Chapter 78

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Narrator's POV

"Eww!!" she started to cringe and scrunch her nosed, shaking her head in utter disappointment.

"Aww come on~~Don't act like you didn't like it~~" he nudged her shoulder, bugging her her over and over again about the joke by saying the same thing, over and over again.

"I can see you blushing~~~"

"Yea, from embarrassment!!" she kept laughing and smiling remembering the sentence, until randomly, someone kept calling Bang Chan. At first he decided to ignore it, yet it kept calling again and again, towards the point where he just couldn't ignore it.

He quickly excused himself while rolling his eyes, as Rose looked at him with a worried smile.

"Yes? Who is it?" there was a hint of irritation in his voice, feeling a bit upset at the sudden interruption that ruined the moment.

He kept listening towards what the person was telling, slowly glancing back at Rose with shocked eyes.

"What?! What is it?!" she whispered shout, while she started to bite her nails and fidget with anything she could get her hands on, this becoming a normal habit for her, doing this even when she wasn't nervous.

"Is that what he wants? Are you sure? Why would he want to see me?"

"Okay...we'll be there in around fifteen minutes." he hanged up and once he did, he turned around to find Rose stuffing her mouth with some pastry goods, staring at him with a cheeky smile.

"What?! I overeat when I get nervous!!"

"I didn't even leave you alone for a whole minute- you know what whatever, just get dressed."

"What?! What for?! My bunny pijamas look absolutely stunning for your information, so I don't get the deal of changing it!!"

"Jaehyun finally woke up and he's asking to see us, so hurry up because the doctor says it's urgent." her face turned into a disturbed and uncomfortable expression, gazing back at him with unbelievable eyes.

Rose's POV

Hearing those words absolutely broke me, I felt scared yet felt relieved at the same time; He was alive, but just thinking about him in such an unhealthy state, with tubes tied all around him and casts that covered his entire body. I just couldn't bare with myself if I saw him in such state.

Yet once I snapped back to reality, I quickly went towards my room and changed and once I finished, we both ran out of the door and luckily finding a taxi that was just passing by.

The car scene kept replaying in my head, it just couldn't seem to leave me alone anymore.

Everyone knew that this friendship of ours was never going to be the same, yet I just couldn't care anymore. He had hurt me and the person I loved and cared for the most. If he couldn't accept the fact that I loved such man, he should've left me alone since the very beginning.

And although I cared for him like I cared about my own family, I realized that was what was breaking us apart, was our closeness and our attachment to each other.

We both couldn't live without each other and this was what lowas tearing us apart and eating us from the inside.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital, we were told to sit down while they were dealing with other patients, so the only thing I could possibly do in that moment was text my members about these news.

F5 Groupchat

F5 Groupchat

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Idk this just looks better for me then just doing it in wattpad

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Idk this just looks better for me then just doing it in deal with it.

I looked over towards Chan, who just looked as nervous as me, yet still managed to open the door and as soon as he did, we could see Jae in a medical gown, with an IV strapped towards his arm.

We both sat down in silence, gazing up on a sickly man, a man who was dead to me already, giving me a smile from hell.

"I'm glad you two could come."

"How long have you been awake?" Bang Chan asked, with a serious expression, that had held no grudges.

"I woke up about ten hours ago, I'm sorry I didn't warn you guys sooner about my awakening."

"Jae...what were you thinking?! How could you do such a thing?! Did you really not see the car that was passing by?!" I yelled, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of tears my eyes so desperately tried to hide.

"I wasn't thinking anything in that moment, I didn't care about the consequences that you two might have suffered over the time I was in a coma and I'm sorry for that."

"I know what type of pain I've caused you both, that's why I wanted to go to you to apologize, but at last, I'm still too weak to even walk."

"Yet I don't regret anyways and I never will." those were the words that were basically screaming into my ear, just from the look on his face.

He reached out for my hand once again, looking at me with these glistening eyes of pain, grabbing onto my hand and intertwining it with his tightly, while slightly shaking.

"All I want in this life is for you to be happy and I know for that to happen, you must forget about me."

"Although it hurts, I now realize that I've been too selfish in keeping you all to myself, I need you to live your own life without of me."

"So just act as if I never existed, I know you'll be able to do it well."

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