Chapter 68

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4 Years Later

Callum and August walked into the castle. Royal, Piper, and Toby had run into the house first and went to find Avery, Matthew, or River. Before Royal could get far, Callum lifted him over his shoulder.
"Gah!" Royal screamed.
"You are gonna come with us." Callum smiled. Royal slumped.
"Whyy? And why do you have to carry me? I'm 13." Royal complained. Callum smiled.
"Well, we came to see your grandparents." Callum said.
"About?" Royal asked.
"You are officially of age to start taking classes to study for King." August said. Royal quickly looked at August.
"Really?!" Royal asked happily.
"Mhm." Callum said. Royal laughed in achievement.
When they got to the office, Callum set Royal down and the guards opened the door. The three walked into a meeting. Hunter and Skipp were there with Avery. Ryder was there taking notes and Caroo was playing with Avery. Arthur and Jay looked up at Callum and August, then to Royal. Arthur smiled.
"Come on in." Arthur said happily. Royal sat right down and August and Callum sat next to him. Caroo stopped playing with Avery. Avery sat down next to Hunter. Jay leaned back in his chair and Arthur looked down.
"Alright. The decision was made up. We will have Royal Jane and Avery Jane run for the thrown. Our results and the crowning will be held once you both turn 21. Until then, we will decide who will take the thrown with tests and questions about your studies. Your status to the kingdom and villages around. And your respectful decisions as a prince and princess to be crowned." Arthur explained thoroughly. Avery and Royal looked at each other.
"You both will be put under strict rules and have hard classes. Every Monday through Thursday. Then you have a three day break. Royal, because of your location distance, you will stay in the castle the four days of your study then on your break days, you can go home." Jay explained this part. Royal looked at his parents. Callum and August almost looked as if they were saddened or scared. August looked down and held Callum's hand tightly. Royal looked at Arthur.
"Ok." Royal said. Avery smiled.
"I'm glad to have good competition." Avery snickered.
"I have horrible competition." Royal teased. Avery's jaw dropped.
"Then it's said and done. Today is Saturday. You officially start on Monday." Arthur announced. Avery and Royal stood up and bowed to Arthur and Jay.
"Thank you for this opportunity." Avery and Royal said insync. Arthur and Jay smiled. Skipp looked at Avery then to Callum and August. He could tell they were sad. He touched Hunter leg. Hunter jumped and blushed. He quickly turned to Skipp. Skipp leaned forward.
"Callum and August don't look very happy." Skipp whispered. Hunter flinched and turns d to Callum and August. He frowned when he saw their faces. He looked down and held Skipp's hand.
"They don't want Royal to be King." Hunter said quietly. Skipp frowned and set his head on Hunter's shoulder. Hunter leaned his head against Skipp's head softly. Caroo looked at Royal and Avery.
"Also, once one of you becomes King or Queen, you will need to pay attention to who your personal guards will be, who to be your advisor, and who to be your assistant. Cause those are life long jobs unless otherwise said." Caroo explained. Royal and Avery nodded in agreement.
"Alright then. It's ruled over. I hereby declared Avery Jane and Royal Jane in the running for the Dragon realm." Arthur declared. Royal and Avery smiled and cheered. August stood up and bowed.
"Excuse me." August said then he left. Callum quickly stood up and went after him. Arthur frowned. Hunter kissed Skipp's hand then stood up. He went after his brother and August.

A long awaited arrival...
For awhile, the only way Royal could keep in contact with Reo was by sending him letters. It was hard because he hadn't seen him and a long time. He also feared that now with his classes, he'll never be able to write to him... it scared him.
Reo on the other hand, always cried, begged, or pleaded to go visit the family so he could see Royal. Reo's family would like nothing more then to do so, but at that time, they thought it would be an unwanted bother. It made Reo sad. So they just wrote letters to each other. Day after day after day. Weeks after weeks. Months after months. And years after years...

Piper started going to lessons with Yimo and Quin so she could become a guard when she grew up. She was definitely determined. She's practice with Yimo and Quin so then when she would turn 18, she could join the armada of soldiers with the help of her grandfathers. Along side Piper, Ryke was also training to be a guard at the castle. Toby was still to younger to understand what his future could be.
Lynx definitely had his life planned out. Total whore or total nerd. He definitely decided on both. He had also gotten his gift recently. His gift is telekinesis. Technically meaning he move physical objects with his mind.

Donny and Andres had moved from Callum and August's. Though, it scared Gillian, Donny wasn't scared. He was happy. Gillian was too but he'd always had a sense of attachment issues. He's never been away from Donny before until now. But, now he had Jasper so he wasn't so lonely.

After Kai retired from his work, he'd been working with Mary and Kanna to open up a school. All they had to do was get it passed by Arthur and Jay. They obviously passed it which made everyone happy. And the lucky thing... it was free. Starting soon Kai and Mary were gonna help each other buy a building in which they would turn into six classrooms for those of different ages. Kai would run one classroom for those of ages 4-5. Mary would run one for those of ages 6-8. Jason would run another for those of ages 9-11. Peru would run one for those of ages 12-13. Benjamin would run one for those of ages 14-16. And Ryder would run one for those who need some extra work. Aka, anyone 17 or older can come if they really want to. Plenty of children went which made many parents happy.

Overall... the kingdom and the realms of the world were pretty good. Nothing was good or bad, but mostly mediocre. And this is why everyone loved that generation. But the next will be the worst.

A Dragon's Love Story 3.... Finish.

A Dragon's Love Story 4 Coming Soon.

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