Chapter 47

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"Love Me, Hate Me...But Can't You See What I See?"

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"don't forget to vote, comment, and share this chapter!" - nabi


Rose's POV

As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by Felix and Changbin, who looked hungry.

"Man...I'm so hungry." randomly announced Felix, choosing completely ignore the five random girls that looked like they had just ran a marathon... AKA us.

"The food should be arriving soon." Changbin reassured the hungry Felix, while also not thinking much about our presence. I began to think that Hyunjin and Bang Chan had sent a warning beforehand about our arrival.

Slowly but surely the rest of their members started to appear, wondering when the food was going to arrive. Some began to whine, while others just stared at the Tv, but they all shared something in common.

They were starving.

"You guys also hungry?" Felix innocently asked, choosing to ignore our exhausted faces.



As soon as the food arrived, all of us didn't even waste a second to gobble down every single last piece of food that was left. There was no time for talking, not even breathing, just eating.

Once everyone had finished, we began to talk between ourselves, about what happened and how it was like. We shared a few laughs and overall it was quite nice!

But while everyone was talking out normally, I suddenly felt this sort of atmosphere, an unspoken atmosphere, even if everyone was speaking their guts.

That's when I felt a sudden, consistent tapping on my shoulder.

"Hm?" I looked back behind me, to meet eyes with Jeongin, who was about to continue the process of poking me in the darn shoulder again.

"What happened to Hyunjin and Dahyun? They don't seem like themselves." he straightforwardly said, not even batting an eye, meanwhile I was questioning how the hell he had the audacity ask such me question, while also wondering if I should just respond nicely and considerately...or give him the middle finger and go back to whatever I was doing at the time.

But everything that just came out of my mouth was a sigh and a gesture to come with me to the kitchen. I just didn't have the guts nor strength, to go tell the poor man to f*ck himself; He was just too cute for that.

Once we arrived to the kitchen, I immediately set him aside from the hallway, ensuring that no one would eavesdrop in our conversation.

"You want to know why Dahyun's face is looking like she just sh*t herself and why Hyunjin looks so out of it? Dahyun basically cheated on Hyunjin with Taemin."

"What?! B-but I thought she loved him?" he looked so disappointed in her, already seeming a bit down by the news.

Bet he wasn't expecting that one.

"Yes, of course she does love Hyunjin a lot, but she still isn't over the past, just like Taemin." it was kind of funny on how calm and collected I was by this whole situation, while I.N was out here having a rollercoaster of emotions each time I told him more details.

Like how she kissed him back, Taemin's expressions and Hyunjin's broken heart that shattered into a million.

Acting like if I ever cared about that.

This was just an everyday thing to me, to all of us really.

Jeongin just stood there, in complete and utter shock and silence, not even knowing what to say anymore, not knowing what to feel about Dahyun anymore.

"Are you okay?" he looked directly at me, like if that question was meant for me or something...oh wait, it was.

I felt so flustered by the sudden questioning of, who the hell asks such random question?! This wasn't about me or how I felt by Hyunjin (absolute hatred by the way) and Dahyun, (mild hatred...just incase if you were curious about how I felt back then) but how they were going to solve this pitiful case called cheating.

"Of course! I'm okay!!" anyone can answer that question, yet never expect the same answer that everyone, including themself, has given. Sometimes I question why you should even ask that stupid question, when you know that you're going to get the same f*cking answer.

"Look, actually, why don't you try asking Hyunjin himself about how he feels? I'm not a professional guesser, I can't guess how he's feeling right now." I immediately tried to move on from the conversation we just had, not wanting any awkward silence to fill in the empty gap.

"The only one who can tell you that is Hyunjin."

"I don't want to bother him though." he felt hesitant in talking to him, as Hyunjin looked as if he really didn't want to be bothered by anybody in that moment; That's was why Seungmin encouraged him to leave him alone, to not disturb him and his agitating aggression and mood.

"Then I guess you'll never know."

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