Chapter 46

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Another year passed...

Of course, we'd skip to Hunter's birthday. Or pre birthday. Ever since Hunter turned 16, he'd been busy doing everything. He was getting closer to 18 which meant he had to learn everything there was about being a prince, a king... meaning he had to learn dragon history and all the other realms history as well. He also had to perfect his speeches and perfect everything he ever does. He's tired most of the time because of this. On Hunter's 17th birthday, he actually slept through breakfast and he didn't even realize it was his birthday in the first place. Normally on his birthdays, Hunter would be the very first one to wake up. But instead, he was the last. Arthur and Jay sat at the table eating breakfast with the rest of the family that lived there. Which was only Arthur, Jay, Max, Zane, Tyler, Fox, and Skipp left of who lived at the castle. Besides Hunter who was still asleep. Ray had moved out and got married to Zaylon. He went to live in the castle with Zaylon since Zaylon was the heir to the elf thrown. The family had shrunk. But by then, Jay had been working his way in Kai and Ryder's head to make them move into the castle. They automatically refused of course, never wanting to leave their home. Skipp and Fox played with their forks, trying to make a tp hut with them. Arthur groaned.
"Is he still asleep or something?!" Arthur cried. Jay chuckled.
"He's been working hard, remember?" Jay said. Arthur crumbled and dropped his head on the table. Tyler chuckled.
"Skipp love, go get Hunter." Tyler said. Skipp glanced at Tyler.
"He's probably sleeping. And you know he put like 4 locks on his door." Skipp said. Jay looked at Skipp.
"But we all know you have all four of the keys." Jay said. Skipp looked at Jay then stood up. He walked upstairs and to Hunter's bedroom. He unlocked all the locks and walked inside. He shut the door and turned around. He saw Hunter, fast asleep. Hunter has his grow out a bit more so his hair was a mess. So was his room. Skipp sighed and rubbed his nose between the eyes. He walked over to Hunter.
"Hunter, wake up!" Skipp yelled. Hunter quickly sat up.
"I'm up and read—dy..." Hunter quickly muttered from loud to quiet. When he finished that sentence, he fell right back to sleep. Skipp tilted his head and kinda chuckled. The only other way to get him up was one way, and one way only. Skipp leaned close to Hunter's ear.
"Hunter baby..." Skipp whispered then he stepped back. Hunter's eyes widened and he blushed. He sat up and looked at Skipp.
"SKIPP!" Hunter cried. Skipp started laughing. Hunter pouted and got up slowly.
"You always tease me like that!" Hunter complained.
"You never wake up." Skipp shrugged. Hunter pouted and walked over to the mirror. He looked at himself in horror.
"Oh god- what day is it?" Hunter asked, wanting to fall on the ground. Skipp walked over to Hunter and held his hand that the promise ring was on. He held his hand and hugged Hunter from behind. Hunter looked at Skipp through the mirror reflection.
"Hunter, it's your 17th birthday today." Skipp said. Hunter's eyes widened.
"Wait, really?!" Hunter asked, turning around. Skipp looked at Hunter.
"Yes." Skipp said. Hunter's jaw dropped.
"How could I forget that?!" Hunter screamed.
"You are tired." Skipp said, walking over to Hunter's dresser. He pulled out some clothes and threw them at Hunter.
"Alright change now. You already slept through breakfast so your gotta eat." Skipp said. Hunter caught the clothes and looked at Skipp.
"I don't wanna get up." Hunter pouted, falling to the ground sarcastically.
"Then no kiss." Skipp said, walking out the door. Hunter's eyes widened and he quickly stood back up.
"WHAT?! BUT I HAVEN'T HAD A KISS FOR LIKE A YEAR!" Hunter screamed. Skipp didn't respond and went back downstairs. Hunter pouted more and got dressed. He got his hair brushed out and went downstairs. When he got downstairs, he saw everyone waiting.
"Well, look who finally came down." Arthur said.
"Sorry." Hunter pouted, sitting down in the seat next to Skipp. He flopped his head on the table.
"Well, eat your breakfast. Since it's your birthday, you get the day off from your duties." Arthur said. Hunter sat his head up a little.
"Yay." Hunter said tiredly.
"But we all got you gifts." Max said. Hunter looked at Max.
"Uncle Max, I always get gifts. And the only gift I love is this one." Hunter said, pointing at Skipp. Skipp rolled his eyes.
"We all know that Hunter. But we still get you gifts." Tyler said. Hunter smiled and sat up.
"Thank you." Hunter said then he started eating. Arthur and Jay stood up and hugged Hunter.
"Happy birthday honey." Arthur said. Hunter looked at his fathers.
"Your gift." Jay said, setting down a box in front of Hunter.
"My gift is better though." Arthur cheered, setting another box down next to the box Jay set down. Hunter looked at the boxes.
"I'll save the best for last." Hunter snickered, grabbing Jay's gift. Jay scoffed and smacked Hunter upside the head. Hunter laughed. Arthur snickered. Hunter opened Jay's gift. Inside was a key. Arthur immediately realized what the key was. So did Skipp. Hunter picked the key up and glanced at Jay.
"Dad, what is this for?" Hunter asked. Jay pointed at Skipp. Skipp's jaw dropped. Hunter looked at Skipp then back to the key.
"Is this Skipp's bedroom key?!" Hunter cheered.
"Yep." Jay said snickering. Hunter looked at Skipp. Skipp blushed and looked away.
"Ok, open mine while I hit your father." Arthur said. Jay chuckled nervously. Hunter put the key in his pocket and opened Arthur's gift. When he opened it, his eyes widened. He looked at Arthur. Arthur and Jay both smiled.
"Pa- why is your crown in here?" Hunter asked, looking at Arthur. Arthur kissed Hunter's forehead.
"Maybe because, it'll be yours soon. But I've gotten bored of having that in mine and your fathers bedroom. It'll be a better fit in your room." Arthur said. Hunter picked up the crown carefully and looked at it. It was shiny, silver, and gold. Skipp turned back to Hunter and looked at the crown, then Hunter's hands. Hunter gulped and his hands started to shake. Jay and Arthur noticed this. Hunter quickly set the crown back in the box and shut the box. Arthur frowned and looked at Hunter.
"Hunter?" Arthur questioned. Hunter trembled and stood up quickly, making the chair, he was sitting in, fall down. Max and Zane stood up in question. Arthur quickly felt Hunter's temperature. Jay took Hunter's hands.
"Hunter, you are burning up." Arthur pleaded. Hunter shook his head.
"No!— No I'm n—" Hunter started but then he grew dizzy and passed out. Jay quickly caught him. Skipp's eyes widened and he stood up.
"Hunter?!" Arthur cried. Jay tried to shake him awake. Tyler stood up and ran to the doctors room. Fox stood up and rushed to Hunter. He felt Hunter's pulse.
"He's passed out." Fox said.
"Help me get him to his room." Jay said. Fox and Jay took Hunter upstairs. Arthur looked at the gift he gave Hunter and frowned.

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