Chapter 34

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At the end of the week, Kenji had to leave along with everyone else. But Axel was happy. His parents liked Kenji and he was able to marry him once he turned 18.

That next week, the first snow fell. Everyone started securing their roofs and cutting firewood to keep warm. Others cut their crops off to make sure the soil would get fertile by the end of the winter. It was also when it got extremely cold.
Gabe was trying to find his way through the snow while Skylar was cuddled up in a blanket to keep warm. They were going to the kingdom for help from the twins or Chase, or maybe even Jason. When they got to the village, the snow was so deep that they couldn't get any further. Gabe looked at Skylar and frowned. He put the other blanket on top of Skylar and got out of the wagon. He looked around for hall room Ms which he found. He rushed over into it and knocked on the old lady who owned the place. There was no one there. He trembled and felt cold. Then he heard his name.
"Gabe?" Jason mumbled. Gabe turned around and saw Jason with his daughter Corey.
"Jason—" Gabe mumbled.
"Gabe- it's freezing! And why are you here?" Jason asked. Gabe shivered.
"We left. Viara took it to far and I left. I took Skylar. I was looking for a hall room but no one is here." Gabe explained. Jason frowned.
"Come. Go get your son. Come to our home." Jason said. Gabe smiled and rushed to the wagon. He let the donkey go free and he picked up Skylar. Skylar was most likely in a very deep sleep from the cold and the pain. He'd lost a lot of blood and his cuts on his wrists grew infected. Jason saw Skylar and frowned.
"Is be alright?" Jason asked. Gabe looked at Skylar and shook his head no. Jason's ears fell and he took the two to his home. Corey followed behind. When he got to the tree house, Corey went up first and threw down a second rope. The twins and Chase were trying to feed Theo. Congo was on the couch playing cards with Smith and Ryan. Corey looked at Chase.
"Daddy." Corey said. Chase looked over at Corey.
"What is it sweetie?" Chase asked.
"Papa needs help." Corey pointed down. Chase walked to the edge and saw Jason. He grabbed his coat and slid down the rope. He looked at Jason then saw Gabe carrying Skylar.
"Gabe?" Chase asked. The twins looked down.
"Baby? Chase? What's up?" Wesley asked. Jason looked at Chase.
"Skylar isn't well. And the hall rooms are closed." Jason said. Chase walked over to Gabe.
"What's wrong with him?" Chase asked, touching Skylar's head to check his temperature.
"I don't know— I think it's blood loss or maybe hyperthermia." Gabe said. Chase help his arms out. Gabe set Skylar in his arms. He was very light for an 18 year old boy.
"Go up." Chase said to Jason. Jason climbed up the ladder.
"Ryan, Congo, help Chase." Jason said. Congo and Ryan stood up and looked down the ladder.
"Is that Gabe?" Congo asked.
"Mhm. Him and his son Skylar." Jason said. Ryan's eyes widened and he blushed. Chase started up the ladder with one hand while the other held onto Skylar. Gabe started up the ladder afterwards. When they got to the top, Chase immediately set Skylar next to the fire.
"Holy shit- is he ok?" Wesley asked, rushing over to Skylar.
"I-I don't know." Gabe mumbled. Ryan was shocked when he saw Skylar. The lights were enough to show blood on the blanket Skylar had on.
"Blood loss?" Chase asked, looked at Gabe. Gabe frowned.
"V-Viara took it to far and hurt him badly. He needs bandages." Gabe said. Congo sighed and went down the ladder. He went to a box on the ground and got into it. There were bandages and alcohol. He brought them up. Jason took the bandages.
"Where at?" Jason asked.
"His wrists." Gabe said. Everyone looked at Gabe confusedly.
"It's a long story. I'll tell it later but please help him." Gabe said. Jason frowned and walked over to Skylar. He took the blanket off of Skylar and lifted his sleeves up. It revealed very deep, infected cuts on his wrists right where his veins are. His ears fell and he turned around.
"Con, give me that alcohol. These are deep cuts and they are infected." Jason demanded. Congo walked over to Jason and gave him the bottle of alcohol. Jason put the alcohol on Skylar's cuts and wrapped him with bandages. Skylar didn't even flinch which made everyone worried.
"Oh god.. please don't take him." Gabe pleaded, kneeling down to pray. Jason frowned.
"Ryan, blankets." Jason said. Ryan walked to the bedroom that he and his siblings sleep in and grabbed several blankets. He took them out and bundled Skylar up in them. Ryan sat on his knees and looked at him. Even though he was freezing, Ryan still saw Skylar's face beautiful. Chase nudged Congo.
"Either you give your room up or you gotta let Theo and Corey sleep with you." Chase said. Congo shrugged.
"They can sleep with me." Congo said. Chase nodded and grabbed Gabe's arm.
"Come, you look tired and cold." Chase said, taking Gabe to Corey's bed. Ryan looked at Jason.
"Do you wanna look after him?" Wesley asked.
"Yeah, you are the one in love with that boy." Jessie said. Ryan looked at the twins and smiled.
"Yeah." Ryan said.
The next day, everyone was out in the snow playing.
Callum asked August to go for a walk in the snow and they did. Jonah walked to Congo's bedroom to check on him. Hunter walked through the castle to find Skipp. He found Skipp cleaning up left over rooms from the guests.
"Skipp." Hunter said. Skipp stoped cleaning and turned around. Right as he turned around, he blushed and his eyes widened. Hunter kissed Skipp's cheek.
"I- Hunter?" Skipp questioned. Hunter looked confident.
"Do you want to go on a secret date?" Hunter asked. Skipp looked at Hunter confusedly then realized what was going on.
"You remembered." Skipp said.
"How could I forget my future husbands birthday? You turned 16 today!" Hunter cheered. Skipp blushed and rolled his eyes.
"Well then, for my birthday, I want a real kiss." Skipp said, putting his arms behind his back. Hunter blushed and looked down.
"I-I will but can you follow me first?" Hunter asked. Skipp tilted his head.
"No no real kiss now?" Skipp asked. Hunter shook his head no. Skipp sulked.
"Alright." Skipp muttered. Hunter smiled and grabbed Skipp's hand. Hunter and Skipp both left the room. Hunter took him over to Skipp's room. Skipp looked at Hunter impatiently. Hunter grabbed Skipp's cloak and put it on him.
"I feel like our roles were swapped." Skipp muttered. Hunter chuckled and pulled Skipp towards the front. He and Skipp walked through the kingdom and down the village path.
"Where are we going?" Skipp complained.
"Just a little longer." Hunter chuckled. They walked through the village and down the waterfall path. When they got to the waterfall, Skipp was shocked. The water was frozen in place and the waterfall was also frozen.
"Woah!" Skipp said shocked. Hunter smiled.
"Isn't it cool?" Hunter asked.
"Yeah." Skipp said. Hunter looked at Skipp happily. Skipp stared at the waterfall. Hunter took a deep breath in and got his confidence. He grabbed Skipp's arm and pulled him close. Skipp looked at Hunter and blushed. Hunter tried to kiss Skipp but then grew nervously. Skipp smiled then did it for him. He touched Hunter's cheek and kissed him. Hunter blushed then kissed back. Skipp pulled away and smiled.
"That's the only thing I wanted for my birthday." Skipp said. Hunter looked at Skipp and smiled.
"So this is a secret date?" Skipp asked. Hunter nodded. Skipp chuckled and hugged Hunter. Hunter smiled and hugged back.

A Dragons Love Story 3 (Gay Love Story) BL/LGBTQ+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat