Chapter 67

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Chaeyong's POV

"Out of all the places near by, why here?! This place is absolutely disgusting!!"

"Do you see all the mold and all the potential bugs these buildings can have?!" god was that place so f*cking disgusting, I couldn't even fathom how Rose would be okay with even looking at such sickening view.

"Tiffany, Chan and Aby should check all of the buildings, while me and Dahyun should check to see if there are any nearby witnesses." honestly, I just wanted an excuse to get the f*ck out of there.

I was NOT about to stay there any longer.

Aby's POV

"Guys, isn't this called trespassing?! And isn't that illegal?!" good thing the police hadn't caught us in the act...or else, we would've been dead meat!!

"Doesn't matter right now and from what the owner of the cafe said, they also did this." Tiffany just kept disregarding the fact that what we were doing was illegal like if that was just a normal thing to do!!

When it obviously shouldn't be!!

"Are you really sure that owner is mistaken? going to an abandoned building just seems so random to me!!"

"The lady looked to be very sure in what she was saying and honestly, she's the only one we can trust right now." reassured Chan, although if you asked me in the moment, I would've told you that he was just doing that to assure himself that the lady was saying the truth.

Because...why would the lady lie about that? Honestly now looking back, it wouldn't make any sense!!

Looking up towards this small two story house, with it's cracked paint and moldy stair case that went straight up to the roof, I slowly walked to the roof, finding something weird.

I wasn't quite sure why, but I knew that this was  of Rose's and Jae's doing, who else would it be? No other building, no other house, had this.

Not that I knew of.

This building was a fairly different from the rest, having a random wall in the middle of the roof.

Quite strange.

And next to the wall, was a VHS tape, alongside a VCR and projector, all laying there in an orderly arrangement.

"Huh...?" I glanced back towards Tiffany and Chan, who were exploring around the buildings, trying to find anything suspicious.

Suspicion and curiosity filled into my bones, as I approached the three objects, pressing play and having it immediately play an old, black and white movie.

"Uh...guys, I think you should take a look at this."

Dahyun's POV

After being informed about this "retro movie" Rose and Jae had probably watched together, probably leaving because of the rain, as there were still rain puddles left on the floor, Chaeyong and I still decided to focus on our job, with us two being determined to find at least one witness.

Around five to ten people later, we had found this old couple who were happily walking side by side, interlocking their fingers together and admiring the view that stood in front of them.

Well, until we interrupted of course.

"Um, excuse me! Sorry to bother like this, but we both a small question to ask you two!!" Chaeyong politely stated, smiling widely, almost like if she was used to do this.

Like if this was her job...oh wait, it is.

"Go on." the old man remarked, as he gave her a nod of approval, not seeming annoyed by the slightest by this sudden interruption.

Oh to have patience like him...

"Have you two seen a man and a woman watching a movie? Or talking about a secret place or anything similar in the slightest?"

The old man looked absolutely confused by what we were saying, but the old lady seemed to know exactly what we were talking about, snapping her fingers in approval and excitement.

"Ah, yes! Why I do know what you're talking about!!"

"Really?! May you please tell us more?" this polite language that I was speaking was absolutely new for me, not even in front of a camera would I act so politely.

This was quite a new experience for me.

"They were quite odd, laughing loudly in the streets, with the young girl having a blindfold and the man making fun of her for it."

"And as soon as the guy met eyes with me, he immediately told her about it, with her doing what I believe to be an act of embarrassment, she kept bumping into light poles and trees."

"Like if she was trying to run away." we all kept listening attentively, with the man finally realizing who the young lady and man were.

"Ah yes!! I saw them as I was going to buy some sweets at the bakery!!" Chaeyong and I immediately turned to the elderly man, hoping to find information about where they could be located.

"Do you know where they were headed?" asked Chaeyong attentively, with me being right behind her.

"I'm not exactly sure, but they kept heading straight and they kept talking about the secret place you were talking about!!"

"Can you give us more detail about this place?"

"They were playing a game where the girl had to guess the place."

"Although I hate to eavesdrop, they were pretty loud but it unfortunately all I heard was that the place had a c and l in the name."

"Don't worry, I'm glad you heard!" I reassured the old man to not feel bad for eavesdropping, but I bet he still didn't feel so good about doing so.

But if he had known how much good he had done just by doing that, he would've been immensely proud of himself.

Rose's POV

"Jae, come know we have to ride the rollercoaster before we eat!!"

"You know I'm not looking forward to see any vomit!!" I laughed as he hesitantly waited in line for the rollercoaster, like if he was waiting for death's arrival.


We both kept screaming our hearts out but for two completely different reasons.

I was screaming out of joy and excitement, while he was screaming out of fear and terror.

"WOOHOOO!! JAE AREN'T YOU HAVING FUN?!" I shouted through his whiny screams, with my hair getting all over his face, making him quite disoriented the whole entire ride.

"NO!! NOT AT ALL!!" a few minutes after hid squealing dialed down, meaning that the ride had finally stopped, he wobbled his way out of the ride, looking dead inside.

While I stood there looking and being just fine, ordering some food for us, as he barely could say much after such "traumatic experience" as he liked to call it.

Once our food arrived to the our table, we started to devour and inhaled it, (mostly me, but that's not the point) I kept thinking about the irony of me being there, in that moment.

As I was scared of meeting up with him, after what had happened, yet now we were both just enjoying ourselves, living life to the fullest.

I even doubted and questioned myself for why I had even the tiniest about skepticism about him.

Why had I done such a stupid thing?

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