Chapter 22

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The next few days were a hustle. Everyone was preparing for a wedding. And now it was the morning before the day of the wedding.
   Congo woke up on the ground. He had fallen off his bed. He sat up and yawned. He stood up and looked around his small room and sighed. He left to get dressed and when he came back out, he went out of his room. When he got out of his room, he glanced at his brothers bed. Chase, the twins, and Jason were all asleep, still cuddling on their bed. Congo snickered and grabbed two pans from the small kitchen. He walked over to the other bedroom where Ryan, Smith, Corey, and Theo were sleeping. Congo walked over to sleeping Ryan and nudged his shoulder. This woke Ryan up. Ryan yawned and glanced at Congo.
"What?" Ryan complained. Congo smiled.
"Tomorrow'a your fathers wedding. We've got a lot to do." Congo said quietly. Ryan groaned and stood up. He started to change.
"Alright, wake the rest of them up and make sure they are dressed before they come out." Congo explained them left the room. Ryan groaned.
"They take forever to wake up th-" Ryan started then saw the two pans that Congo had, on his bed. He stared at them and chuckled. Congo walked outside the room and turned the lights on and off several times. This woke the twins up. The twins were weird when it came to lights. When they woke up, they both yawned and woke up Chase and Jason. Congo started cooking breakfast quickly while everyone else in the house was getting dressed. When Congo finished his food, he pulled over a long table that they set up and take down every now and then. He set the table up and put a stack of plates at the end. Then he set the food down in a row on the table. Then everyone started coming for food. Theo and Corey came first. They grabbed a plate then picked what they wanted to eat out of what Congo made. Then they sat down and ate. Ryan, Smith, and Wesley came next. Then Chase, Jessie, and Jason. When Chase grabbed his plate, he looked at Congo.
"Thanks Congo." Chase smiled. Congo nodded and grabbed a plate. Everyone ate.
"What are we doing today again?" Jessie asked, out of the blue. Congo was about to take a bite of food then looked at Jessie.
"Let's see, Jason's parents are coming today. And then everyone is gonna start the finishing set up at the waterfall. Oh, and the twins suits are at Caroo's." Congo explained. Everyone stopped eating at looked at Congo shocked. Congo took a bite of his food and chewed then he felt the holes burning in his head. He looked around at his family. He swallowed his food.
"What?" Congo asked. Jessie stood up and touched Congo's forehead.
"He doesn't have a fever." Jessie said. Chase grabbed Congo's hand and felt his pulse on his wrist.
"And his heart beat his normal." Chase said. Congo pulled away from Chase and pushed Jessie away.
"I'm fine, god." Congo complained. The twins tilted their heads.
"Impossible. You are a douche and you are being nice right now." Jessie said.
"Very true." Wesley said. Congo crossed his arms.
"Look, you guys have been wanting to get married for over 10 damn years! I am merely helping you guys." Congo yelled. Jason smiled.
"Alright, leave him alone guys. He's trying his best." Jason shooed. Chase leaned closer to Congo and side hugged him.
"Good little brother." Chase chuckled. Congo shoved Chase away.

Later that day, the family headed to the castle except for the twins. The twins went to get their suits from Caroo and Gene's house then go to the castle. At the castle, Arthur and Jay welcomed Trevor and Alpha into the castle, as well as Ace, Taylor, Rio, and Nathaniel. Arthur and Jay stood at the entrance with Ryder when they arrived.
"Welcome to our realm!" Arthur said cheerfully. Alpha and Trevor walked over to Arthur and hugged him. Ace and Nathaniel helped Taylor get Rio out of the carriage. Rio was sleeping. Nathaniel glanced over at Arthur and Jay.
"You guys wouldn't happen to have a room for Rio to sleep in, hm?" Nathaniel asked. Ryder smiled.
"Yeah, of course." Ryder said, stepping into the castle for a moment. Then there were some screams. Everyone looked at the castle door. Jay reacted after something.
"Hunter! Get off of Skipp!" Jay yelled out, rushing into the castle. Taylor held onto Ace's hand now, probably freaked out. Then there were more screams that came from Hunter. Jay walked back over to Arthur with Hunter kicking and screaming over his shoulder. Ryder and Skipp came around and Skipp walked over to Ace and Taylor.
"I am Skipp, the princes assistant as sorts. I'll take the boy." Skipp said, bowing to Taylor. Taylor glanced at Ace nervously then handed the sleeping Rio to Skipp. Skipp carried Rio into the castle safely.
"Ah! Right! Prince Taylor-" Arthur started. Taylor immediately coughed in shock.
"Prince?!" Taylor questioned. Everyone looked at Taylor.
"Well, you are engaged to my son so you technically will be a prince Taylor." Trevor said. Taylor rubbed his head in confusion.
"Ok, Taylor, welcome to our castle. And again, everyone will have the rooms they had before. Taylor will sleep in Ace's room and Rio is in a children's room on the second floor." Jay explained for Arthur. Taylor didn't feel like he belonged and that he was very out of place.
"Feel free to go anywhere in the castle. Lunch is in an hour and Jason's family should be here by then as well." Arthur released.
"Oh, and if you need assistance, ring the bell above your doors twice. Skipp, Ryder, or Axel will be at your service." Arthur quickly added. Trevor and Alpha walked in with Nathaniel. Ace grabbed Taylor's hand softly.
"Don't let Axel anywhere near us, thank you." Ace pleaded as he walked in. Taylor kept close to Ace.
"Ace, who is Axel- or that boy who sir Jay was holding?" Taylor asked nervously. Ace walked over to their room.
"Oh right- Arthur and Jay have two sons, the princes. And the boy Jay had on his shoulders was his youngest son Hunter." Ace explained as he opened the bedroom door.
"Oh..." Taylor mumbled. Ace and him walked into the bedroom. Ace shut the door and looked around.
"Will our stuff come to us or do we have to get it?" Taylor asked. Ace rubbed his chin.
"Uh, I don't know- I've only ever been here once and it was pretty awkward." Ace said. Taylor stood there nervous. Ace realized Taylor was off and walked over to him.
"What's wrong?" Ace asked. Taylor looked down.
"I feel out of place here- everyone is a royal and rich and I'm just a damn poor boy that most people think is just using you Ace." Taylor explained as his ears dropped. Ace frowned and grabbed Taylor's hand. He used his other hand to lift Taylor's ears.
"Baby, wanna know something that might cheer you up?" Ace asked. Taylor looked over at Ace.
"Hm?" Taylor questioned. Ace smiled.
"Jay and Kai, remember both of them?" Ace asked.
"Yeah?" Taylor questioned.
"Well, they were both extremely poor boys who stole for food. And a lot of my relatives are actually poor folk who live in citizen class houses. You aren't the only one here who's poor, or a thief." Ace said, touching Taylor's cheek. Taylor was amazed and shocked.
"Really?" Taylor asked.
"Mhm, later I'll try to introduce them to you." Ace said. Taylor smiled and pulled Ace into a hug. They both jumped when they heard screaming and the words "GRANDPA'S!". Ace and Taylor turned to the door.
"What-" Taylor questioned.
"Oh, it's probably Jason's children. He has like three or four of them." Ace said.
"What-" Taylor said again. Ace chuckled and pulled Taylor out. When they got out, they saw Trevor being tackled by all four of Jason, Chase, and the twins, kids. Alpha, Arthur, Jason, Chase, and Congo watched and laughed. Jason looked up and smiled.
"Oh oh! Chase, Congo! Come." Jason pleaded, rushing over to Ace and Taylor. Jason hugged Ace and patted Taylor's head. Chase and Congo walked over to Jason.
"Ace, Taylor, this is one of my soon to be husbands Chase and his little brother Congo." Jason said. Ace and Taylor bowed.
"Nice to meet you both." Ace said.
"Chase, Congo... this is my little brother Ace and his lover Taylor." Jason said.
"Good meeting you both." Chase said. Ace and Taylor both smiled.
"Jason, couldn't we meet your kids? We'd love to." Ace pleaded. Jason blinked.
"You wanna meet our kids? You crazy?" Chase asked. Congo nudged Chase's arm. Jason rolled his eyes.
"Hey kids! Come meet your uncles." Jason demanded. All four of Jason, Chase, and the twins kids rushed in a line, over to Jason.
"Ace, Taylor, meet my children. This is Ryan, my oldest. My second oldest, Smith. My second youngest, Corey. And my youngest, Theo." Jason introduced. Ryan crossed his arms.
"I have an uncle who's my age? That's weird." Ryan said. Chase flicked Ryan's forehead.
"Children, these are your uncles Ace and Taylor. Feel free to picture them as grandpa." Jason said. Ace and Taylor immediately felt threatened. Ryan snickered.
"Corey, Smith! Attack!" Ryan said. Corey and Smith jumped onto Ace and Taylor and tackled them. Chase and Congo started laughing.
"Wowww, very you Jason. Never knew you'd use your children as weapons." Jonah laughed, walking up to Congo. Jason glanced at Jonah and scowled. Kai walked up behind Jonah.
"Oh, Ace, Taylor! Welcome." Kai said, peering down at them on the floor.
"Hey Uncle Kai-" Ace muttered. Both him and Taylor sat up.
"Oh yeah. You guys haven't met mine and Ryder's son. This is our son Jonah." Kai introduced. Ace and Taylor looked at Jonah, immediately realizing it's another teenage wolf.
"Yes. Kids, fetch Jonah instead." Jason demanded. Jonah looked at Jason and quickly ran when he saw Theo, Corey, and Smith run after him. Congo grunted and chased after them. Taylor stood up and helped Ace up.
"Soo, anyone else we should meet?" Ace asked.
"Hmm, you've met Caroo right?" Kai asked.
"Oh yeah- Arthur and Jay's assistant?" Ace asked.
"Yeah. He and his family are also coming to the wedding so you'll see them and whoever their plus ones are- and uh- oh! August! You haven't met him have you?" Kai said.
"Aww! I love August." Jason said.
"I few like he's to innocent." Chase chuckled.
"I've kinda met him- he was quiet I guess-" Ace said.
"Kai!" Ryder called out.
"Mm, well you'll see him." Kai said then he rushed over to Ryder. Jason and Chase bowed then left. Ryan smiled aggressively and then left.
"Babe- your family's scary." Taylor said. Ace chuckled. Skipp walked out with Axel and bowed to Trevor and Alpha then Fox and Tyler bowed to them. Taylor was amazed when he saw Tyler's angel wings.
"Holy shit- I've never seen an angel before-" Taylor said shocked. Ace looked at Tyler.
"Ah yeah- that's Tyler. He ran away or something like that and came to live here secretly. That's Skipp's father. They are all hand butlers to the royalty. And that dragon next to Tyler is his lover Fox." Ace explained for Taylor.
"Oh ok, I got it. Then who's the other taller dragon?" Taylor asked.
"Oh, that's Axel. He's a dick hand a flirt." Ace said, crossing his arms.
"Oh." Taylor said. Right as Skipp stood back up straight, Hunter ran out of no where and hugged Skipp tightly. Fox and Tyler sighed. Them and Jay tried to pry Hunter off of Skipp.
"Hunter!" Jay pleaded.
"NO!" Hunter screamed.
"He's gotten way to attacked to Skipp Jay. He's like a sticker to glass." Ryder chuckled.
"Yeah but it's disturbing Skipp's work." Jay complained. Arthur tapped Jay's shoulder.
"Just go get Callum. He knows how to get Hunter and Skipp to split for awhile." Arthur said. Jay groaned.
"Axel, please go get Callum. We are gonna go help finish the set up at the waterfall soon anyways." Jay demanded.
"Yes my king." Axel said then he bolted upstairs. Axel rushed to Callum's bedroom and busted in. Callum was asleep and snuggling with August. Axel blinked and groaned.
"CALLUMMMM!" Axel screamed. August opened his eyes and looked at Axel.
"He's sleeping." August said.
"His father wants his help." Axel said. August sighed and petted the top of Callum's head. This woke him up gently.
"Call love, your father wants you downstairs." August said softly. Callum looked up at August and yawned slightly.
"Noo." Callum complained.
"Then I'll just have to-" Axel said...

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