Chapter 55

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K'vo's turn.
(K'vo's name means Why in Slavic. This is something important to the story.)

    Several weeks later...
K'vo owed Reji something for teasing him about Nik. Taylor made K'vo go take Reji to the markets to buy him something. They also took Reo and Nate. Nate and Reo ran ahead to the markets. Reji was just upset and hurt.
"Y'know, for a 20 year old, you are one big baby." K'vo muttered.
"Just shut up." Reji mumbled.
"Why?" K'vo snickered. Reji looked at K'vo and rolled his eyes. They got to the markets and Reo ran through the markets. Reji and K'vo went into the markets and let Nate take care of Reo. Reo went into one market and looked at the stuff there. Nate walked up to Reo.
"See anything you like?" Nate asked.
"Yeah! Oh! NATE COME ON!" Reo screamed, running towards a different market. He turned around to see if Nate was following him then accidentally bumped into a man. Reo gasped and backed away. The man looked at Reo and smiled.
"I'm sorry!" Reo cried. The man smiled and knelt down.
"It's alright." The man said happily, patting the top of Reo's head. Reo smiled and looked at the man. Nate rushed over to Reo.
"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! Reo forgets to pay attention sometimes!" Nate cried. The man stood up.
"It's fine! It's very fine. I know it was an accident." The man said happily. Nate smiled.
"Are you a house head? You are wearing really fancy clothes." Nate said. The man chuckled.
"Ah, I am the son of a head house. My name is Jules. I am from one village over." The man said happily.
"Cool!" Nate cheered.
"Eek! I am Reo! And this is Nate!" Reo cheered, pointing up at Nate. Nate smiled. Jules smiled and bowed his head.
"Nice to meet you both." Jules said happily. Reo tugged on Jules shirt.
"You must be rich!" Reo cheered. Jules chuckled.
"My parents are." Jules smiled.
"HEY! GET AWAY FROM SIR JULES!" A man yelled, walking over to Jules. Four other men came over. The first man pushed Jules away then pushed Reo to the ground. Nate and Jules's eyes widened.
"Wait! No! He didn't do anything!" Jules cried, trying to push the men away. Nate picked up Reo quickly.
"Touching our masters son is either a fine or death." The man declared, stepped closer to Nate and Reo.
"NO! They didn't do anything!" Jules cried, trying to pull the man away. Reji and K'vo quickly rushed over. Reji pushed the man away.
"Hey! Don't yell at them." Reji demanded. The man pushed Reji.
"Mind your own business bitch!" The man said.
"It's our business because they are our brothers dumbass." K'vo said casually, rolling his eyes. The man looked at K'vo then at Nate and Reo. Jules pushed the man away and got between them. He bowed to Reji and K'vo.
"I am so so sorry! My father makes them protect me. Please forgive them!" Jules cried. Reji scoffed and turned away. K'vo stared at Jules and stepped away.
"It's— it's fine." K'vo mumbled. Jules looked up at K'vo and smiled. K'vo looked away. Jules looked at the four men.
"Apologize." Jules demanded. Reji, K'vo, Nate, and Reo looked at the four men. The first man glared at Jules then turned around. He bowed. The other three bowed.
"We are generously sorry for doing nothing. Thank you now please get lost." The first man said thoughtfully. Jules looked at the four men and trembled. Reji looked at K'vo. K'vo rolled his eyes.
"It's alright, they are just sorry that they can't get a higher ranked class then us." K'vo said, looking at Reji. Reji made a pouting face. The four men looked at K'vo.
"Aww, it's ok. Don't be to harsh on ypurselves. We are all just wolves after all." Reji said. Jules covered his mouth and looked away to laugh. The four guards glared at the four black wolves in front of them.
"What class? I do see any?" One of the guards said. Reji and K'vo started laughing. That just makes you a lower class, but again.. what class?" K'vo asked. The four guards backed off.
"Assholes." The first man said. Jules laughed.
"Oh my— I've never seen those four lose a fight! Haha!!" Jules said, leaning in his knees. The four men looked at Jules. K'vo and Reji smiled.
"Let's go." The first man demanded, grabbing Jules's arm harshly.
"Ow—" Jules mumbled. The four men started to leave, dragging Jules. Jules looked at Reji, K'vo, Nate, and Reo.
"Sorry for their behavior!" Jules cried out. K'vo had a smile on his face but then it turned to a frown. He stayed in one spot for a moment. He quickly punched Reji's arm hardly.
"Ow!" Reji yelled, looking at K'vo. K'vo frowned worse.
"Why didn't that work?" K'vo mumbled.
"Why didn't what work?" Reji asked, pissed again. K'vo looked at Reji.
"Each time I looked at the guys face- the one that laughed, my chest fucking hurt. Usually I just hurt someone else and I feel better." K'vo muttered. Nate gasped and handed Reo to Reji. He jumped on K'vo's back.
"K'VO! YOU LIKE HIM! YOU LIKE JULES!" Nate screamed. K'vo looked at Nate.
"Jules?" K'vo muttered.
"Yeah! The cute boys name! His name is Jules!" Nate cheered. K'vo looked over at Jules, who was still being dragged away, then back at Nate.
"I like him?" K'vo muttered. Reji hit the top of K'vo's head hardly.
"For a smart alloc, you are really dumb in the love department." Reji said. K'vo rubbed the top of his head where Reji hit him.
"He's rich too!!" Reo yelled.
"Well, I'll probably ever see him again so who cares." K'vo said, handing Reji money.
"Get what you want." K'vo said. Reji took the money. K'vo waved off and left. Nate snickered and took Reo.
"Let's go after him!" Nate cheered.
"Ya!" Reo cheered. Reji stood there with the money. He shrugged it off and went to a market.
     The next day, Ace climbed down the ladder halfway and looked over at Reji and K'vo sitting at the the fire pit playing cards.
"Hey guys, can one of you go to the markets and find some good vegetables? Taylor wants some with dinner." Ace pleaded. K'vo snickered and stood up.
"I will because I doubt Reji knows how too, seeing as he is one small child." K'vo said. Reji stood up and grabbed a stick. He hit K'vo's head with it.
"Ow!" K'vo yelled.
"Alright alright, there is money in the satchel down there. Please get some good vegetables." Ace said, pointed below the treehouse. Then he climbed back into the treehouse. K'vo walked over to the satchel and picked it up.
"Hey, what are the chances that you'll see your little crush?" Reji asked. K'vo scoffed as he grabbed some Zenos out of the pack.
"Hey, didn't he say he wanted you to take money?" Reji asked. K'vo looked at Reji.
"Yeah but nothing sells with money here." K'vo muttered.
"Funny, the vegetables sellers only take money." Reji snickered. K'vo grunted and swapped the Zenos out for money. He turned to Reji and nudged him.
"I'm leaving asshole." K'vo said. Reji smiled as K'vo walked down the trail towards the village.
When K'vo got to the village, it was nearing dark so everything was closing. K'vo rushed to farming markets to get vegetables. When he got there, he was able to buy the vegetables and go. As he started for the trail, he heard panicking and cry's.
"No! I'm sorry! I-It was an accident!"
K'vo turned the direction he heard the panicking and saw two men trying to jump Jules.
Jules is a black wolf of another clan in the village over. His clan was a lot bigger so the head of the town got to get the tax money then sent a hefty fee to the kings. Jules was the son of the head of the town so he was found to be more wealthy then most. He was wearing a white shirt under a silver cloak. And his pants weren't scratched up a bit. He also had a White Diamond necklace around his neck., which K'vo assumed was why those two men were trying to jump Jules. White diamonds are normally harvested by legendary diamond dragons or snow wolves because of their regions. But now a'days, snow wolves are almost impossible to come by and diamond dragons are thought to be extinct. People who acquire white diamonds either bought it from a jeweler shop that has their own small harvest or they have a personal connection. Either way, that rock on Jules's neck was something worth so much that the Zenos, you could get from it, could feed two entire realms.
He has black hair like all black wolves have but he also has a white streak in his hair. Also, his eyes weren't black like black wolves all have. Instead, they were silver with soft white crescent moon pupils. And his skin was a pretty pale color. And his tail was mostly black but there was white on the tips.
K'vo shook his head in disappointment and walked over. He stepped between Jules and the two men. The two men looked at K'vo immediately. Jules had his eyes squeezed shut.
"Why are you guys doing this?" K'vo asked. Jules opened his eyes and saw K'vo.
"Fuck off K'vo. You aren't part of this!" One of the men yelled. K'vo squinted at the man.
"Uhm... Jules here is my lover. So fuck off." K'vo made up, grabbing Jules's hand. Jules looked at his and K'vo's hands and looked at the men. The men glared at K'vo.
"K'vo, you hate people who wear rich stuff to show off. And loving a man who is rich? Not predictable." One of the men complained. K'vo rose an eyebrow and pulled Jules to his chest. He kissed him. Jules's eyes widened and he blushed. K'vo pulled away and looked at the men. Jules slowly looked at the two men with honest eyes.
"Shit-" one of the guys muttered.
"Alright, sorry K'vo! Just don't tell Taylor or Ace!" The other guy yelled as he ran away. The other man quickly followed after the running man. K'vo let go of Jules and turned to him. Jules looked at K'vo.
"What are you doing here this late? And why the fuck are you showing off that rock? Were you asking to be jumped or gang banged by those men?" K'vo asked. Jules looked down.
"I accidentally ran into them... I didn't mean too... I-I'm sorry." Jules trembled. K'vo looked at Jules and sighed. He lifted the necklace up and put it down Jules's white shirt to keep it hidden.
"Don't show that shit around here. Unless you want to be jumped." K'vo demanded.
"Ok." Jules said. K'vo stepped away.
"I'm also sorry for kissing you. Now, why are you out this late? I thought you lived in the town over." K'vo asked. Jules looked at K'vo nervously.
"My parents are really over protective and never let me out so I decided to rebel and sneak out. And this village is much smaller then mine." Jules explained, rubbing his arm.
"Oh. Well, how is you evening of rebellion so far?" K'vo asked.
"Boring..." Jules mumbled, looking down T the ground. K'vo crossed his arms and looked around the area. Jules looked up at K'vo.
"Also, I can't accept an apology if you are such a good kisser." Jules said nervously, looking away awkwardly. K'vo stared at Jules with as blank face as if he had no reaction.
"You are cute." K'vo said. Jules flinched and looked up at K'vo.
"Ok, let me take you home." K'vo said. Jules frowned and looked down.
"I don't wanna. All they will do is treat me like a child." Jules muttered.
"Treat you like a child. You aren't a child?" K'vo asked.
"No! I'm 17." Jules complained, crossing his arms. K'vo smiled and held his hand out.
"I'm K'vo. I am 18, and I plan to take you on a less boring rebellion." K'vo said, kissing Jules's hand softly. Jules blushed again and smiled.
"Really? Nice to meet you- K'vo." Jules said, trying to say K'vo's name correctly. K'vo smiled and held Jules hand softly.
"We have to stop at my home first. But then I promise I will take you somewhere." K'vo said. Jules smiled.
K'vo and Jules walked to the treehouse. K'vo guessed that everyone was inside because only Taylor and Ace were outside at the firepit. Jules was unaware that Ace was the prince so he just stood there waiting. K'vo walked over to Ace and Taylor.
"Here." K'vo said. Ace smiled and took the vegetables.
"Thank you." Taylor said.
"Yeah. Is it alright if I come home late?" K'vo asked. Ace and Taylor looked at K'vo. Taylor glanced at Jules and smiled.
"Sure. Do you need the whole night? We are willing let you be until morning if it's gonna be good." Taylor teased. K'vo squinted at Taylor and quickly kicked him in the chest. Taylor fell backwards. Ace sighed.
"Thank you." K'vo said then he walked back over to Jules. Jules was staring at Taylor. K'vo took Jules hand carefully.
"Let's go." K'vo said. Jules looked at K'vo and followed him. K'vo took Jules to the river. Jules smiled and shuffled over to the edge.
"Ooo! My parents never let me go swimming!" Jules complained. K'vo looked at Jules.
"Well, you can't go swimming here anyways. The river is a runoff so it's freezing." K'vo said. Jules looked at K'vo nervously then looked at the ground. K'vo rose an eyebrow.
"What is it?" K'vo asked. Jules rubbed his arm awkwardly.
"I'm not very smart... I-I don't know what runoff is..." Jules mumbled. K'vo frowned.
"You are 17. You aughta learn some shit." K'vo said. Jules's ears dropped to the side of his head and he turned to K'vo.
"Uh... I never went to school even when my parents are so rich... and they never let me out of the house except on occasions... so I never get the chance to learn things." Jules explained. K'vo sighed and walked up to Jules. He took his hand.
"Really, why are your parents so overprotective?" K'vo asked. Jules looked at K'vo nervously.
"Uhm... my father is a black wolf and my mother is a snow wolf. It's because I'm partially snow wolf so they are scared i'll be hunted down." Jules explained. K'vo's eyes widened.
"Wait— do you have-" K'vo started.
"Yeah, I have magic." Jules said, snapping his fingers. A small rock floated up off the ground and then thrown into the river. K'vo smiled. Jules looked down nervously.
"Well, that explains how you got the white diamond around your neck." K'vo said. Jules shrugged. K'vo looked at the river then up at the sky. He smiled and took Jules's hand.
"Hey, let me show you something." K'vo said. Jules looked at K'vo and smiled.
"Ok." Jules said. K'vo took Jules's hand and K'vo led Jules up a hill along the river. He took the long way around to the treehouse.
"Climb up." K'vo said. Jules looked at the ladder and went up. K'vo climbed after him. When they were both at the top, K'vo led Jules to the balcony porch then up the second ladder to the roof. They sat on the platform and K'vo showed Jules the village from there. The lights shined bright enough to make the village look pretty. Jules sat there silently and looked at the village. K'vo glanced at Jules.
"Do you like it?" K'vo asked. Jules nodded and looked down. He pulled his legs to his chest and stayed quiet. K'vo looked at the village.
"Was this boring?" K'vo asked. Jules flinched and looked at K'vo.
"No." Jules said. K'vo looked at Jules. Jules smiled.
"Thank you. I probably won't be aloud out of the house ever again so I'm happy." Jules said. K'vo smiled and laid down.
"So how long will it be till they realize you are gone?" K'vo asked. Jules scoffed and hid his face in his knees.
"They realized I was gone the minute I left the house." Jules said. K'vo frowned.
"Do you wanna be friends?" K'vo asked. Jules looked at K'vo.
"I think we passed that part when you kissed me." Jules teased. K'vo looked at Jules. Jules chuckled and covered his mouth. K'vo blushed and looked away.
Later, K'vo helped Jules get back to his home without anyone seeing him. They walked to the other village that Jules lived in. Jules showed K'vo where his home was. When they got there, K'vo was shocked at the size of the house. And the fact that there were at leave a dozen men guarding the house each square inch. Jules was about to go towards the front door. K'vo pulled him back.
"Nu uh. Let's just get you to your room window ok? Then you can say you were hiding in your closet the whole time." K'vo explained. Jules looked at K'vo.
"Ok..." Jules said. He led K'vo over to a balcony three stories up the house. He pointed up at the balcony. K'vo looked up and frowned.
"Uh-" K'vo mumbled. Jules looked at K'vo.
"Ok, alright. I'll help you up there." K'vo said. Jules frowned. Somehow, they did end up getting Jules to the top of the balcony. K'vo was on the ground looking up. Jules looked down at K'vo.
"Will you sneak out again?" K'vo asked loudly but quietly so Jules could hear him but so none of the men guarding the house could hear him.
"I probably won't be able too. But, I can try!" Jules cheered quietly. K'vo smiled.
"Yeah? Great! Well you know where to find me." K'vo said happily. Jules smiled and waved off. K'vo waved bye then left. Jules watched K'vo leave and he set his head on the balcony railing.
"Gosh, you are so cute." Jules mumbled to himself.
    Then the door opened.
"Maybe if we look for clues in his room, we can find him!" A lady cried, rushing into the bedroom.
"Calm down, my jewel. We will find him." A man said, rushing to the lady. Jules turned around and acted natural. He walked over to the see through glass door and knocked on it. It was locked from the inside. The lady and the man looked over at the door and smiled.
"JULES! MY BABY!" The lady screamed, rushing to the door. She quickly unlocked it and hugged Jules. Jules hugged back naturally. The man rushed over to Jules.
"Jules, my son, what happened?!" The man asked.
    The man was Jules's father Yun. He is a black wolf, with black hair, tail, and ears. He has the brown eyes and tan skin.
    The lady was Jules's mother Xephan. She is a snow wolf with pure white hair, silver eyes with slight silver crescents for pupils, and pale white skin. She was very beautiful.
"Sorry mother, sorry father. I went to look at the stars on the balcony and somehow I got locked out. And then I fell asleep next to the door." Jules explained thoroughly to convince them it was the truth.
"Oh dear! We should've paid more attention to your actions!" Xephan cried. Jules smiled.
"No no, it was a simple slip of the door. No one's fault." Jules said happily.
"Well, if you say so." Yun said. Jules smiled cheerfully. Jules faked a yawn.
"Gosh, but I am sure tired now. I think I'll sleep now. Love you both!" Jules said happily.
"Oh yes! You must be exhausted." Xephan said.
"Alright, sleep well Jules. We will greet you in the morning." Yun said. Yun and Xephan waved goodbye and left the room. Jules sighed and flopped on his bed.
"Exhausted... I'm happy." Jules mumbled to himself.

    For the next two months, Jules had been sneaking in and out with the help of K'vo. K'vo would take Jules to different places that astonished him greatly. He'd also teach Jules different things from math, history, and reading. Overall, they got very close each other over the time. And K'vo couldn't help but feel the guts of telling Jules how he felt.

    One evening, Jules was sitting on his bed doing nothing. He was just thinking. I wasn't able to sneak out that day to see K'vo so he just felt uneasy for that day. He closed his eyes. He was wearing the clothes he wore that day so he wasn't going to bed yet. He was just resting. Then there was a faint Jules! whispered. Jules sat up confused then turned to the balcony door. He listened and watched. Then he saw two hands grab the side of the balcony. It was K'vo. K'vo climbed the wall the best he could and got to Jules's balcony. He got his head over the railing then ran out of energy. He looked over and saw Jules. He smiled. Jules was shocked and he rushed to the door. K'vo was happy now but then he fingers began to slip. He frowned and tried to hold on. Jules unlocked the door just in time because K'vo's hands slipped and he started to fall but Jules was able to snap his fingers. K'vo floated back on to the balcony then Jules snapped his fingers again, releasing the spell. K'vo sighed in relief.
"Oh my goodness, are you ok?!" Jules asked, touching K'vo's cheek. K'vo smiled.
"I'm alright now that I've got to see you." K'vo said. Jules smiled and blushed slightly.
"Oh- it's freezing out here. Come inside." Jules said, pulling K'vo inside. He shut the door once they were both in there and turned to K'vo. K'vo looked at Jules. Jules looked down.
"I'm sorry I could come see you today. My parents had a guest stay here and blah, blah, blah." Jules said. K'vo smiled and held Jules's hand.
"It's alright, at least I got to see you." K'vo said. Jules smiled and led K'vo to a small couch. They sat down.
"Your room is huge but it's kinda plain." K'vo said.
"Yeah. My parents think owning to much stuff is dangerous." Jules said. K'vo frowned and looked away. Jules looked at K'vo. He touched his cheek slightly. K'vo turned to Jules. Jules smiled.
"Your skin is really soft." Jules said. K'vo looked at Jules nervously. He took a leap of courage.
"Well my lips are way more softer." K'vo said, blushing slightly. Jules looked at K'vo's lips then back up to K'vo's eyes.
"Y'know... my lips get lonely, especially for being so soft." K'vo said. Jules smiled and chuckled.
"K'vo, are you trying to have a reason to kiss me?" Jules asked. K'vo covered his eyes.
"Yeah. I guess it didn't work well." K'vo mumbled.
"No, no. It definitely worked." Jules said smiling. K'vo looked at Jules with shock. He took a moment then quickly made a move. He touched Jules's cheek and kissed him on the lips gently. Jules kissed back immediately. K'vo leaned over Jules, making Jules lean down on the couch. K'vo kissed more, sliding his tongue in. Jules didn't hesitate. He trusted K'vo a lot. After a full makeout session, there was a knock on the bedroom door. K'vo and Jules pulled away and sat up. They both looked at the door.
"Baby! Open the door love! It's mother!" Xephan yelled out. Jules didn't speak.
"Ah, he must be sleeping." Yun said, knocking on the door.
"Oh Yun, go get the key to the door from your office! I wanna see my Jules." Xephan pleaded.
"Ok, I'm going." Yun said walking off. Jules stood up quickly.
"You gotta go... they don't like anyone at all." Jules whispered. K'vo stood up and falling Jules to the balcony. K'vo was about to climb down the wall when he stopped. Jules looked at his bedroom door.
"Jules." K'vo said softly. Jules turned around to see K'vo. K'vo quickly kissed Jules. Jules looked at K'vo and kissed back. They pulled away.
"Will you be my lover?" K'vo asked. Jules blushed more and smiled.
"Of course I will." Jules said. K'vo smiled and kissed Jules one last time. Then the doorknob began to move. K'vo pulled away and smiled. Jules smiled. K'vo quickly started his decent down the three story home. Jules quickly rushed inside and shut the balcony door. Then he rushed to the couch and acted as if he had fallen asleep on it so his parents wouldn't suspect anything. K'vo felt happy as hell and rushed back home. And Jules felt happy too. Probably because something actually happened in his boring life.

To be continued...

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