[ Where have you been ]

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RM visited Suga last night to check up on his injuries, but he found a desperate Yoongi trying to stand up and go have a "serious talk with her"; or that's what he said.

He's also worried about what Kitty had to say about the girls. Seokjin arrived home earlier today, so RM asked his brother to company him to ask Alpha about the issue.

That's why both men are standing before the door of her imposing office, files on hands to keep the act of lawyers.

— Knock the door. Are you gonna stay staring at it until the end of her shift or what? — Seokjin said, looking at his brother lost in thoughts.

The younger Kim knocks on the door and a soft "What?" is heard from the other side.

— The case of a homewrecker has arrived at our hands. — RM says, reading the first lines of the files.

— That does not fall within my jurisdiction. Look for the ones in the following department. — Alpha answers from inside her office.

— It's not... It's us, Miss. Please.

Seokjin decides to break in the conversation.

The door opens in the next minute, they just can meet Alpha's face when she sits on her big swivel chair and the other two across her desk.

— The sunglasses... — RM repaired on it.

She's wearing dark sunglasses even if she's inside her office, and of course, she has a huge bottle of water beside her.

That talk of last night left her knocked out in Sanzu's arms while he tried to properly drive home, even if he had one or two little pills before starting the night. Luckily, they are alive.

— Must've been a hard night. — Seokjin says with a hint of sarcasm.

— It was, indeed. — The rage of the information she just got was evident in her tone.

— Because of the talk with Kitty? — RM again.
— Yeah, exactly... But what do you want right now? I'm busy with this paperwork.

The horrible sensation of her own blood pounding on the blood vessel walls inside her head makes her slowly work on the papers in front of her desk.

— To talk about that meeting. — RM left the files aside to stare directly at her.

She stops her task to look at RM through the sunglasses.

— They bought the last girl three weeks ago. Seven in total. Not eight like we heard in the strip club.
— But they said 8 girls would arrive there.
— Yeah, there's something fishy.
—Did you get the girls' profiles? — Seokjin asks, but she shakes her head.

— Getting only the names meant paying a high price and, as you can tell...

Both men stay silent, knowing she refers to the weird episode JK is going through.

— Then what are you planning on doing if there's no more info? — Commander asks, knowing she likes to be a step ahead of them.

— I've got the date and place of their so-called "Revelation Party"... September the 20th, at "Le p'tit Castle" just outside Busan.

— We're breaking in? — The Kim brothers ask at the same time.

— No way! — She chuckles. — We'll be invited to that party so you better get a nice tuxedo. I'll have the three boys to get our names in that guest list.

— After that showdown in the gym is not a good idea to just break in... — Seokjin analyzes the current decision. — Guess "being invited" is the best thing to do.

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