Chapter 17

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    The next day.

That morning, Arthur and Jay lined up the older kids that went to the ball last night, including Callum, Hunter, August, and Ray. Out of the large group included Noah, Sebastian, Milo, Ryan, Smith, Corey, Skipp, Jonah, Congo, Axel, and Kanna. They were all cleaning the castle first then they'd go clean the streets. After a little, Grey had Zaylon and Harper go help them. Hytrono told Sean to go help as well. And then Clara and Victoria told Kenji to help and so did Parker, which told Bear to help.
     When they were finished cleaning, Bear, Sean, Kenji, Zaylon, and Harper went back to the castle to meet their parents. Callum took August to his room. Skipp and Hunter were to embarrassed to talk to each other. So they split. Kenji walked up to his parents to obey. Parker waited for Bear to come in but he didn't. Sean was starting to walk into the castle when he watched Parker rush by, angry. His eyes widened and he looked out the castle. Smith was outside, kneeling down, showing Bear a trick he could do. Bear was knelt down next to him, watching him. Parker walked up behind them.
"Bear." Parker said. Bear stood up quickly and turned around. Smith didn't stand but he did look at Parker. Parker grabbed Bear's arm and dragged him inside. Bear waved goodbye as he got pulled away. Parker waved and stood up. He walked away.
     After a little, Arthur and Jay had taken the group of royals on a tour from the kingdom to the village. Zaylon and Harper goofed off and threw Sean into several things. Bear would kick them. They stayed farther back from their parents. Zaylon put his arms around Sean's shoulders.
"So, heard you had a good time with that Ryan boy last night." Zaylon chuckled. Harper put his arms around Sean's shoulders on the other side of him.
"Did you guys smooch?~" Harper teased. Sean didn't make any reaction.
"No. He's a man. If I did that, I'd end up like my uncle. Being exiled and hunted for life." Sean said. Harper and Zaylon pulled away and went silent. Bear rushed up to Sean and whispered in his ear. Sean stopped walking and smiled. Bear smiled and grabbed Sean's arm. Harper and Zaylon stopped and turned around. They looked at Sean and Bear.
"Go get Kenji." Sean said. Bear nodded and ran over to the group of royals.

Kenji walked next to Clara and Victoria, staying quiet. Bear walked up beside Kenji and spoke in his mind.

Kenji, my dearest uncle. Bear spoke in his mind. Kenji's mind immediately popped. He could hear Bear's thoughts.
What. Kenji replied in him mind. Bear smiled and grabbed Kenji's hand.
Stop walking and come with me. Bear pleaded in his mind. Kenji stopped walking and glanced at Bear. Clara and Victoria stopped and looked at Kenji and Bear.
"What's wrong son?" Clara asked. Victoria could hear both Bear and Kenji's thoughts. Bear and Kenji looked at Victoria. Victoria smiled and grabbed Clara's arm.
"They are alright. Let's go." Victoria said, pulling Clara with her. Kenji looked at Bear. Then both of them heard Victoria's thoughts.
Be back at the castle by dawn boys. Victoria had said in her mind. Bear smiled and pulled Kenji with him to Sean, Zaylon, and Harper.
"Kenji, you are the only person who has been shown around the kingdom. Would you take us to get food?" Sean asked. Kenji glared at Sean.
"I don't like you." Kenji muttered. Sean rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah, we know you only like that Axel guy right now. Just please. We are hungry." Sean pleaded. Kenji crossed his arms and started for Shawna's restaurant. Sean smiled and grabbed Bear's arm. Zaylon and Harper quickly followed Kenji. Sean and Bear did too. In the restaurant, Axel, Ryan, Smith, Noah, and Sebastian were sitting at one table. Noah and Smith were sitting in one booth, Sebastian and Axel were in another booth, and Ryan was on the table.
Kanna walked up to their table.
"Alright Ryan, off the table." Kanna demanded.
"I'm older then you." Ryan teased. Kanna immediately grabbed Ryan's leg and pulled him off the table.
"Shit-" Ryan said then fell on the ground. He was flat on the ground. Shawna walked out and glared down at Ryan.
"You boys better get out of my restaurant before I get your parents." Shawna said strictly. Ryan quickly scooted away.
"Uh oh." Smith said. Axel started laughed and sat back and relaxed. Noah and Sebastian looked at Shawna awkwardly. Shawna immediately ran to the back and grabbed a broom.
"OUT." Shawna yelled. Ryan and Smith stood up.
"Run boys!" Ryan yelled. Him and Smith quickly ran out of the restaurant. Axel stood up.
"Lookin hott today Mrs Shawna." Axel laughed then ran out of the restaurant. Shawna and Kanna quickly ran out of the restaurant. Kenji and the other four were almost to the restaurant then they saw Ryan and Smith run out of the restaurant and towards the markets. Then Axel ran after them and Shawna ran out screaming cuss words. Kenji stopped. Sean watched them run.
"Troublemaking." Sean said. Kenji blushed and turned to Sean.
"Your food." Kenji pointed at Shawna's restaurant. He walked away. Sean, Bear, Zaylon, and Harper watched Kenji go the direction Axel went.
"Lover boy." Sean said. Bear immediately ran to the restaurant.
"Hungry boy." Zaylon laughed.
Axel ran around the market and walked into one market place. He dove into a hole inside the ground and climbed out of the hole that opened up across the kingdom. He walked through the end side of the kingdom, wondering throughout the the streets. He was walking down the street when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He saw Kenji looking around. He stopped walking and smiled.
Kenji stared at the ground questioning where Axel went. He rubbed his arm, feeling stupid. Axel slowly snuck up on Kenji from behind. He grabbed Kenji's waist and pinned him to the nearest wall. Kenji's eyes widened and when he realized that it was Axel, he blushed a dark red.
"Morning." Axel said. Kenji looked at Axel.
"Cute." Kenji said. Axel tilted his head.
"Hm?" Axel said. Kenji tapped his head.
"That's what you were just thinking." Kenji just said. Axel smiled and put an arm around Kenji's waist. Kenji gasped quietly and tensed up. Axel leaned forward.
"What am I thinking now?" Axel asked. Kenji stared at Axel and blushed harder. He shivered a little.
"I—" Kenji trembled. Axel lifted Kenji's leg up and pinned him to the wall sternly. Kenji started to overheat.
"What am I thinking Kenji~" Axel asked, moving his face closer to Kenji's face. Kenji could feel Axel's breath. He gulped.
"Me— M-Me naked?-" Kenji trembled.
"Bingo." Axel said. Kenji didn't know what to do.
"W-why—" Kenji trembled. Axel leaned up to Kenji's ear.
"I'm a tad bit horny, you are cute as fuck, and I didn't get my food so I'm kinda pissed." Axel explained. Kenji turned away.
"We can't—" Kenji trembled. Axel moved Kenji's face to face his.
"Oh.. but we can." Axel said. Kenji shook his head no.
"No— I-I- don't— I don't even know you well—" Kenji trembled. His head started to hurt from thinking to much. Axel smiled.
"Your mother told me you are interested in me." Axel said. Kenji's eyes widened and he looked away quickly. Axel unpinned Kenji from the wall.
"Where would we even—" Kenji muttered, cutting himself off. Axel grabbed Kenji's hands.
"Somewhere private, I promise." Axel said. Kenji felt desperate to follow Axel but felt scared.
"I-I don't know." Kenji trembled. Axel looked at Kenji.
"Why?" Axel asked. Kenji was trembling till he read Axel's mind. He blushed and under pure reflex, he quickly pulled Axel into a kiss. Axel didn't flinch and jump. He kissed back and then pulled away. Kenji covered his mouth.
"Oh my lord—" Kenji said. Axel smirked and re pinned Kenji to the wall. Kenji started to tremble again. Axel looked at Kenji.
"Just say no, and I'll stop." Axel said, moving his hand up Kenji's shirt. Kenji flinched and blushed hard. Axel moved to Kenji's neck and kissed it softly. Kenji trembled and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Y-you said somewhere private—" Kenji trembled, letting Axel kiss him in places.
"Yeah." Axel said, pulling Kenji with him.

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