Chapter 1

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"Table Eight."

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"don't forget to vote, comment and share this chapter!" - nabi


Rose's POV

As soon as I arrived at the venue, I immediately noticed that it was big, like really big, too big to be even called a venue. Honestly, I didn't pay attention to the hundreds of seats, meaning the hundreds of guests I was going to serve, as I was only focused on one thing.

The brightly colored stage, with such shining lights that lit up the whole venue, made me feel so emotional and jealous of Jaehyun, as he was experiencing something I was still preparing to do.

Debuting, performing, and having so many people cheering your name.

I just grew more and more envious of him as I saw him getting ready to perform, preparing his voice, and checking his microphone.

I kept feeling this endless jealousy, as I waited and practiced and worked my ass off for five years being a trainee, while still trying to maintain a relationship with Taeyong and on top of that, working for Taeyong's company.

Trying to cope with my trainee life, while still trying to hide my love life, was like trying to juggle bowling hell. It was impossible, it was supposed to be impossible, but somehow, I had managed to balance everything, for quite some time.

Until everything came crashing down, like a sandcastle that stands next to the raging ocean.

I began to get scolded more by my coaches, for not being able to put my all into training, My workplace began to threaten to cut my salary if I did not begin to focus on my job, and the worst of all...Taeyong began to notice my sudden disappearances.

Never did I ever admit to him that I was working to become an idol and to sing and dance to a crowd of people, not even when I broke up with him, because I knew that he wouldn't take it so well.

Every time I would even mention the words "idol group" he would throw a fit on how that was exploiting people and how much work and pressure you had to put yourself towards and he didn't want me to suffer so much for such an unstable job.

This is why money became something very extremely important to me, as it was what I used to pull myself out of Taeyong's hands and buy a home of my own, a home for us five.

But, at one point, that money would be cut short and because we were so keen on buying our own home without the company's help, (as a way to not have so many debts) I needed to find money wherever I could get my hands on, taking quick jobs like this one to pay the bills.

And that's what led me to be where I was currently standing, just staring at the huge stage when I suddenly came into eye contact with Jaehyun, who held a small, welcoming smile.

That stupid smile that I fell for.

He ran right towards me and pulled me into a big hug, as I tightly hugged him back, a small grin slowly appearing on my face.

"Rose!! Thanks once again for helping me out here, they were short on staff and needed someone to fulfill the role of a waitress." he thanked me once more, as he burrowed his head into my shoulder, something common that he would do to me.

Jaehyun was my best friend, my friend that would drop everything for me, a friend that I relied on. He was the one that supported me in my dream and my lowest moment in life, he was there treating my injuries from Taeyong.

Never once did I ever even mention Jaehyun to Taeyong, as I knew that if I wanted to keep him alive, I had to keep meeting him in secret and pray that Taeyong wouldn't notice.

"Jae...I should thank you, you know money has been tight and I needed to pay our bills this month." Jae was the nickname I had given him, ever since I first met him, I gave him a such nickname, as it was cuter and simpler.

I looked at him with such thankful eyes, as I felt that he purposely asked the owner for this position, so I could pay off some of my debts and bills, as he knew that I would never, in a million years, take his money for such thing.

I hated the idea of me depending on someone in that form or getting towards the point that I needed to go back to pleading for things, pleading for more freedom.

Jae suddenly gave me a uniform, with an embarrassed smile, as if he knew that he was ruining the moment.

"He...he asked me to give this to you." he quickly gave me the uniform and quickly ran off towards the stage, as if someone kept calling for him.

God, how much I loved him.


When I got changed was the exact moment when guests decided to arrive and when I finished changing, I got greeted by a bunch of idols dancing, talking, and laughing and staff running around from place to place.

That's when I knew that I had to act fast.

I quickly went towards the bar and picked up the drinks that were waiting for me to deliver.

"Table 8," I muttered to myself as I steadily picked up the place and walked towards the table, giving the artists around me a fake smile once more, knowing that smile was nothing but a lie, as I was anything but happy.

There were so many people inappropriately looking at me, even some daring to talk and touch me in such a foul way, but I just covered it with that fake smile and acted as if nothing happened.

All I wanted to do was just grab the money, get the f*ck out of there and go back to my humble abode to rewatch my comfort series.

"Where the f*ck is Table 8?! How could I possibly lose them?! They're the ones with the biggest alcohol tolerance and appetite!!" from what I had heard from the rest of the staff, those men had ordered a bunch of drinks and food and kept ordering more and more.

Although it was my first time even going near Table 8, I had heard all of these rumors from the staff that they were the most loudest and obnoxious of them all, which was great to hear.

Immediately when I was starting to doubt if there was even an eighth table and if the rest of the staff were just playing around with me, I finally found the men.

They were right in front of the stage and what I would say, was the best table of them all, as they had a clear view of the live performance.

I sighed deeply as I went towards their table, doing my acting exercises that my acting teacher told me to do right as I am about to act or perform something.

"Here are your drinks- WHAT THE!!"

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