Chapter 61

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Everything felt unfair, everything felt like if it was going to explode, with such atmosphere that could kill someone from the embarrassment and emotions they would be feeling in such room like this one.

"Rose, listen to me, you have to come clean, you've been keeping quiet for too long now, you have to address this at one point." Tiffany said with conviction, as she kept patting Rose, who just stood there, in silence.

"Don't runaway from your problems, face them." that sentence stuck with Rose the most, what could she possibly do face them? Saying that she still had some feelings towards Jae would not solve anything, in her eyes at least. She believes that it would cause more agitation and stress towards Chan and Jaehyun.

And honestly, she didn't want Chan nor Jaehyun to win in this argument, she didn't want Chan to find out about her feelings towards him, nor did she want Jaehyun to ever find out that she likes him.

What she wanted to do was to just forget about these feelings, mind you that these feelings have been here for years, it was obvious that these feelings would not go away like the flu, there needed to be something, someone who drives her out of this.

That's why she looked towards Chan, someone from which she developed feelings rapidly, although she wished for it not to happen, but it did. She wished for her not love him as much as she does...but does it truly compare to how much she cares and loves Jaehyun?

I'll leave you with that question to answer, while with another question as well, just to keep you busy thinking for while.

A break, if you shall.

Would you face your problems or runaway? Two choices, one destiny.

I want you, to rather than believe the obvious answer, facing the truth, I want you to take into consideration the following:

Humans, have always have been and always will be, cowards. No matter how much you try to prove yourself, fear and the fear towards regret shall always be there lingering, whether you realize that or not.

To put it simpler, that doesn't necessarily mean its bad, but rather that it's the truth, the truth that you must face or runaway from, which in this case, is admitting your wrongdoings and thoughts.

I'd rather you chose now then wait for years to ignore/run away from such question that you shall always need to answer in your life, whether you like it or not.

Running, can be done physically or mentally. Why do we use our feet for such a wrong cause? Yet  you always choose that wrong cause, why is that?

Don't do such a grand mistake, that you'll fear and cower over.

"Please, just say it." Jaehyun begged, time kept ticking, as he was waiting so desperately for such answer.

Tick tock, clock's ticking. If you don't chose now...well you don't have much a choice, now do you Rose?

Rose's POV

"Oh, I can have a choice, I can make my own choice." I internally smirked as I grabbed Jae's hand and whispered towards his ear, but making it loud enough for at least Chan to hear:

"Wow, I can't believe this day came, you should've planned better Jae, instead of doing this." I hurriedly grabbed his hand and ran out the door, just like that I made the world's quickest yet most dramatic exit yet.

Will Guinness finally recognize me now?!

I could hear screams for my members and Chan's members, screams of confusion, of anger, there were many mixed emotions. I could hear things like:

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