[ In danger ]

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She's wearing a short lilac dress with her long hair carefully combed back, but she's not going on a mission.

She just wants to know what has J-Hope been doing in the past week to start her personal research about who could be the traitor.

A traitor has no place in her team since she has a special team dedicated to following all those suspicious doings inside the organization itself and finally liquidate those traitors.

The prime suspects are the Bangtan leaders, who are the only ones with enough information about her and the Russians to divulge it like Kitty got to know.

And that's how she ended boarding the spectacular sports car that belongs to Dr. Park.

— Get comfortable, Miss. It's not a long ride, but I'd like you to enjoy the whole adventure.

That club was in the brightest center of the city, a two-floor building standing proud in whites and blues.

— "Airline"? — Alpha reads the name out loud when Jimin has opened the door for her, extending out a hand so she can neatly go down.

— All those names have meanings, but it is up to him to tell them... C'mon, it looks better from the inside. — He said to make Alpha walk beside him.

The queue was quite long and it was only 7 p.m., night life usually starts at 10 in those kinds of places.

A single big smile of JM was enough for the couple to get in without problem nor further questions.

—  As you can see, it is huge from the inside, and the VIP floor is just so cool~

Alpha watches in awe the packed ground floor. As if a landing track she was watching, the floor is lightened with white lines. There are no tables, but on the sides are rooms named after common international destinations, the names in red or white lights, maybe indicating which rooms are occupied. The bar is at the end of the landing track, and the DJ is on the opposite side, blasting modern hits.

— Come, come! This is not our floor~

Jimin whispers in Alpha's ear while his fingers tangled with hers to make her go upstairs.

As they go up, she watches detailed the upper floor that hangs in the middle of the huge building. It is shaped in an airplane form, lit from below, but now that she's stepping on the entrance, she sees a different world.

Flashing lights in red and green blind Alpha for a second, but the soft hand of the man that brought her there still pulls from her hand to mix within the dancing bodies.

People kissing, drinking, and rubbing their bodies together is the only visible thing on the floor. There's a small bar that serves only full bottles of different liquors. Over the counter, there are some people inhaling white lines.

JM stops in the middle of the dancing floor.

— What? — Alpha shouts over the table.
— Let's catch J's attention, okay?
— J's?

JM spins her around so her back is pasted on his chest as his hands hold firmly her waist.

— Tell me when I go too far.

He whispered over her neck as if she would get a clearer idea of his plans if his lips touched her soft skin.

His hips skillfully move in circles, and her hips follow his. Her hands are awkwardly balled in fists in front of her chest, as if she has never danced like that.

She has done this, and way more tantalizingly than right now. But the fact that her intention wasn't to be seductive makes her shiver under the proximity of such a body like the one Jimin owns.

𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now