Chapter 7

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"Miss Not-So-Independent."

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"don't forget to vote, comment and share this chapter!" - nabi


Although we had just suffered from that atrocity of an embarrassment, as well as the weird stares we would get every five minutes, my members were still keen on not leaving this party just yet.

Even though most had already left.

I turned towards my left, only to be faced with a drunken Dahyun and Chaeyong, with Chaeyong being our chauffeur (and the only one who had a driver's license at the time) that had driven us to this party in the first place, meaning that we had no absolute way of getting back to our dorm.

Frantically meeting eyes with Tiffany and Aby, who were both fully sober and scared, I let out a loud groan while pulling my hair in a moment of desperation.

"Why the f*ck did you have to get drunk now?! Chaeyong, I told you to stay sober for the night!!" I bitterly cried, as I hysterically walked around in circles, trying to think of something.

Until I accidentally bumped into something, a human, once more, the sudden impact taking me completely off guard, almost making me lose my balance.

Once I realized who it was, I immediately started to scream whatever shenanigans came up in my head, as I was weirded and creeped out by their sudden appearance.

"What the hell?! Again?! Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?!" Felix looked at me with an evil, cheeky smile, indicating that he was listening to our conversation.

"No...okay well, maybe."

"Don't you know it's rude to listen to other people's conversations!!" Aby scolded, glaring straight at his eyes while she had a huge frown on her face, still wondering what the f*ck we were going to have to do.

"We either have two options, one of us three drive and hope we don't get caught or crash into anything or walk our way home, which would be about three hours of walking without any break." continued Tiffany, ignoring or not caring of the fact that Felix was listening to every word we were saying.

We three tried our best to think of ways to get around this situation until it finally hit me. The most obvious solution to this problem, while we were all trying to come up with weird and unique ideas, this solution existed.

"Aby, Tiffany, how much money do you have on you?! Do you guys have your credit cards on you?!" we literally could've just ordered an "Uber" to drive us all home, and then worried about our car later.

"I have about three dollars and thirty-nine cents and I don't even have my credit card with me, I left it at home," Tiffany admitted in embarrassment, laughing at the chances of this happening to us, but still desperately hoping that one of us at least had some money on us or at least have our credit card on us.

"Didn't bring it either and I don't have any cash on me right now," I added, looking at the ground in absolute defeat, for the world had defeated me by a long shot.

"I do have my credit card..." we both desperately glanced upon Aby, who we should've realized, looked a bit nervous as well; We were all just hoping to be saved by the grand savior named "Lee Eun Hee".

"But I only have two dollars on it." she sheepishly smiled back towards us, rubbing the back of her neck profoundly while both I and Tiffany's eyes twitched heavily.

"It's okay!! It's okay!! We can use our phones to pay!! Let me just check my credit card balance real quick-" Tiffany kept trying to assure us that we wouldn't have to walk for three hours or would have to risk our own lives to just get home and put those two babies to bed.

Yet the two ideas were becoming more and more like actual choices that we had to choose.

"You don't have to do that, I know someone that can help you with that." we all turned around to face Felix, who then grabbed the keys off of Chaeyong's static hands, twirling them around.

"We don't need your help." I retaliated, as I forcefully took back the keys out of his hands, not wanting to accept any of his suspicious acts. His personality, his way of being, was all but trustful.

But Tiffany and Aby had gotten towards the point where they would accept any help, even if the help looked a bit sketchy.

"Who can help us with this?" They both asked at the same time, while I tried to shush them as loud as I could, telling them not to accept help from weird strangers.

"I'm not sure if you know him...but his name is Bang Chan, I'm sure he can help you with that." both of the girls turned around to look at me, feeling dumbfounded at what he said.

"I'll go ahead and look for him" before I could even try to stop him, he already left running towards their table.

The only thing left to stop him was to follow him.

I ran and ran, even with those damn heels, was I fast. Until I finally reached the sign that said: "Table 8", I would not sigh not one bit of relief.

But I was just too late.

Once I arrived at their table, all of the members greeted me normally, which caught me off guard...all except that cheeky mother f*cker called Mr. Felix, who had a huge grin on his face.

Why was he doing this? I didn't understand, we barely met and he was starting to get comfortable like this?! The audacity of some people...

"Rose?" that voice spooked the hell out of me, knowing that it was the man's voice that was speaking.

"Are you okay? I heard about your situation and I wanted to"

"I don't need your help, we'll do just fine without it." I coldly replied, interrupting him before he could even continue with such idiocy. Although looking back it this sentence, it sounded extremely rude on my part, especially when it was a stranger who was just trying to help.

Yet that was the part that weirded me out.

"Well then what are you three girls going to do? Walk over there?! Alone, in the dark?!" Felix taunted me, mocking me for even trying to act all independent and trying to look like I had this situation under control when I did not.

"He does have a point, Rose, we're not sure what we'll encounter on our way home." Tiffany slowly started to go towards the men's side, which just angered me even more, as I was getting convinced by them as well.

"Who knows?! We might even encounter...them." shudders grew down my back and to the rest of my body, for I hated the fact that I knew exactly who she was talking about.

I had no choice but to accept help, just this one time.

"Fine, I'll meet you at the back." I pushed the keys toward Bang Chan's chest, not daring to lose eye contact with him, not even for one second.

An Idol's Secret | SKZ Fanfic ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora