[ First new meeting ]

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I was the one who drove like a maniac towards our headquarters, not Beta nor RM.

I poorly parked in the underground parking and chose the stairs to arrive at the clinic we had in there.

I opened the door with a tud to find a sleeping woman and two men talking comfortably between whispers.

Omega is asleep in one of the hospital-like beds, and Haruka is sitting on another. Seokjin is sitting beside him in a chair, talking effusively with my brother.

— Ru! — I can't help but shout his nickname as I run towards him, hugging him tightly. He sneaked an arm around my back as the other supports our weights so we don't collapse over the bed. — I'm so glad you're okay, bastard.

The pit of my stomach has that horrible sensation of a hard cry, but my eyes can only close tightly, no tears running down my cheeks.

— I missed your little bossy ass too, little queen.

He goes to kiss my temple, and I take it as a sign to let go of him.

— What was damaged? — I asked him.
— My leg. — He points to the bandaged thigh of him, a little red spot peeking from it. — My mind, I guess. And her. — He pointed to the asleep girl.

— Was she sedated, or...
— Yes. — Seokjin, who sat beside the bed, clarified. — She couldn't stop crying when she woke up in the middle of our ride back here, saying she left her brother to die in Ivanov's hands. — Haruka and I exchanged looks. Bet "the brother" thing was about him. — I needed to make her stop hurting herself. — He pointed to her bandaged arms.

— Thanks, Commander. — I nod at him.
— I'll leave you to catch up, and I'll wait for a later report on the eventful night. I'll have my team to prepare one, too.

Seokjin left the place, dragging his brother with him since he was peeking from the doorframe beside Sanzu.

Once the Bangtan leaders left, Sanzu made his way towards us after closing the door, making sure to greet Haruka with a loud handshake.

— I'm glad you're alive, brother. — Haruchiyo smiled at my brother, his diamond-shaped scars twisting in the process.

— Thanks for taking care of the little bossy queen. — My brother smiled back.
— Always a pleasure. — Sanzu said, this time smiling for me.

— What happened there, Ru?
— I was kidnapped, obviously~ — His goofy self showing now that he felt safe. — They kept me captive in a dark room, no question, no food, nothing. That was maybe for a whole week, not sure. — I placed a hand over his knee in a reassurance gesture. — I'm okay, thank you. — He smiled at me before continuing. — Then they got me on a weird cage. Like the one for a bear. This time, they fed me but with little amount of food, and after three days, they brought Omega in front of me. In a cage similar to mine, but we were always guarded in case we exchanged any information.

— Did you? — I asked.
— No. Well, partially.
— How come?
— Alexei Ivanov. That kid of your first ever mission is the one hunting Alpha. — He confirmed what we already knew. — That bastard asked from time to time things about our family and our organization. He apparently thinks our father is Alpha and that he is keeping you captive somehow. He's paranoid.

— Alpha keeps me captive? — I asked. Haruka nods. — I'm Alpha.

— I know. I told him he got the information wrong, but he hit me instead. — Haruka says with a hint of laughter. — He threatened to sell Omega as a prostitute, I would've liked to stop him, but, you know, organization's ethics... I let him be, and he used her as one of the presents he'd offer in his "big night" that somehow got ruined. — He wiggled his eyebrows. — That same last day he said he'll kill me in front of her so she would finally talk... I thought I'd die that night...

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