[ Business partners ]

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The place that stood proudly in front of the men in expensive suits was a law firm. The "Blind Justice Law Firm", Y/L Sieon's Law Firm.

The bureaucrat was a former lawyer, well-received by the government. The law firm was known as the best in the city. After Sieon's disappearance, Chung Seojoon, co-founder of the law firm and Sieon's best friend got in charge of the place all alone.

At the end of the day, the "Blind Justice Law Firm" was the perfect facade for the real Y/L business, her daughter knew it well.

The men made their entrance in pairs. First Suga and JK, discreetly armed to the teeth. Then JM and V, the first one with that sparkling Channel earring and the second with the first dressing shirt buttons undone; both seemed more interested in the office environment rather than the mission itself. Behind them, the advisor and J-Hope, Seokjin finally left those military pants and got to wear a fancy suit, meanwhile, Hoseok couldn't leave that black dice that always wanders his hand. At the end of the line was RM, seemingly more collected than the guys walking in front of them but always with that frightening aura around that warned the intruders not to mess with any of them because he'd end lives in the snap of his fingers.

He stood in front of the counter, and the lady in her 40s immediately smiled kindly at the boss.

- Good morning, gentlemen. How may I help you?

- I have an appointment with Mr. Pascal Blaise. - He said just as the boss lady sent in her message, he's praying for it not being a joke to make them look dumb.

- Who's looking for him?
- Mr. Jeon Jungkook, Deorsum. - He stated with a serious look and the receptionist nodded once, like satisfied with the answer.

- Wait here for a minute, please. I need to make a quick call. - And the woman stands up from her chair, not taking the phone to her left but walking towards the cabin behind her and closing the door before making the call.

- Gentlemen, please follow me. I'll walk you to the waiting room - She said after the call, walking in front of the men towards the east wing - Mr. Pascal will meet you in three minutes.

As the BTS's leaders walk down the hallway, RM breathes out heavily, like letting go of some built-up tension.

- What was it? - V heard him sighing and got a bit worried

- I- I've been here before... as a law clerk but never imagined these kinds of business inside this Law Firm - RM said scratching the back of his neck in distress. Taehyung immediately remembered Namjoon had a life out of the mafia boss title and that send shivers down his body. This might be a sign of the danger they're in.

V doesn't have enough time to think of reassurance words as they've already reached the waiting room, which seemed more like a small library with all that bookshelves.

Not only the biggest laws in the country but also books about politics, maths, history, and even arts were displayed around the shelves.

- What are the possibilities... - At the well-known question, everyone snaps towards Hoseok's voice, now in J-Hope's character, dragging them all to the mystical world of gambling - ... that one of these books is a secret door?

RM and Suga rolled their eyes almost at the same time, knowing J-Hope loves to play with people's minds. The Commander chooses to sit on the single desk in the room and become a viewer.

On the other hand, the youngest guys in the room perked up at the question, eyes shining with a playful sparkle at the thought of a secret door hidden by one of those boring books. Thus, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin started to pull, one by one, every single one of the books on the different shelves waiting for something magical to happen.

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