Chapter 21

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5 Days later, Congo had been taking care of the farm with the help of Ryan, Smith, Corey, and Theo. This was because Chase and the twins were almost as if they were to lazy and just sulked. They were fine the first week when Jason left but then they got worried and upset. Jonah was taking care of the three. Chase was at the dining table with a bowl of food. He just played with the food, to tired and lazy to even lift a spoon full to his mouth. Jessie was just asleep on the bed. Wesley was half asleep doing chores. Jonah was doing most of the chores though.
"Cant you three do something? You gotta looked prepared for when Jason gets home." Jonah complained.
"We were expecting him to be home four weeks ago." Chase muttered, dropping his head on the table. Wesley dropped the broom in his hands and walked over to the bed. He laid next to Jessie.
"Look, you were supposed to have a wedding. You might wanna be ready for one soon." Jonah complained.
"And if he doesn't come home?" Wesley mumbled quietly.
"Then wait till I do." Jason said. The sound of Jason's voice made everyone turn towards the ladder. Jason was climbing up the ladder. Chase and the twins quickly bulldozed into Jason, hugging him to death. Jonah smiled and left to go find his fathers.
"DON'T LEAVE US EVER AGAIN." Jessie cried.
"NEVER AGAIN!" Chase pleaded. Jason smiled and kissed each of them on the forehead.
"Maybe I'll make it up two you guys and having our wedding in a week. A week to set it up and send the invites." Jason said pleasingly.
"Omg, yes!" Wesley pleaded. They hugged each other so tightly. Jonah worked his way back to the village but before so, he ran into Congo, Ryan, Smith, Corey, and Theo.
"Hey Jonah, where ya headed?" Ryan asked. Jonah smiled.
"I was gonna go greet my parents. Btw, Jason's home." Jonah said.
"DADDY!" Theo and Corey screamed before running g back to the treehouse. Smith and Ryan bolted soon afterwards. Jonah smiled at Congo then started forward. Congo quickly grabbed Jonah's hand and pulled him close. Jonah looked up at Congo. He was taller yet, he was the bottom.
"Jonah... do you think— maybe we could tell my brother and everyone about our relationship?" Congo asked. Jonah looked at Congo for a second to make sure he wasn't kidding and chuckled. He put his hands on Congo's cheeks.
"Con baby, they already know." Jonah said. Congo jolted.
"What, you told them?!" Congo panicked. Jonah shook his head no.
"No, we were just very obvious." Jonah said then he kissed Congo's forehead and left. Congo scratched his head, in confusion.
Jonah rushed home and when he did, he immediately saw his parents just getting ready to go inside the house.
"PAPA, DAD!" Jonah screamed. Both Ryder and Kai turned around in time to get bear hugged by Jonah.
"I MISSED YOU BOTH!" Jonah cried. Ryde's ears fell and his hugged back. Kai kissed Jonah's forehead and hugged back.
"We missed you too baby." Ryder said. Jonah smiled and nuzzled his face between to two.

Callum was in the office with his head on the desk. He was asleep. Hunter and Skipp were on a bench in one of the hallways together. August was just leaving to go get lunch from the kitchen. He walked downstairs and to the dining room but stopped when he saw Jay and Arthur walk in. He went to take another step but tripped and fell. He stood back up very quickly and stood there nervously.
"My kings, you are back!" August said. Arthur glanced at Jay and chuckled.
"August hun, it's fathers or dads to you." Arthur responded. August went to speak then looked down nervously. He rubbed his arms and hesitated to speak at all. Jay and Arthur made there way up to August. Arthur grabbed August's hand. August looked up at Arthur. Jay put his hand on August's shoulder. August looked over at Jay.
"We think you are the perfect fit for our son August. We couldn't be happier as long as you are the happy one." Jay said. August smiled.
"I should be honored to have my k— fathers blessings." August spoke, correcting himself on the way. Jay and Arthur both smiled.
"Anyways, where are our boys?" Arthur asked.
"Oh! Hunter is roaming the halls as an excuse to walk with Skipp. And Callum fell asleep in your guys office." August explained. Arthur and Jay looked at each other.
"Do you mind going to fetch Hunt for us? We'll be in the office." Arthur asked.
"Yes my k- father—" August said. Arthur and Jay walked passed August and started up the stairs. August walked down each hall to try and find Hunter. When he did, he didn't want to disturb him because he was talking to Skipp on a hall bench. Hunter was very close to Skipp and holding his hands as if he wanted to make a move. August sighed and walked over to them.
"Hunter." August said. Hunter and Skipp jumped and pulled away from each other. When Hunter saw it was August, he rolled his eyes and stood up.
"What?" Hunter asked. August pointed up.
"Your parents are back. They are in the office." August said. Hunter eyes widened and he quickly bolted for the office. Skipp stood up and looked down awkwardly. August smiled.
"You guys were almost close enough to kiss Hm?" August teased. Skipp covered his mouth softly and looked at August.
"I don't think he could kiss me again sir August. My King Jay and my Sire Max scolded him for kissing me before at the ball. And I too was scolded harshly by my fathers." Skipp explained, looked down slowly. He frowned.
"And as well as my sensei staff members..." Skipp said quietly. Those words made August flinch. He glanced at Skipp and grew suspicious.
Callum was still sleeping I'm on the desk, though, much uncomfortably. Arthur and Jay walked in slowly and smiled. Jay knocked on the wall loudly. Callum's eyes widened and he sat up quickly, causing him to fall backwards. He stood back up and dusted his clothes off.
"Ye-" Callum started then saw his fathers. His eyes widened again.
"Dads!" Callum cried out, rushing over to his parents. He quickly hugged them. Arthur and Jay both hugged back.
"Hey Cal. How's it been going?" Jay asked. Callum hugged tightly.
"Good. You guys were gone for so long." Callum mumbled. Jay smiled. Arthur and him pulled away.
"Looks like you held the fort." Arthur said. Jay looked around then squinted at Callum.
"One question, you didn't fuck August in here did you?" Jay asked. Arthur scoffed and nudged Jay's arm. Callum crossed his arms.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" Callum asked. Jay chuckled.
"I knew you were to soft to fuck a boy." Jay admitted. Callum's jaw dropped.
"That's no- uhm..." Callum lost his words.
"Good." Jay said.
"DAD! PAPA!!" Hunter screamed from down the hall. Arthur turned around and smiled.
"Hunter!" Arthur cheered. Jay turned around. Hunter ran right up to Arthur and jumped onto him. He hugged Arthur tightly.
"Oh my go- Hunt, you are 14. To old to be carried-" Arthur complained, lifting Hunter up as much as he could.
"I don't care! I missed you!" Hunter cried. Arthur smiled and kissed Hunter's cheek. Jay walked over to the two and hugged them.
"Miss me too?" Jay asked.
"Yeah!" Hunter chuckled.
"14 my ass. Probably 4." Callum said, rolling his eyes. Jay snickered and pulled away. He walked over to Callum sneakily.
"Says the 8 year old!" Jay yelled, lifting Callum over his shoulder. Callum crammed.
"DAD!" Callum screamed as he kicked his feet. Jay laughed.
"Oh oh! Papa! Put him in the river!" Hunter pleaded.
"Haha! Good idea Hunt!" Jay said.
"NOOO!!" Callum screamed, kicking and hitting. Jay carried Callum down the stairs. When he got the the bottom floor, Skipp and August walked in. Skipp and August stopped and looked at a Jay walk passed with Callum on his shoulders. Callum's eyes widened when he saw August.
"AUGUST! HELP!" Callum cried. August blinked with confusion and turned around, looking at Skipp. Skipp rolled his eyes.

About 10 minutes later; August sat on Callum's bed looking through a book when the door opened. He looked up and cover Ed his mouth.
"Oh my-" August said. Callum stepped inside the room and shut the door slowly. He was soaked from top to bottom.
"Don't ask." Callum muttered, walking over to the bathtub in the corner of the bedroom. August chuckled and laid back on the bed. Callum started to strip and take all his clothes off. Once he did so, he got into the bathtub and laid his head back.
"God that river is always freezing." Callum complained.
"That's because your river is on runoff." August said, pointing outside as he sat back up. Callum closed his eyes.
"I swear to hate water." Callum complained. August chuckled.
"Cal, you are in water right now." August chuckled. Callum opened his eyes and sat up in the bathtub.
"August, could I have a kiss?" Callum asked softly. August flinched and turned around to face Callum.
"You are in the bath Cal." August said.
"So? I'm your fiancé." Callum said. August blushed.
"You are naked Callum." August said, staring at the ground.
"I have the bubbles in. You won't see anything. Unless you want to see something." Callum chuckled. August sighed and stood up. He walked over to the tub Callum was in and sat down next to it. Callum got as close to August as he could. August leaned forward and kissed Callum's forehead. Callum had his lips pierced for a kiss on the lips. He quickly sank into the water, only leaving his eyes and the top of his head visible. August looked at Callum oddly.
"What?" August asked. Callum lifted up.
"I wanted a kiss on the lips." Callum complained. August started laughing. Callum became grumpy and splashed August with some water. August stopped laughing when the water hit him. He looked at Callum and sighed.
"Well you have soap on your lips so you can get a kiss when you get out." August said. Callum squinted at August and scoffed. August chuckled.

   About 30 minutes later; August left the room to go get some food. When he came back, Callum was putting a shirt on. He walked in and shut the door.
"That shirts cute." August said, walking towards the bed. Callum smiled and turned around. He quickly rushed over to August.
"Aug." Callum said. August stopped walking and turned around. Right as he did so, Callum picked him up immediately and set him on the bed. August blushed and grew warm. Callum laid on top of August and leaned down.
"My kiss." Callum pleaded. August stared at Callum's eyes and trembled. He pulled up and kissed Callum on the lips. Callum kissed back and closed his eyes. August sank into the kiss. Callum started getting more intimate and pushed his hand up August's shirt. August's eyes widened and he gasped, pulling away from the kiss. Callum opened his eyes and looked at August.
"What's wrong?" Callum asked. August started to shake a little.
"I-I'm not ready—" Callum trembled. Callum immediately felt bad and got off of August.
"I'm so sorry August-" Callum said and rubbed his head. August sat up and looked at Callum nervously.
"I'm sorry Callum." August said.
"No-! It's my fault-" Callum muttered. August stood up and grabbed Callum's hand. Callum looked at August.
"I love you Callum, I do. And I really do trust you but I don't think I'm ready." August explained. Callum smiled and hugged August.
"To be honest, I'm probably not ready either." Callum said. August hugged back and kissed Callum's cheek.
"How about a walk?" August asked. Callum nodded.

To be continued...

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