Chapter 57

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For they go deeper than the terms of friends, best friends, lovers, he believed they're more than just that.

"So you think that just because you're with one of my best friends, makes you entitled to make boundaries between us?"

"Yes, I am entitled because I'm her partner. Don't you think you'd place boundaries with her if you were in my shoes? Since you want to be so badly, try to step into my shoes then, let's see if you can f*ck off for once."

"Look, who the f*ck do you think you are to be telling us what to do? We've been friends for such a long time now, so who the f*ck do you think you are to just come here, acting like if you're entitled to everything and deserve to see the fall of our friendship? You think you can just tell us how to act with each other?"

"Stupid, this is just f*cking stupid. This would all be solved if both of these f*ckers stopped acting like children and start acting like adults, yet again who am I judge? I'm most definitely not the most mature one here, barely anybody is." Rose thought, angrily tapping her foot, as if she was actually talking to someone and having an actual conversation with the wall.

"We're still experimenting and experiencing life, there's still so much more for us to explore in this world."

How can five girls conquer the world and steal the hearts of everyone who are willing to listen to their story? How could they possibly reach their story to someone, when there's no one who could possibly listen?

Rose let out a small sigh, what was she ever going to do with these two. She couldn't seem to understand what all of the fuss was about.

"Look, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can make some boundaries between us two, I respect your limitations." Jaehyun let out a small chuckle.

"So now you're going to his side Rose? Like if you two are in the happiest relationship ever!!" He was absolutely flabbergasted. How could Rose side with such a man, let alone date him?

How low of standards does she truly have...yet again she did date the son of a b*tch called Taeyong.

We all shouldn't be surprised either, she always chose the wrong choice. She was so picky yet she always chooses the wrong ones.

How does that work?!

Jaehyun pointed towards Chan, looking disgusted at him, like if he was a horrible person and just by Jaehyun looking at him, his eyes were burning by how disgusting he was.

He really does have a way to make you question and be insecure about yourself, doesn't he?

"Rose literally wants to break up with you man and you still want to act like that?"


Everyone stayed silent, as her eyes widen as soon as he finished his sentence, slowly covering her mouth on how shocked she was. She seriously did not expect that from someone like Jaehyun.

Why must he act in such a low way? What was it about Chan that repulsed him so badly? Was it the way he acted so...close, to her? Was it the way he was so....possessive over her? Not letting Jae go too far.

Or was it the fact that Jaehyun realized, that this would be, a much more harder battle to win against him?

"This is literally what happened last time with Dahyun..." joked Chaeyong, trying to brighten the mood but was she really wrong though?

"What happens to Dahyun, happens to me." remarked Rose, who actually took Chaeyong's joke seriously, as she had realized that there was an odd pattern going on here.

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