Chapter 58

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Two months later...
A small covered wagon came through the kingdom and up to the castle. A man was guiding the wagon horses. The guards at the bridge stopped the wagon before he went any farther.
"Halt in the name of the kings." The guards called out. The man stopped the wagon and got out. He put his hands up.
"Sorry! I want to speak to the king." The man said. One guard walked over to the man.
"Speak your name, age, and is there anyone else with you l the guard asked.
"My name is Micheal Mel. I am 25. I have traveled with my wife, my younger daughter, and my baby boy." The man called out. The guard turned to the other guards.
"Please have your family come out. Do you have any weapons on you?" The guard asked.
"Not on me, but I have a dagger in one of my bags in the wagon." Micheal said honestly.
"Alright." The guard said. Zane and Kai walked out of the castle and over the bridge to the guards. Micheal turned around.
"Mary, come and bring the kids out." Micheal yelled out. The wagon opened and a young woman walked out holding a baby boy. A little girl hopped out. Zane and Kai walked over to them.
"Hello, I am Zane, the captain of the guard." Zane said, holding his hand out. Micheal took his hand and shook it.
"I am Micheal Mel." Micheal said.
"And this is the head guard Kai Kai." Zane introduced. Kai bowed his head. Micheal smiled.
"I am Micheal Mel. This is my wife Mary Maid. My daughter Gem Mel. And my baby son Arlo Maid." Micheal introduced. Zane and Kai smiled.
"Well, Mr. Mel. What can we help you with today?" Kai asked. Micheal looked at Kai and Zane.
"Well, I wanted to ask the kings why they have no protection around the kingdom anymore." Micheal said casually. Zane and Kai's eyes widened in shock. All the guards quickly went into a stance position. Mary kept her kids away quickly.
"Zane, go tell your brother in laws." Kai said. Zane nodded and rushed back to the castle.
"Ok, we need you to hold your hands up. We will check you and your wife." Kai said.
"Alright, that's fine." Micheal said, putting his hands up.
The family of four were all metal dragons. Micheal and Arlo looked the exact same. Both dark red hair, crayon pale skin, dark red eyes, and black horns and tails. Mary and Gem looked the same too. They both had black hair, browner tan skin, black eyes, and dark red horns and tails.
   Micheal, as said, was 25. Mary is 22. Gem is 5 and Arlo is 2.
    After the checks, the family was taken into the castle. As they walked through the ball room, all the staff stopped what they were doing and stared at them. That included Tyler and Fox. Kai had them follow him into the dining room. In the dining room, Hunter and Skipp were there eating breakfast. Then stopped and looked over at them. So did all the staff in that room. The family was untouched though. When they got upstairs, Max, Zane, Ryder, Caroo, and Gene stood outside the office along with the guards. Kai stopped and turned to the family.
"That door straight ahead." Kai said. Micheal took Mary's hand and pulled her with him. Mary held Alro and had Gem follow her. They walked over to the office door and walked in. Arthur was sitting on the desk, facing the door. Jay was sitting in the chair behind the desk waiting. The door creaked open and Micheal stepped in. Mary and Gem walked in after. Arthur stared at Micheal. Micheal bowed his head. Mary soon did after and had Gem do the same.
"My kings." Micheal said. Arthur crossed his arms.
"It was Micheal correct?" Arthur asked. Micheal stood straight and nodded.
"I am." Micheal said. Arthur got off the desk and glared at Micheal.
"How did you know the protection was gone?" Arthur asked strictly. Micheal looked at Arthur curiously.
"My king, whoever your protected mage was, he's dead now correct?" Micheal asked. Arthur flinched. Jay stood up and leaned over the desk. He grabbed Arthur's arms quickly.
"Sorry. My husband has been stressed lately." Jay explained. Arthur trembled.
"How do you know?" Arthur asked. Micheal looked at Arthur and lifted a hand up. He blinked once and his hand turned to flame. Arthur and Jay looked at the flame then looked back to Micheal.
"You are a mage?" Jay asked. Micheal blinked again and the flame disappeared.
"Not exactly- I don't know if you've heard of any such thing... but I classify as a magician- a witch." Micheal explained awkwardly. Arthur and Jay stared at Micheal in confusion.
"A witch? But those— I thought you had to be ascended from full fledge mages." Arthur muttered. Micheal smiled.
"I did." Micheal said. Arthur looked at Jay then looked to Micheal.
"How'd you know-" Arthur questioned. Micheal tapped his head.
"Witches are cursed from birth with knowing when a curse, power, or spell is placed or casted anywhere in the world. In all, there were seven long standing spells placed. Located in each kingdom of our word. But then, two months ago, the long lasting spell here disappeared." Micheal explained. Arthur turned around and looked at Jay nervously. Jay gulped and walked around the desk.
"Why'd you travel here then?" Jay asked. Micheal chuckled nervously.
"I was curious haha. Most long standing spells in a kingdom last for over a life time. But this long lasting spell only lasted for 13 years." Micheal said. Arthur crossed his arms.
"And your wife and kids? Your home? Your jobs? You just left for your curiosity?" Arthur questioned. Micheal nodded.
"I'm a witch. If I wanted, I could transport my home wherever I want and I can feed my family with money I can magically make." Micheal chuckled. Arthur leaned back on his desk.
"Cool-" Jay said. Hunter slid into the room quietly and pulled Skipp with him.
"You heard that dad! Make him the protector and stop stressing." Hunter called out. Everyone in the room looked over at Hunter and Skipp.
"How do we know if we can trust them?" Arthur asked.
"Just have Tyler look at them. He's a wack, remember?" Hunter said. Skipp nudged Hunter. Hunter looked at Skipp.
"Sorry." Hunter said. Arthur rubbed his head.
"Fine, Caroo!" Arthur called out. Caroo walked in and looked at Arthur.
"Get Tyler please." Arthur pleaded. Caroo smiled and nodded, then he left. Arthur looked at Micheal.
"Would you even care if you became the protector of the kingdom?" Arthur asked.
"One little easy spell. I can do hundred of h those spells and still have the energy to wrestle someone." Micheal chuckled. Arthur blinked.
"Oh! Can you do your favorite spell?" Hunter asked. Micheal looked at Hunter and smiled.
"Sure." Micheal chuckled. He blinked once and he turned into a vampire person. Then he blinked again. He turned into a demon. He did this over and over again till he ended up as every species. Elf, wolf, human, angel, then back to dragon.
"Holy- COOL!" Hunter cheered.
"What kind of spell is that?!" Jay asked in amazement. Micheal laughed.
"It's a shapeshifting spell. Except, here's the catch, you get all the same abilities." Micheal snickered.
"Cool!" Hunter cheered. Micheal smiled then Tyler walked in. He immediately saw the family of four and walked over to the desk. Arthur looked at Tyler.
"What do you think? Trust worthy?" Arthur asked. Tyler looked at Micheal.
"Who are they?" Tyler asked. Arthur pointed at Micheal.
"This is Micheal and his family. He said he was a magician, a witch." Arthur explained. Tyler rose an eyebrow and walked up to Micheal. He held a hand out.
"Do you mind?-" Tyler asked. Micheal shook his hand no and took Tyler's hand. Tyler fidgeted a little and pulled away.
"An aura that- that large— you could be more powerful then Junior Fren!-" Tyler wobbled, stepping away.
"I like to think of myself as a normal person." Micheal said. Tyler was kinda freaked out.
"So? Trustable?" Arthur asked. Tyler turned to Arthur.
"No reason not to trust him. His aura says it all. If he wanted, he could probably wipe the whole realm out in a snap of a finger, I swear to it-" Tyler muttered.
"Heh- yeah. I do know that spell too. It's an odd spell that I think only sadistic people would use for their own entertainment pleasures." Micheal rolled his eyes. Tyler looked at Micheal.
"How many spells do you know?" Tyler asked curiously. Micheal looked at Tyler.
"Well— all spells you could think of. And even spells that I made handcrafted. All except bringing back the dead anyways. I refuse to learn that." Micheal cheered. Tyler felt excited. Skipp ain't ever seen his father so yippee.
"I'm mostly a healing mage- do you think you could teach me some things?" Tyler asked excitedly. Micheal shrugged.
"Why not?" Micheal said. Tyler smiled in excitement.
"I've never seen his that happy-" Jay said.
"I've never either, and that's my father-" Skipp mumbled. Arthur stood up straight and walked over to the window that looked down at the kingdom.
"Ok- if you are fine with being the kingdom protector, then I'll allow it." Arthur explained. Micheal tilted his head curiously.
"Come. You and your wife." Arthur said. Micheal turned to Mary and took Arlo from her.
"Here." Jay said, holding his arms out. Micheal smiled and handed Arlo to Jay. Jay smiled and held Arlo carefully. Micheal took Mary's hand and walked her over to the window with Arthur. Arthur pointed down at Junior's old home.
"That is where our old protector lived. You can do what you want with the property or you can live in the castle. Either way, you and your family have full access to the castle with the second highest clearest, first being the royal family. And other than that, you can live as you want and do anything freely. Schooling is free admission and you have access to everything in the kingdom except the royal vault." Arthur explained. Mary looked at Micheal. Micheal smiled and turned to Mary.
"Which do you want? Live on the property or live in the castle?" Micheal asked. Mary rubbed her arm nervously. Mary was a silent woman. She only spoke when she was comfortable.
"Our own property is fine." Mary said with a smile. Micheal smiled and looked at Arthur. Arthur smiled.
"Alright then. Feel free to do what you'd like." Arthur said. Micheal smiled.
"I'll inform the staff." Caroo said, as he was about to leave.
"Wait." Arthur said. Caroo stopped and looked at Arthur.
"I have to introduce my family first." Arthur said. Caroo smiled.
"Micheal, Mary. This is Caroo Ray. My assistant and cousin in law legally. His husband Gene Rayvis outside." Arthur explained. Micheal bowing his head.
"Nice to meet you." Micheal said. Caroo smiled.
"I'll have the others come." Caroo said, leaving the room.
"This man here is Tyler. He lives here as a good friend. He's also the kingdom healer and he works for me as a butler and staff. So does his husband Fox and his son Skipp. That is his son over there." Arthur explained. Micheal smiled.
"And he is my youngest son Hunter." Arthur said. Micheal bowed.
"My prince." Micheal said. Hunter bent his head to the side oddly. Zane and Max walked in.
"Caroo told us to come in." Max said softly. Arthur smiled.
"Yes. Micheal, this is Max, my brother and that is Zane, my brother in law. Max, Zane, this is Micheal, our new protector." Arthur explained. Max and Zane stared at Micheal in shock. Micheal smiled and bowed his head.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Micheal said. Max and Zane bowed their heads back.
"We, the same." Max said. Kai and Ryder walked in with Fox. Tyler skipped over to Fox happily. Fox kinda looked at Tyler confusedly then looked at Arthur and Jay.
"Who got Tyler drunk?" Fox asked.
"I'm not drunk you fool." Tyler muttered. Jay snickered.
"That's Fox, Tyler's husband, Skipp's father. Fox, this is Micheal, our new protector." Jay said, pointing to Micheal. Fox slowly waved and looked at his husband.
"Are you sure you aren't drunk?" Fox asked. Tyler grunted and hit Fox in the gut.
"Oh, and these two are Ryder and Kai. Kai is my older brother and Ryder is his husband. They raised me and they are a couple who got together during the wolves takeover." Jay explained. Micheal flinched.
"Wait really? A wolf and a dragon fell in love during the wolves take over? That's amazing-" Micheal was amazed.
"Yeah. Ryder is the prince of the wolf realm and now he lives here as Arthur's mentor. Kai used to be the captain but now he's the head guard." Jay explained, handing Arlo back to Mary.
"So everyone you've met, all specify as the royal family. This includes some people who live out in the kingdom or villages near off." Arthur explained.
"Like who?-" Micheal questioned.
"Mm, well to start with, our oldest son Callum and his family. They live in a village nearby." Jay said.
"Yeah, and then my other brothers Jason and Ace and their families. Jason lives on the outskirts of the kingdom. And Ace lives in the wolf realm somewhere. And then my fathers, the kings of the wolf realm." Arthur finished.
"Ah, I see. Well, it would be lovely to meet your whole family. And I'm sure I will one day." Micheal explained.
"Well, we want the same. Who are your fantastic children?" Arthur asked smiling. Micheal smiled.
"My oldest is my daughter Gem over there. And my youngest is my son Arlo." Micheal cheered. Hunter smiled.
"Are they gonna be a magician like you?" Hunter asked. Micheal chuckled awkwardly.
"They aren't supposed too but it could happen. Normally, if a baby was the offspring of a witch and a normal person, the offspring would have powers but not the same as a witch. So they just hold to be a mage. If the offspring was from two witches, then they offspring would be a witch too." Micheal explained. Hunter crossed his arms.
"Mages are cool too." Hunter said.
"Hunter, don't you have to study, your tests are in less than a month." Arthur teased. Hunter slumped.
"A bully..." Hunter sobbed as he wobbled out. Skipp quickly followed him.

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