Chapter 28

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"Different Lives, Different Pains."

"don't forget to vote, comment, and share this chapter!" - nabi

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"don't forget to vote, comment, and share this chapter!" - nabi


Rose's POV

"How did you guys get so close?" he randomly asked me, while I gazed at him with the most confused eyes I could've given, not having a clue as to what he was saying.

"You and Jae, how did you guys become so close?"

"Oh, thanks to Taeyong's tactics, I needed someone to open up about all of my problems, he was that someone."

"I honestly feel kind of bad for him, as he had to deal with all of that stress I was giving him."

"I didn't realize it at that moment, but that stuff was also affecting him and I should've stopped, but to this very day, he still dares to tell me, straight in the face, that I helped him more than he had ever done to me."

"Was Taeyong your first ever serious relationship?"

"He was my first love and will probably be my last since I'll probably die in his hands before I have a chance to even start opening up like that." I tried to joke around the situation, but he instead just looked at me with these weird, pitiful eyes.

"Plus, what type of guy would date a girl with a crazy ex? Not even I would do such a crazy thing." he kept looking at me with such weird eyes, as I went on my funny tangent, which made me stop talking and just decided to continue following him.


"Are you going to tell me yet?! I'm starting to get hungry, you know!!!"

"No...I won't tell you until we arrive there."

"Then where are we going?! Are we there yet?!"


"I wanna leave...I knew I should've stayed home!! My feet hurt!!! Thanks to you now my feet hurt." I kept on nagging and nagging about how my feet hurt and how much I wanted to go home, trying to see if that was going to make him lose his patience and in term...just tell me what he wanted to say, but instead, he started to get fed up with my whining...and decided to the very logical thing to do was, to instead of just telling me and making me shut up, to just pick me up and carry me bridal style, like if I was a big baby or something!!

Sure I screamed and cried, but I was no baby!!!

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Carrying you."

"Don't sass me!! Get me down or I will report this to the police!!"

"Oh really? I never knew that carrying someone was illegal."

An Idol's Secret | SKZ Fanfic ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang