[ Houndog ]

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The car parks carelessly just in front of the biggest building in the middle of Seoul's downtown: Police Agency's one.

It was Kogami Shinya, the one who got out of the car and ran directly to the lift to get on the last floor, where the International Affairs office was. As the door of the lift opens, the yellow "KEEP OUT" tape welcomes the inspector.

— Inspector! — One of the officers working a few floors down receives Kogami. — Sorry we called you so suddenly, but this is horrific...

— Let's see what happened. — Shinya, with his characteristic calm, said as he lifted the yellow tape and walked towards the one that's his office.

— A guy who pressumed being new in your team got here, with some files on hand, that's the thing we identified as the explosive devise...

The explosion was considerably big, as the large wooden table for the team meetings was thrown to the side, most of the chairs were upside-down and the rest of the things inside were dusted by the powder remains of the explosive.

—  Officer Sa was here when it exploded, but since the suspect attacked him before activating the explosicve, he couldn't say much about the suspect... Sa is okay, though.

— Glad to hear that. — Kogami answers, almost non-interested. He keeps wandering around to look for any extra evidence the rest of the team might miss while scanning the room. — Where's the suspect?

— Gone. We think he might have used the emergency exits to leave the building without being seen.

— You have no clues to follow. — The inspector doesn't ask but confirms.

— No, Inspector.

— Knew it. — He mumbles. — Analyze the remaining powder, I want to know what kind of explosive was used... I also want to watch your security cameras and- — Kogami stops in front of a stain of blood over a small file cabinet. — Whose blood is this?

The lower-rank officer looks confused. — Uhmm... Officer Sa's blood? They fought before the perpetrator made the file explode. It could be Sa's blood.

Kogami crouches down when something lighter than the blood and the carpet's color catches his eye. There's a card small enough to be confused with a post-it note and dirtied enough to be camouflaged within the mess inside the room.

— There. — He whispers. He doesn't pick the card immediately, though, but turns to the officer beside him. — Take a sample of the blood over the file cabinet and give it to the analyzing team quickly.

Once with the blood sample, the officer leaves Kogami alone so he can pick the card without unwanted witnesses. From the side Kogami picked it, it could be read a single letter И, he knows it is a Russian one since he's been studying that old case from 2008. On the reverse side, though, lay a rather personalized message.

"She's mine, Inspector" was read in printed letters.

That is crucial evidence, but if there's something Kogami likes about his job, it is private research.

He takes a handkerchief from his jacket and carefully covers the card with it, later keeping the evidence in his back pocket.

Kogami leaves the office and decides to visit the security cameras room, where there are already two more police men analyzing the recordings.

— Good evening, gentlemen. What did you find?

— Evening, Inspector. — Both men answer.

— There's this young guy that visited the building, but we didn't see him leaving.

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