Chapter 63

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The next day, Callum and August's family left, along with most of the royals. Grey and Eowyn left with their family. Victoria left on her own since Clara already left. Trevor and Alpha also left to go figure out a way to raise one more child... or three. Hunter and Skipp walked down the hall together holding hands. Hunter was still somewhat asleep so Skipp guided him. He led him down to the dining room. They sat down with their families. Tyler and Fox were at the table together. So we're Max and Zane. And Arthur and Jay. But, so were Ace, Taylor, Reji, Nik, Nate, Leo, Reo, and Jade. Arthur was signing some papers while waiting for food. Jay was reading a book. Tyler was reading off his schedule for the day to himself. Max was just waiting, along with Zane and Fox. Hunter rested his head on the table. Skipp looked at the list Tyler had. Reo was angry because Royal had to leave. Ace and Taylor just waited. Nik and Reji were still half asleep. Leo was up and ready for the day, and Nate. Jade was asleep. Jay glanced up from his book and tilted his head.
"Where is K'vo and Jules?" Jay asked.
"They are the sleeping beauty's in our family." Nate snickered.
"Damn lovebirds would rather sleep and cuddle the whole day then do anything else..." Nik muttered, falling asleep with his head on the table.
"Haha, sounds like Hunter." Skipp laughed.
"Eh?-" Hunter mumbled, turning his head towards Skipp. Skipp quickly covered Hunter's eyes.
"Nothing baby. You heard nothing." Skipp said quickly. Hunter grumbled uneasily.
After breakfast, Hunter leaned on the wall of a room that Skipp and two maids were cleaning.
"I just, I don't know how to tell them." Hunter said. Skipp was making the bed.
"Hunter baby, just tell them you wanna start the planning." Skipp said as he flipping over a pillow. Hunter groaned with a pouty tone.
"Babyyy! I feel like this is something important! I don't know how to say it. Should I be like..." Hunter started. He stood up straight and put his hands behind his back. Skipp and the two maids looked at Hunter.
"Dad, papa. Me and Skipp have decided to get married next week. We want blah blah blah and blah blah blah done and we want all the preparations ready." Hunter said strictly, presuming an action he could take. Skipp chuckled and got back to work.
"Whatever you want." Skipp chuckled. Hunter smiled. One of the maids chuckled. The other grew concerned.
"My prince, shouldn't you just explain to the kings what you want directly and excitedly?" The concerned maid questioned. Hunter looked at the concerned maid. Skipp looked at the maid.
"Actually, don't you think you should both do it? It's both of you guys who are celebrating your love." The other maid questioned. Hunter, Skipp, and the concerned maid looked at the maid.
"Aww! That's a good idea!" The conceded maid squealed, not being concerned anymore. Skipp looked down nervously.
"I've said it before, but I am pretty terrified of the kings. I'd rather not." Skipp muttered.
"Aww baby, listen to the staff! It's a good idea. And it could help convince my parents better. Plus... we work good as a team together..." Hunter said, walking over to Skipp and grabbing his hand. Skipp blushed.
"You should do it Skippy!" The two maids cheered. Skipp sighed
"Fine, alright. But only because I want to hear what your parents have to say." Skipp explained.
"Wohoo!" The two maids cheered, jumping up and down excitedly. Hunter smiled and kissed Skipp's cheek.
"Let's go on then." Hunter said. Skipp nodded and followed Hunter out of the room. Hunter and Skipp held each other's hands as they walked up to the office. At the office, Hunter looked at Skipp. Skipp was looking down.
"You ready?" Hunter asked.
"Mhm." Skipp mumbled.
"Good." Hunter cheered as he opened the door. Arthur and Jay were in the office with Gene and Caroo. They were discussing some things.
"Dad, papa." Hunter said. Arthur, Jay, Caroo, and Gene looked over at Hunter and Skipp.
"Yes?" Arthur asked. Ryder walked into the room and walked over to the desk. Hunter pointed at his engagement ring. Jay smiled and looked at Arthur. Arthur looked at Caroo and Gene.
"Could we discuss this later?" Arthur asked.
"Sure." Caroo said, standing up.
"That's good. Reji and Nikzander wanna look for engagement rings from you guys. If they are around, you should take them to your shop." Ryder explained. Gene and Caroo looked at Ryder. Ryder sat down next to the desk. Caroo and Gene left and shut the door. Hunter walked over to the desk.
"We wanna start preparations for our wedding." Hunter said. Jay smiled.
"Well, that's gre-!" Jay started.
"What's the date?" Arthur interrupted. Hunter looked at Arthur then to Skipp. Skipp shrugged. Hunter looked back to Arthur.
"Next week?" Hunter mumbled. Arthur stood up.
"Hunter, you might want to write the list of preparations. It'll be easier that way if you want it that soon. Otherwise, expand your date." Arthur said. Jay rubbed his head. Ryder frowned. Hunter was shocked. Arthur walked away, and out of the office. Jay frowned and stood up.
"Hunt, he's in a bad mood right now. It's alright." Jay explained, walking over to Hunter. Skipp looked down nervously.
"How about you take a trip to Callum's? When he and August started their preparations, they were right on top of it. Maybe he could help you guys." Ryder explained.
"Ah, that's a good idea. Maybe, a week there, a week to prepare, then a week to set it up." Jay said. Hunter shrugged and looked at Skipp.
"What do you say?" Hunter asked. Skipp looked up at Hunter.
"What about my-" Skipp started.
"Vacation." Jay and Ryder interrupted. Skipp smiled.
"Then sure." Skipp said. Hunter smiled and looked at Jay.
"Then we'll do that." Hunter said.
    In the next following hours, Hunter sent a letter to Callum and asked him if he and Skipp could go down there for a week to talk about their wedding. The next day is when they got a response. This time, mostly once in a lifetime, Hunter was up first. Skipp was asleep, half naked because of Hunter. Hunter woke up and yawned as he sat up. He looked at Skipp and blushed.
He hadn't woken up next to Skipp in awhile. He leaned over and kissed Skipp's forehead.
"Mm.." Skipp mumbled. Hunter smiled and stood up. He put his robe on and walked over to the door. He opened the door and looked at the guards.
"What's the time?" Hunter asked. The guards looked at Hunter.
"6 your majesty." One of the guards said. Hunter smiled.
"Any mail?" Hunter asked.
"Yes sir." The other guard said, pulling out a letter from his pouch. He handed the letter to Hunter. Hunter took the letter and closed the door. He walked over to his desk and sat down. He opened the letter as quiet as he could and looked at it. It was from Callum. His response was a yes to letting him and Skipp stay in their home. He smiled and set the paper on the desk.
"Ngh—" Skipp groaned, rubbing his eyes. Hunter glanced at Skipp. Skipp slowly sat up. Hunter smiled. Skipp opened his eyes and looked over to where Hunter would be. He tilted his head in confusion.
"Hunter?" Skipp mumbled. Hunter stood up and walked over to the bed.
"Right here." Hunter said softly. Skipp looked at Hunter and looked down nervously. Hunter blushed and got back in bed. He pulled Skipp close and laid himself and Skipp down.
"Good morning. We can sleep a little longer." Hunter whispered. Skipp blushed and looked at Hunter.
"What are you doing up so early?" Skipp asked, rubbing his eyes as he felt Hunter's hand touch his thigh.
"I was checking the mail. And Callum said it would be fine to go down there for the week." Hunter said. Skipp smiled and closed his eyes.
"When do you want to leave?" Skipp asked.
"Now. But I gotta say bye to my fathers." Hunter sighed. Skipp was gonna chuckle but instead he gasped because Hunter had moved his hand a little bit higher then his thigh. He blushed more and opened his eyes.
"Why are you touching me there? It's the morning." Skipp mumbled. Hunter leaned over Skipp and kissed Skipp's neck. Skipp blushed more.
"I'm touching you there because we never finished last night." Hunter whispered. Skipp shivered. Hunter touched Skipp's cheek and smiled. Skipp looked at Hunter and smiled. He put his arms around Hunter's neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Hunter kissed back.

A Dragons Love Story 3 (Gay Love Story) BL/LGBTQ+Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz