Chapter 31

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Two Months Later...

Callum and August were asleep in bed. August was cuddling Callum softly when their bedroom door flung open. It hit the wall. Jay walked in. Callum yawned and sat up. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at Jay.
"What is it?" Callum asked slowly. Jay smiled.
"Callum, I just wanna say, you guys have been engaged for about three months. Your father and I think it's best to start planning your guys wedding." Jay said. Callum rubbed his eyes.
"It's my birthday dad. Can't we wait til tomorrow or something?" Callum asked. Jay smiled nervously.
"Yeah, we are. But your father wanted you downstairs. It's your nineteenth birthday so he had a breakfast prepared for you." Jay said. Callum smiled.
"Alright then." Callum said. Jay smiled and stood there waiting. Callum looked at Jay awkwardly.
"Uhm.. dad- we are naked." Callum said. Jay jolted.
"Oh shit- got it. Cya." Jay said quickly then left. Callum chuckled and stood up. He grabbed his underwear and pants and put them on. August shuffled around and realized Callum wasn't in bed with him. He didn't open his eyes.
"Callum?" August muttered, rubbing his eyes.
"Morning baby." Callum said. August opened his eyes slowly and sat up. He looked over at Callum. He was digging for clothes in his dresser and the bathtub was running.
"Morning.." August said tiredly. Callum looked over at August and smiled.
"I ran the tub for you baby. It'll wake you up." Callum said. August mumbled under his breath and fell back down on the bed. He rose his arms up.
"Carry me." August muttered. Callum chuckled and walked over to August. He got to him and looked at him.
"You are so beautiful lovely." Callum said. August blushed and opened his eyes again.
"Are you trying to romance me?" August asked.
"Maybe." Callum chuckled, leaning down. He put his arms around August's back and legs. August was bare naked so Callum was able to set August right into the tub. Before he could pull away to go get a shirt, August held him there by his neck. August kissed Callum's cheek.
"Happy birthday love." August said. Callum smiled and kissed August passionately on the lips. He pulled away and smiled.
"My dads made a breakfast for me downstairs for my birthday. You can come down when you want to. I'll have your breakfast ready when you do." Callum said. August nodded.
"Thank you." August said, saturating in the bubbles in the bathtub. Callum put a shirt on and grabbed his coat.
"Love you." Callum said, kissing August's forehead.
"I love you too."  August replied then Callum left. August smiled.

    Downstairs, Skipp and Hunter were eating breakfast together. Skipp didn't have his glasses on. So when Tyler and Fox come down, Tyler set Skipp's glasses down on the table next to him. He sat next to him.
"Put them on." Tyler said. Skipp frowned and looked down at his food. Hunter looked at Skipp's glasses and grabbed them.
"Skipp, if you love me, look at me." Hunter teased. Skipp looked at Hunter.
"Everyone loves you Hunter." Skipp said. Hunter smiled and put Skipp's glasses on Skipp's face.
"That means you love me too." Hunter said. Skipp rolled his eyes and started taking the glasses off.
"Skipp." Tyler said. Skipp frowned and slid them back on. Callum sat at the table waiting for his food. After a little, August walked in and sat next to Callum. Callum smiled and held August's arm.
"Tomorrow, my parents wanna start planning our wedding." Callum whispered. August looked at Callum.
"Well, if you are ok with that idea then alright." August said. Callum smiled and kissed August's forehead.
"Callum, tell Skipp he looks pretty with his glasses on." Hunter complained. Callum looked at Hunter and then Skipp.
"Three months and you still can't except that you have to wear glasses?" Callum asked. Skipp frowned and looked down.
"You look cute with them on Skipp." August said.
"Yeah. Like Hunter said, you do look pretty in them. They kinda suit you." Callum said.
"One day, you'll grow bigger and become a handsome man who'll rock in those glasses." Ray said as he sat down. Skipp shook his head no and took the glasses off. He set them on the table. Hunter frowned and continued eating. A chef set a plate of food in front of August then Ray. Then Arthur and Jay walked out with a chef carrying a tray. They set the tray in front of Callum and lifted the lid to reveal a delicious breakfast meal.
"Yum!" Ray said.
"Super yum!" Axel said, walking passed Callum. Callum began eating. August looked at Axel. Axel was coming out of the kitchen with a breakfast stick [bread with powdered sugar on it] and about to leave.
"That's a new sweater." August said, turning back to his plate. Axel stopped and looked at August.
"You noticed?" Axel chuckled.
"Mhm." August said. Axel smiled. Callum grabbed a jellied piece of bread off his plate.
"Here. That breakfast stick ain't enough breakfast." Callum said, throwing the bread. Axel caught it.
"Thanks." Axel said, rushing upstairs.
"What's he rushing for? Normally, he makes a few stops around our food." Hunter asked. Arthur and Jay sat down next to Hunter.
"We'll all the staff are busy. We are getting our bedrooms all fixed up for some guests." Jay said. Hunter glanced at Skipp.
"He's not though." Hunter said.
"That's because you won't let him leave son." Arthur said, eating his food. Hunter looked at Skipp and smiled.
"Oh." Hunter chuckled.
"So, will you tell us what guests are coming now?" Callum asked as he took a bite of his food.
"Oh, well- Ray requested that we have the elf kingdom come down for a little bit as a visit and some vampires wanted to come as well." Arthur explained. Ray's eyes quickly widened.
"Wait! You are gonna let them?!" Ray asked cheerfully.
"Mhm." Jay replied.
"Who exactly is coming and for how long?" August asked for Callum since Callum's mouth was stuffed with food.
"Let's see... Zaylon, Harper, Elias, Grey, and Eowyn for the elves along with their guards. Then Victoria, Clara, Kenji, Razel, and a woman named Uqa for the vampires." Arthur read off on the top of his memory.
"Uqu? Who's that?" Ray asked. Callum and August shrugged.
"Oh- they letter said it was like Kenji's betrothal or something. Anyways, they are visiting to stay with us except for Victoria and Clara. They want to have a new honeymoon in the south east of of realm." Jay explained. Callum, August, and Ray's jaws dropped.
"Oh shit— when?" Callum asked.
"In a week." Arthur said.
"Hm..." Callum muttered.

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