Chapter 10

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    Callum laid on his bed as he read a book. August was asleep next to him. It was noon so he was just taking a small nap. There was a knock on the door. Callum turned to the door and frowned. He set the book down and stood up. He walked around the bed and tucked August in under the blankets. He smiled and walked over to the door. He opened it. Axel was standing there with Skipp.
"What is it?" Callum asked. Axel looked inside the room and saw August asleep. He smiled.
"We heard the marriage was fake." Axel said. Callum frowned and glanced at August. Skipp shoved Axel.
"What we really came up here for was that your fathers want to hold a practice speech for you." Skipp said. Callum tilted his head in confusion.
"Now?" Callum questioned.
"Mhm. They are in the ball room." Skipp said. August heard the talking and moved. He opened his eyes and sat up slowly. Axel saw August wake up and smirked.
"We can watch your little dragon for ya if you want Call." Axel said, winking at August. August stared at Axel grossed out. Callum turned around and saw August awake. He turned back to Axel.
"Not happening." Callum said. Axel laughed.
"Worth a shot." Axel laughed then he walked away. Callum turned to Skipp.
"Bring August down when he's ready please. And don't let Axel near him." Callum said. Skipp nodded. Callum smiled and turned back into the room. He walked over to his bed and grabbed his cape. He knelt down to August.
"I have to go for a little. I'll be in the ball room. Skipp will take you down when you want." Callum said, grabbing August's hands. August nodded slowly. Callum smiled and stood up. Before he stood all the way up, he quickly kissed August's forehead then left quickly. Skipp watched Callum leave then turned to August. August was red and embarrassed. After a little bit, August got fixed up and went downstairs with Skipp. Then they went into the ball room where they saw Callum standing on a podium. Tyler and Arthur were trying to teach him to use the correct stance. Hunter was sitting in a chair watching with Jay and Junior.
"Back straight Callum." Tyler said. Callum straightened his back, trying to obey the rule. Jay saw August and Skip walk in.
"Ah, August, come sit here." Jay said, pulling a chair up. August smiled and sat down where the chair was. Skipp sat down next to Hunter and watched.
"Your hands will only go as high as your chest. No more." Arthur said. Callum lifted his arms up to his chest.
"Same goes with your hands." Tyler said, pushing Callum's hands down a bit. Callum flinched.
"Must it be this way?" Callum complained.
"It must. When speaking to a crowd, you must maintain posture to show that it's a serious matter or that you need everyone's full attention." Arthur said. Callum pouted. August looked at Jay.
"Why does he have to do this?" August asked. Jay looked at August.
"Well, my husband just had to have Callum run the ball coming up because he's 18 and an adult. He's not gonna force him but he really does recommend it." Jay explained. August looked at back to Callum. Arthur handed Callum notecards.
"You also must come up with your own toast speech and welcoming speech." Arthur said. Callum grabbed the notecards and rubbed the back of his head.
"You must also memorize the speeches. It shows that you took time in planning." Tyler said. Callum looked at Tyler and nodded. Arthur looked at Callum's face.
"Callum baby. I'm not forcing you to do this." Arthur said. Callum looked at Arthur.
"I just thought you could have some practice with this." Arthur said. Callum smiled.
"It's fine. I'm sure I can do it." Callum said. Arthur smiled and kissed Callum's forehead.
"Alright, let's try some more things." Tyler said.      
    About an hour later, Arthur was still telling Callum some things. Jay was falling asleep in his chair. Hunter was laying on Skipp's shoulder. August was still watching. Tyler helped Arthur teach Callum.
"When you speak, you must project so everyone can hear you from the tiniest sounds." Arthur said. Callum nodded. Jay yawned and stretched his arms. He sat up straight.
"Babe." Jay said. Arthur turned to Jay.
"Don't you think he's heard enough. I'm sure he'll do great." Jay said. Arthur looked at Callum. Callum was looking down.
"Alright. We are done." Arthur said. Callum looked up at Arthur and smiled. Tyler walked over to Skipp.
"Skipp, let's go." Tyler said. Skipp and Hunter looked at Tyler.
"Can't I stay?" Skipp asked. Hunter held Skipp's hand tightly. Tyler glanced down and saw Hunter and Skipp's hand. He shook his head no.
"We gotta go." Tyler said. Skipp tilted his head confusedly.
"Why?" Skipp asked.
"Skipp. Stop asking questions. We already packed your bags. We are leaving. Your father is outside waiting." Tyler said strictly. Skipp turned to Hunter. Tyler sighed.
"Say goodbye." Tyler said. He bowed to Arthur.
"We will see you in a week."  Tyler said.
"Stay safe." Arthur smiled. Tyler walked out of the castle. Callum wobbled over to August and got down on the ground. He laid his head on August's lap and closed his eyes. August pet Callum's hair softly. Hunter stood up and turned to Arthur.
"Dad, why are they leaving?!" Hunter cried. Arthur and Jay frowned. Callum looked at Hunter.
"Son, Skipp's grandparents are coming for the ball and they don't think good about Tyler. Like so much that, he'd probably put him to death." Jay said.
"They have to leave here and we can't even show any sign that they live here." Arthur said. Hunter shook his head no. Jay walked up to Hunter.
"It's only a week." Jay said. Hunter trembled. Skipp frowned and hugged Hunter. Hunter turned around and hugged Skipp tightly. After a little, Arthur and Jay had to pry Hunter off of Skipp. Once they got Hunter off him, Skipp waved goodbye and left. Hunter stopped resisting and sat down on the ground. He hid his face in his legs and trembled. August and Callum looked at Hunter worriedly.
"I wanted to dance with him at the ball." Hunter mumbled. Jay looked at Arthur. Arthur trembled. Callum looked at Hunter then to August.
"I'll be right back." Callum said, standing up. He looked at Arthur and Jay and smiled. Then he quickly rushed out of the castle. Arthur and Jay looked at each other confused. Callum walked back in a few minutes later with Skipp. Arthur and Jay looked at Callum. Callum knelt down to Hunter and flicked his head. Hunter looked up.
"What?" Hunter complained.
"When our guests arrive, you will act as if Skipp is a poor boy from the village. If you speak of anything else, you could get Tyler, Fox, and Skipp killed. You understand?" Callum asked. Hunter tilted his head confusedly.
"Ok?" Hunter mumbled. Callum smiled.
"Good. Then it looks like you'll get to dance with Skipp at the ball." Callum said standing up. Hunter blushed when he saw Skipp behind Callum. He smiled and stood up quickly.
"Thank you Callum!" Hunter said. Skipp smiled. Hunter quickly ran up to Skipp and hugged him. Arthur and Jay looked at Callum. Callum walked up to August and pulled him up off the chair.
"Also, you guys will be staying in the same room." Callum added. Hunter blushed and turned around.
"What?-" Hunter muttered. Jay looked at Callum quickly.
"They are only kids Callum!" Jay complained.
"They are teenagers." Callum said.
"Young teenagers!" Jay pleaded.
"14 or 15. Caroo said he had sex with Gene when he was 14. What's the difference?" Callum laughed. Skipp and Hunter blushed hard.
"W-What—" Skipp mumbled. Arthur covered his mouth and looked at Jay. Jay's jaw dropped. August shook his head while smiling. Callum shrugged.
"I mean, they are old enough." Callum said.
"CALLUM!" Hunter yelled, all red and flustered. He quickly ran upstairs. Skipp just turned around and walked straight into the kitchen. Callum started laughing.
"I am gonna beat you up kid." Jay said to Callum.
"What, it was funny." Callum laughed. Arthur nudged Jay's arm.
"Callum love, I understand that you are desperate to fuck August but don't put that on Hunter and Skipp." Arthur said. Callum's eyes widened and he blushed hard. August blushed and looked at Callum shocked. Callum turned to August.
"It's not true! I wouldn't fuck you August." Callum quickly said. Jay started to laugh. Arthur smirked. August frowned.
"You wouldn't?-" August questioned. Callum blushed harder.
"No! I would!" Callum cried.
"You want to fuck me?" August asked. Callum started getting flustered.
"I- I-" Callum mumbled then he quickly ran upstairs embarrassed. Jay quickly fell to the ground laughing. Arthur snickered.
"Now that was funny." Arthur said. August looked at Arthur and Jay quickly.
"Huh?" August muttered. August crossed his arms.
"Oh please August. We know you'd like nothing more than my sons dick in you." Arthur said. Jay was now dying of laughter. August blushed harder and looked away.
"P-Please excuse me." August trembled and then he ran upstairs. Arthur's jaw dropped.
"He didn't deny my accusation babe-" Arthur said. Jay looked up at Arthur.
"They both like each other love. Can't you tell from their googly eyes?" Jay laughed. Arthur rolled his eyes.
"Alright Weirdo. Get up." Arthur said.

To be continued...

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