Chapter 71

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Breaking heart after heart, this was the only punishment that she deserved, for all the hearts she had played with, toyed with.

Never even loved with.

Turning around to face whatever was waiting for her, was not easy for her, as she looked back towards Jae with broken eyes. She couldn't understand what made him take such bold move, why he was doing this all in front of him.

Why did he have to do it in that very second? In that exact moment? What pleasure was fulfilling him from this?

Rose's lips slowly curved into a frown, replacing that joyful smile she just had a few minutes ago; Just a few minutes ago, she was laughing, playing around with Jae right by her side, living like if it was her last day ever seeing him.

Like if he would disappear from the face of earth.

Instead, as the minutes slowly started to pass and as the guilt and worry came back, reality struck both of them in that very instant.

Once they saw Chan's face, filled with broken tears and fearful lies; Smiles that were never meant to be cries.

This wasn't what they had planned, neither of them wanted this fairytale to ever end, unlike the ever-lasting voices that told them to do so.

Memories replayed inside of Rose's head, while she glanced at Chan with a sad and tearful smile, tearing them both apart from the inside-out.

How could he possibly know that those were memories were never meant to be for him, but for another man?

Although Rose hadn't noticed just yet, behind the saddened man stood her four other members and even some of his own, who looked visibly confused while staying stagnant, not knowing whether if they should go up towards him to find out what was wrong. Why hadn't he moved just yet? Did he find her? What had she done to make him so speechless and stuck?

Rose's POV

The moment that I waved in ingenuity and turned around to face him, the loneliness suddenly overcame me. It felt as if I was staring in front of nothing but the endless void, the thing that connected us both.

"I'm sorry" the words that connected me to him and the words that I continue to say to this day.

I was filled with nothing but happiness and torment, feelings that he couldn't possibly understand. A soft and euphoric sensation, one that I had never felt before and one that there was no end for.

An endless love loop, only one that could be experience in this endless world, this endless loop of emotions.

Immersing myself in the afterglow and gloominess of the past only ended up hurting him and that was something that I couldn't forgive myself to, even to such a day like now.

I had no intention of ever going forward or ever going back, I wanted to stay like that, broken but happy and accepting in the fact of my consumption of fabricated euphoria.

Feeling the sudden wind brush against my hair, like if it was telling me to stop in tracks, I couldn't stop myself from running away again. For all I wanted was to disappear from the depths of this everlasting hell.

I should've listened to it, just for once I should've listened.

All sorts of remedies ran through my head, as the memories just couldn't stop bursting through my heart; It was like a never-ending headache, a never-ending nightmare.

I just couldn't stop running, I had to escape this madness, one way or another, even if that meant running away, hand on hand, with the one who had given me this torture in the first place.

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