Chapter 53

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Two months later... Hunter's 18th Birthday

Hunter, finally, was asleep in his bed. He was supposed to be up already but he stayed up late last night studying since now in three days, he was gonna get a test from other kings and queens of the other realms as an assignment. There was a book on his face which he fell asleep reading. There was a knock on the door and Jay walked in. Hunter woke up when he heard the knock. When Jay walked in, Hunter sat up and the ball fell on his lap.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." Jay said.
"Mm... what day is it?" Hunter asked tiredly, shifting over to the edge of the bed.
"Your 18th birthday." Jay said. Hunter's eyes widened and his hand slipped. He fell off the bed. Jay smiled. Hunter quickly stood up quickly. He literally stared Jay down.
"You are joking again." Hunter said. Jay laughed.
"Nooo!" Jay cheered.
"See, I told you it was a bad idea to prank him that time." Arthur said, walking into the room. Hunter looked at Arthur and his eyes widened.
"It's really my birthday? My— my 18th birthday?" Hunter quickly asked.
"Mhm. And we are having Callum and his family come up for you." Arthur said.
"Oh my god— FUCK CALLUM! SKIPP!" Hunter screamed, running out the door. Jay smirked and looked at Arthur.
"Told ya he would rather go to Skipp." Jay said, taking Arthur's waist. Arthur rolled his eyes.
Hunter ran straight to Skipp's room. He rushed in and Skipp wasn't there. Hunter sobbed and ran to his parents room. He knocked on the door. Fox opened the door and looked at Hunter.
"Oh, hey Hunter. Happy birthday." Fox said. Hunter stared at Fox.
"Skipp. Where is he?" Hunter asked. Fox chuckled.
"It's his day off today. He probably went to the kingdom. It is almost noon." Tyler explained. Fox and Hunter looked at Tyler. Tyler had a tray of food and walked into the room Fox was in.
"What? He's— he's not here?!" Hunter cried.
"He'll be back at lunch." Tyler said, setting the tray down on a table. Hunter sobbed and walked back to his room pouting. In his room, Hunter found three gifts on his bed from his parents. Hunter pouted mostly but then he got dressed and fixed his hair. He opened the gifts from his parents. He liked them all then went to the office. His parents were there with one final gift. Hunter wobbled to the desk and sat down in a chair.
"Guard person! Can one of you tell me when Skipp gets back?" Hunter yawned. One of the guards left. Hunter muttered and laid his head on the desk.
"How late did you stay up?" Arthur asked, standing up.
"Uhhh... I don't know. I was trying to memorize everything but now I can't remember anything." Hunter mumbled.
Arthur walked up to Hunter and lifted his head up. He put two fingers up.
"How many fingers?" Arthur asked. Hunter looked at Arthur's fingers.
"Uh—... thr- no- yes. Three." Hunter said. Arthur looked at Jay. Jay frowned.
"Maybe you should go catch up on your sleep." Jay said.
"No— no. I gotta wait for Skipp." Hunter mumbled. Jay smiled and looked at Arthur. Arthur sighed and picked up the other gift.
"Here. One more gift from both of us." Arthur said. Hunter looked at the gift. It was small. He took it and started opening it. Arthur smiled and leaned back on the desk. Hunter opened it all the way and found a ring box. He stared at the box then opened it. There were two engagement rings in the box. They were silver and plain just like Skipp would've liked. He looked up at Arthur then looked at Jay.
"Engagement rings?-" Hunter muttered. Arthur smile and kissed Hunter's forehead.
"We said you couldn't marry him till 21. Doesn't mean you can't be engaged to him." Arthur said. Hunter smiled and shut the box. He looked up at Arthur.
"Thank you... I love it so much." Hunter said, putting the box in his pocket. He set his head on the table and fell asleep accidentally. Arthur smiled and kissed Hunter's head. Jay stood up and walked over to Hunter.
"He's really stressed over this." Jay said. Arthur sighed.
"I was too. When you left and Marionette took me, I had the same test but it was only my dads, James, and Ninete who tested me. I passed barely. I get why he's stressed." Arthur explained. Jay pulled Arthur close.
"Well, should we wake him up at lunch? It's what he'd want." Jay said. Arthur smiled and leaned his head on Jay's chest.
"Nah. He has the rest of his life to do what he wants with Skipp now." Arthur said. Jay smiled.
Later, at lunch, Skipp came back. He walked into the castle. He had his coat on and a scarf. As he walked in, he took his scarf off and started up the stairs. But then the guard rushed after him.
"Skipp!" The guard called out. Skipp stopped walking and turned to the guard.
"Hunter wanted you. He was in the office." The guard said. Skipp smiled.
"Alright." Skipp said then he walked upstairs to the office. He knocked on the door and came in. Jay was in his chair and Arthur was at the bookshelf. They both turned to Skipp. Skipp walked in and saw Hunter asleep with his head on the desk.
"Oh, he wanted to stay up to see you but i don't think he got enough sleep." Arthur said. Skipp walked over to Hunter and touched his cheek. He glanced up at Jay and Arthur. They looked at him.
"Don't mind us anymore Skipp. He's 18. All is fine now." Jay said. Skipp smiled and leaned down. He kissed Hunter's cheek.
"Here. Help me get him to his room." Jay said, standing up.
"Ok." Skipp said. He and Jay carried Hunter to his room and set him on the bed. They let Hunter sleep. Jay left and Skipp stayed. Hunter was a mess. He looked tired, even when he was asleep. Skipp smiled and sat on Hunter's bed. He leaned over and kissed Hunter softly on the lips. He pulled away and stood up.
"If you were awake, I'm pretty sure you would've tried to touch me and kiss me several times." Skipp chuckled. He looked at Hunter's face and blushed.
"I love you so much Hunter." Skipp said softly then he left to go help set up the tables, even if it was his day off. During lunch, Skipp sat at the table with everyone else besides Hunter. He was about to eat.
"Skipp, do you want to stop working here?" Arthur asked, out of the blue. Skipp dropped his fork accidentally and looked at Arthur.
"What?- Wait, you aren't firing me are you?!" Skipp panicked. All the staff in the room quickly looked at Arthur with shock.
"No no honey. He's asking you this question for something important." Tyler quickly said. Skipp looked at Tyler then to Arthur.
"Well- I like working here. I get to work with the staff.. and get to see Hunter." Skipp said awkwardly. Arthur smiled.
"Well the reason we ask you this is because you are gonna be with Hunter. We thought— why work for us anymore? I'm sure Hunter would prefer that anyways. He hates when you work so much." Arthur explained. Skipp looked at Arthur nervously.
"Well, if I stopped working here... what would I do?" Skipp asked. Arthur looked at Jay. Jay rubbed his head.
"Well— I guess that's a good point." Jay said.
"I'm alright working here. I'll be fine." Skipp said. Tyler pat the top of Skipp's head. Skipp smiled.
"I'm more scared of what Hunter is gonna do to me now." Skipp chuckled.
"Probably fuck you." Jay laughed. Arthur rolled his eyes.
"Hu-" Fox muttered.
The next morning, Hunter woke up earlier then he ever has for a long while. He woke up quickly and looked out the window. He saw the sun rising. He stood up quickly.
"Shit, I fell asleep." Hunter said, rushing to his mirror. He fixed his hair and then walked to his door. He opened the door and rushed down to Skipp's room. Skipp was still asleep. Hunter ran to Skipp's door and opened it.
"Skipp!" Hunter cried, rushing into the room. Skipp woke up quickly and sat up.
"Huh?!" Skipp yelled tiredly. Hunter shut the door and locked it then he turned around. He smiled brightly and ran over to Skipp. He jumped onto the bed and immediately leaned over Skipp. Skipp blushed and looked at Hunter clearly.
"Hunter-" Skipp started.
"I love you!" Hunter yelled them kissed Skipp. Skipp blushed a darker red and kissed back slowly. Hunter was trying to get somewhere. He pulled away and looked at Skipp. Skipp moved his hair out of his face and looked at Hunter. Hunter smiled.
"Now I can do this-" Hunter said, pecking Skipp on the lips right after saying this.
"Anytime I want too." Hunter cheered. Skipp smiled.
"You are so cheery. What time is it?" Skipp yawned. Hunter looked at Skipp and shrugged his shoulders.
"Dawn?" Hunter said. Skipp muttered and laid back down.
"Can I sleep a little longer?" Skipp asked.
"Nu uh, I gotta celebrate my love for you." Hunter cheered, leaning over Skipp. Skipp blushed, knowing exactly what Hunter meant.
"Hunter, please. I'm tired." Skipp pleaded. Hunter looked at Skipp
"But I didn't get to celebrate my birthday with you..." Hunter said. Skipp sighed and sat up a little. He leaned over to his nightstand and opened one of the drawers in the nightstand. There was a small gift. He grabbed it and handed it to Hunter.
"Your birthday gift." Skipp said. Hunter smiled and took the gift. He opened it and inside was a white Diamond bracelet with a white Diamond carved into an H. Hunter stared at it and smiled. He looked up at Skipp.
"How much did you spend for this?" Hunter asked.
"Not saying." Skipp replied. Hunter set the box aside the bed and put the bracelet on.
"I love it." Hunter cheered. Skipp smiled and kissed Hunter's forehead.
"That's good, now please let me sleep." Skipp said.
"Aww! Why!" Hunter cried. Skipp looked at Hunter.
"Please baby..." Skipp pleaded softly. Hunter's jaw dropped and he blushed. Skipp smiled and laid down.
"Thanks." Skipp said, closing his eyes. Hunter trembled and laid down next to Skipp.
"Love you." Hunter mumbled. Skipp took Hunter's hands and held them.
"I love you too." Skipp said. Hunter smiled.
Later that day, Hunter ran around the castle looking for Skipp. He found Skipp cleaning the dining table off from breakfast. Arthur and Jay were sitting there with Callum and Toby. Callum and his family came last night for Hunter's 18th birthday. Hunter ran down the stairs.
"SKIPP!" Hunter screamed. Skipp's eyes widened and he froze in spot. Everyone else in the room watched Hunter run at Skipp. Hunter pounced on Skipp. Skipp fell over to the ground with Hunter. Hunter quickly stood up and looked down at Skipp. Then he looked at Arthur and Jay. He snickered then knelt down. He lifted Skipp to his feet. Skipp glared at Hunter.
"I've always wanted to do this." Hunter snickered, peering over at his fathers. He quickly pulled Skipp into a kiss. Skipp tried not to kiss back. Hunter pulled away and snickered.
"You've always wanted to kiss Skipp in front of dad and papa?" Callum asked.
"Hell yes!" Hunter said, going in for another kiss. Skipp pushed Hunter's head away. Callum stood up and walked over to Hunter. It looked like he was gonna pick up Hunter but then he picked up Skipp. Hunter glared at Callum.
"Put him down asshole." Hunter demanded. Callum threw Skipp over his shoulder. Arthur took Toby and smiled. Skipp crossed his arms.
"I question how you are strong enough to pick me up." Skipp complained.
"You are as light as a feather Skipp. I just wanna piss Hunter off." Callum snickered. Hunter groaned and pushed Callum.
"Well you pissed me off. Now put him down." Hunter yelled. Callum smiled and set Skipp down. Hunter glared at Callum. Callum quickly shifted and threw Hunter over his shoulder.
"Time to go swimming." Callum snickered. Hunter yelled at Callum and kicked. Skipp rolled his eyes. Then there was a splash.
"CALLUM!!" Hunter screamed. Skipp looked at Arthur and Jay.
"Nu uh, don't look at us now. You are taking care of him now." Jay said. Skipp chuckled and looked at the door. Callum threw Hunter into the moat around the castle so he could get out easily. He frowned as he walked into the castle soaked. Skipp looked at Hunter and smiled. He walked over to him and took his hand.
"Let's go get you in a bath and a new pair of clothes alright." Skipp said. Hunter nodded and followed Skipp up the stairs to his room. When they got in the room, Hunter looked in the mirror.
"Callum is a nutcase." Hunter mumbled. Skipp walked into the room and started the bath with warm water.
"Callum got the same thing remember?" Skipp asked
"Yeah but that was when he was 19." Hunter complained, taking his shirt off. Skipp glanced over at Hunter and blushed. He looked at the tub and stood straight. He walked over to the door and shut it then quietly locked it. He walked over to Hunter.
"Here, lemme take your clothes." Skipp said. Hunter handed Skipp his wet shirt. He walked over to the window and opened it. Hunter took his pants off.
"Put the bubbles in before you get in." Skipp said, setting Hunter's shirt on a peg outside his window. Hunter tiptoes up behind Skipp.
"Why don't we take a bath together?" Hunter asked, touching Skipp's waist. Skipp blushed.
"Hunter-" Skipp started.
"Nu uh. Don't you remember? We can do anything we want now." Hunter said calmly. Skipp sighed.
"You didn't let me finish." Skipp said, turning around to face Hunter. Hunter blushed. Skipp put his hands behind Hunter's head and pulled him into a kiss. Hunter blushed harder and kissed back. He stepped forward, making Skipp lean on the bathtub sides. Hunter kissed him more. Skipp tried to keep up but ended up pulling away to breathe. Hunter went down and kissed Skipp's neck. As he did that, he started taking Skipp's coat off. Skipp let Hunter do this. Once Skipp's coat was off, Hunter started taking Skipp's shirt and pants off. Skipp let Hunter do this too. He couldn't fight Hunter. He loves him to much. As Hunter pulled Skipp's pants down, he thought of something.
"Maybe I can take a bath afterwards." Hunter said. Skipp looked away in embarrassment.
"Do— do you even know what you are doing?" Skipp asked nervously. Hunter looked at Skipp and smiled.
"I do. I asked Donny how to do it." Hunter cheered.
"Ew." Skipp replied. Hunter chuckled and pulled Skipp's pants off. Hunter lifted Skipp's legs and kissed him. Skipp felt this getting farther and he couldn't do anything except enjoy it. He kissed back and then he felt Hunter's hand start to pull down his boxers. Skipp panicked and pushed away. Hunter looked at Skipp curiously. Skipp trembled and covered his face.
"Can— can we do this under the blankets?..." Skipp asked. Hunter smiled and nodded. Skipp felt Hunter gift him all the way off the ground and pick him up. Hunter carried Skipp over to the bed and set him down. He undone the sheets and slid Skipp under. Hunter got on top of him and put the blankets over both of them. Skipp was nervous but he trusted Hunter. Hunter took one of Skipp's hands and kissed it softly. Skipp blushed.
"First and last warning, do you want me to go through with this?" Hunter asked. Skipp looked at Hunter and squeezed his eyes shut.
"I— I.... I trust you." Skipp said. Hunter smiled and kissed Skipp's forehead.
"Just tell me to stop, and I won't hesitate. As long as you are happy or feel good." Hunter said. Skipp was flustered and literally in a love trance with what Hunter just said. He quickly pulled Hunter into a kiss. Hunter kissed back and put his hands down Skipp's body. He wasn't gonna take off anything yet but he was gonna enjoy touching Skipp in other places. Hunter pulled away and started kissing down Skipp's chest. Skipp bite down on his finger and closed his eyes. Finally, Hunter went down and pulled Skippyboxxers off. He threw them on the side of the bed and rubbed around Skipp's dick. Skipp started to drool slightly then took some sort of initiative. He went over and pulled Hunter's boxers off. Hunter felt Skipp do this and started kissing farther down. Skipp tensed up. Hunter came back up and pushed on Skipp.
"Are you ready?" Hunter asked. Skipp trembled and nodded slowly. Hunter leaned down and kissed Skipp softly. Skipp kissed back. They pulled away. Hunter lifted Skipp's legs up on his shoulders and guided his dick to Skipp's insides. Skipp felt embarrassed so he just covered his face. Hunter slid his dick into Skipp slowly for Skipp to feel comfortable. Skipp flinched several times. Hunter smiled and leaned over Skipp. He touched Skipp's hands and held them after he pulled them away from Skipp's face. He held Skipp's hands down on the bed. Now Skipp was left to look at Hunter. Hunter pushed in. Skipp squeezed his eyes shut and tensed up more. Hunter kissed Skipp's cheek.
"Don't worry, I'll go slow." Hunter said quietly. Skipp trembled and felt Hunter start to thrust. His eyes widened and he let sounds put that he didn't even mean to let out.

And now, a growing relationship starts. ⬆️

To be continued...

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