[ Doctor ]

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— One of you needs to go and identify the woman. JM would be the one asking the questions.

Seokjin, the Commander, sits in front of four individuals: RM, Beta and Alpha, who participated in the last mission, and JM doctor who would be in charge of interrogating the woman in the hospital.

— Beta won't go. — RM looked at Alpha, waiting for her approval.
— You can't go Sanzu. It is too easy to identify you.

He rolled his eyes. — I'm staying here because you ordered it, not because he said it.

— Fine, then one of you needs to go. — Seokjin points at the leaders.

— You're still injured, I should go. — RM again talks to Alpha. Sanzu is looking at her too, but that's to avoid the other man seeing how he imitates his words funnily.

— Let Alpha-ssi go. — JM speaks. — I can get her inside the hospital in a wheelchair. Easier than taking you with me and risking the mission because the woman recognized you.

Nobody was sure about that, except...

— Okay. That sounds like a safer option. — Alpha, who likes to risk her life as if her title was a superpower and not just a nickname.

— Boss. — Beta looked at her. — Your wound's still healing, remember?
— It's okay, Beta. Plus... There were some points I didn't tell you that night because it got a little out of control, but she might know where they keep the girls they buy from "The Cage". She mentioned something about "The new girls will visit here to learn some moves"... Things like that, so I'd like to be there and hear what she has to say.

— It is decided, then. — JM stood from his seat and extended a ha for Alpha to take. — May we go now, boss?


This enclosure in front of them wasn't a simple hospital. Multiple buildings stand before them, each with a different medical specialty written big in white letters.

— I sometimes work over there. — JM pointed to a building with the "Psychology & Psychiatric" sign over the big doors. — But my job is mainly private attention.

— I see. — Alpha is seated in a wheelchair being pushed by Jimin, in formal clothing and a white coat. She's wearing a pair of blue jeans and an oversized white t-shirt; her left leg wears a splint to simulate an injury. This is the most normal outfit all of the teams have seen her wearing. — And she's in Internal Medicine. She's been monitored there since she woke up from the induced coma.

— But she can answer questions and all?
— Yeah. Colleagues say she's lucky the bullet nor the broken bone didn't touch important blood vessels. Now she's as good as new.
— Wow.

She has never heard the side stories of the people that survived the storm Alpha brings to people's lives. She decided to leave her alive, yes; but when she hears this story from a more humanistic perspective, it becomes a hard pill to swallow.

— I bet your face might trigger some memories in her, so I'd prefer to leave you resting on the contiguous bed so you can hear it all without bothering the woman. Is that okay with you? — He has bent from behind the chair to her shoulder, where she can clearly hear his words and additionally smell that sweet cologne and refreshing breath.

— Yes. Let's do it.

The IM building has a particular smell, not totally disgusting but either enjoyable. That's a smell only the ones working in the healthcare industry know how to tolerate. That's something Alpha learned once her nostrils came in contact with the ambiance.

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant