hear only my slow breathing. I'm alone then.

I finally open my eyes, sitting up on the bed at the same time. The room is empty, feels lonely, and my head hurts as if a heavy hammer would be hitting constantly the same spot on my forehead.

I need some meds.

I place my bare feet on the cold floor. It sends me shivers, but just when I try to step up, my legs give in, and I fall. The sound of my body hitting the floor alerts someone outside my room who enters at the speed of light.

— Y/N! Dammit...

It's Sanzu, who picks me up and gets me back to bed.

— You should've called me... I was just outside the door... — He speaks in a low voice, almost as if he didn't want to be heard. And he avoids my eyes as he covers me back with the sheets.

— My head hurts.

He leaves me in the bed and goes to the nearest drawer, getting some meds from there. He offers me a pair of pills and a glass of water that was already on the nightstand.

— Hope you don't mind that we cleaned you up... I was the one who put you on pijamas, though.
— We?
— Jimin, the doctor... And I, of course.


— Thank you.
— I'm sorry.

I haven't seen him give a full 90-degree bow in so long that now seeing him like this gives me goosebumps.

— Straighten up. What are you talking about?
— I fail to protect your wellness. — He doesn't move. — I knew that man was a threat for Alpha and for you, Y/N... I should've done the job instead, avoiding you all this pain. I'm so sorry, Alpha.

Avoid all this pain.

— Straighten up, Beta. — He slowly lifts his head. — This was a job I, and only I could do. Stop talking nonsense.

— Sorry. — He gave one last quick bow before taking the glass from my hands and placing it back over the nightstand. — There's a team ready to clean up the evidence whenever you command to. I will personally go to supervise their job so you can be sure it is done neatly.

— No. — I slowly drag my legs to the edge of the bed. — Help me get into the shower so I can go bury that body myself.
— Alpha, I do not recommend you to-
— Do as I say, Beta. — I glare at him. It takes only a harsh glare for him to lower his head and obey. — Leave Omega in charge while I'm gone. There's a shipment that needs to be done today, so she'll be in charge.
— I'm not going with you, Ma'am? — He asks a little terrified of my answer.

— No. — I walk hardly toward the bathroom. — Call the doctor... JM... He'll be going with me.

— The doctor? — He clears his throat. — From the bunch of traitors?

— Are you high or why are my instructions not clear enough for you, Beta? — He cleans his nose in sign of had inhaled something earlier.

— No, it's just that-
— Then do as I say.

I force my legs to drag me to the shower as I hear the door get closed behind me.

I'll call Lambda, — Sanzu said behind the door. — so she can pick an appropriate outfit.

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ