Chapter 43

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"Popcorn With A Pinch Of Drama."

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"don't forget to vote, comment, and share this chapter!" - nabi


While this was all happening, Rose still laying there, annoyed by the entire situation. She knew the answer to such a question already.

"Of course she does Hyunjin!! Wasn't it obvious enough for you?!"

"Gosh, it's like watching a drama, they're always so unknowing of everything..." she thought as she took in a deep sigh, knowing that this was about this be the biggest drama yet.

And she had to be emotionally prepared for that.

Dahyun didn't say anything and that silence was more than enough for Hyunjin.

"That's enough, I don't need to hear anything, he's right, I already understand."

"No Hyunjin..." she couldn't continue and she was even sure why she couldn't do so, only making him feel more agitated by the whole situation.

He clenched his jaw, he was starting to feel things that no one should feel, and think things that shouldn't be thought.

Betrayal and resentment rose to the roof the more he gazed upon her. No longer was sadness an option.

"I said, I didn't want to hear it, Dahyun. I don't want to hear your excuses anymore." he snapped, giving her such a dirty stare, that not even she could handle it. It felt as if the world had been twisted from inside and out.

How could she have ruined such perfection, with one touch? One kiss?

It was like a house of cards, one small touch, and it will come crashing down, with only resentment left after the great fall.

Rose's POV

This was getting very serious, very quickly, I was getting invested in this, where was the popcorn when you needed it the most?

Although I should've cared for my friend, who was in obvious danger, it didn't stop me from treating this as a drama and not an actual problem to solve.

At least, not at the time.

Out of nowhere, Taeyong grabbed his attention towards me again, pulling my chair back to its normal state.

I guessed that it was finally my turn, my part of the drama. Although I knew that I wasn't going to be able to beat that, I could still try.

Looking at him with disgust in my eyes, I tilted my head sideways, wondering what storm was coming my way.

The more I thought, the more I concluded that it was probably not going to be a good storm, I was more than sure of that.

He lifted my face, but I decided to move away, rolling my eyes in a bored manner, even resting my head on the chair, acting as if I wasn't going to sh*t my pants any second now.

Suddenly, he pulled my face down, HARD,  forcing me to make eye contact with him, as he ripped the tape off of my mouth, making me wince from the sudden pain.

The bulls*t we had to deal with, am I right?

"F*ck!! Thanks for almost ripping my lips off!!" I scoffed, looking around the room to see anyone's reaction to what had just happened to me, but no one said anything, no one did anything.

"No, no?  No one has anything to say?" I asked, questioning why there was this awkward silence in the first place.

Then I remembered, well Chan was still covered in duck tape and Hyunjin and Dahyun...well, you already know what happened back there.

"You done yet?" Taeyong asked, I could tell that he was slightly annoyed by the way I was acting towards him and this whole situation.

I smiled and said "No." he kept getting closer and closer to me, but I still decided to keep the front on.

"You don't scare me anymore, it's getting old you know." Oh, what a lie.

"Just get over it, it's been a year now. Do you know what you could've done with all that time? Hmm..let's see!!"

"Learn a new language, a new wasted a lot of time, don't waste anymore, you'll regret it, I promise you."

"I don't scare you anymore...?" he asked, seeming to ignore the grand speech of seeking help I had given him.

Of course, he would ignore my valuable advice that I gladly gave him, it wouldn't be Taeyong if he didn't listen to my advice and opinions.

At one point, he got so close that he already stood in front of me, having him face to face. His treacherous smile made my heart drop the moment I saw it.

To be completely honest with you, yes, I was scared of him, I think we already established the fact that I was just that great at acting.

"Yea...?" I wasn't exactly sure how to answer that question, making me sound a bit unsure and confused about my question.

"I don't scare you anymore?" he asked once more, this time giving me a malicious grin as if he knew that I was lying.

"Yes, I'm sure," I repeated once again, this time making myself seem more confident, trying to look as sure as I could make myself look.

He chuckled at my sureness when he suddenly pulled his gun and pointed it toward me, looking back at me with a dead expression on his face.

Taeyong had the choice to keep me alive or not, I had now realized that but I was stupid enough to keep testing him for the fun of it, playing with death itself.

Not knowing, or not wanting to realize, the fact that he was the one holding the gun and there was nothing I could do to stop him from shooting.

My confident smile was slowly fading, as he kept pointing it toward me, giving me such a cold expression, that no matter how hard I tried to squint my eyes, I could not see a hint of empathy.

Although it was obvious that he would not kill me, the fact of him still having and daring to point it at me, still to this day gives me shivers.

It felt as if I was gambling with my life, every single time I decided to step up against him, every time I decided to speak up.

My freedom, pride, and dream were much more important to me than my own life.

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