Chapter 35

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Two week later...

"PLEASE DAD! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!" Hunter pleaded, on his knees and begging.
"If your father said no, then I say no too." Jay said, looking down at Hunter.
"But I'm 14! Almost 15! I'm a teenager!" Hunter complained.
"No buts Hunt. I don't go against your fathers word. And either way, Skipp is to old for you." Jay said, getting overprotective of Hunter.
"WHAT?! IM ONE YEAR YOUNGER!" Hunter screamed.
"Hunter, don't you have a princely lesson to attend?" Callum asked, knocking on Hunter's head. Hunter groaned and stomped off. Callum started laughing g.
"Holy shit, I think Hunter hit the teenage attitude stage." Callum laughed.
"Yeah and it's horrible." Jay sulked. Callum chuckled then handed Jay a paper. Jay took the paper and looked at Callum. Callum was walking away.
The paper had a place, date, and some other stuff on it.
"Call, what is this?" Jay called out before Callum got to far away.
"It's the things you need for me and August's wedding. Place, date, and other things on the side." Callum waved his hand and left. Jay's eyes widened and he looked at the paper. According to the paper, the wedding would be in 6 months, two months after August's 18th birthday. Jay smiled and rushed back to his and Arthur's office.
Callum walked to the castle library and saw August reading a book at a table. He walked over to him from behind and kissed his neck.
"Hey love." August said as he blushed.
"Hi." Callum said, looking up at August.
"Did you give the papers to your father?" August asked. Callum chuckled and pulled out a chair next to August.
"I did. He seemed thrilled." Callum chuckled as he sat down.
"I guess that's a good thing?" August chuckled, putting a bookmark in his book he was reading and shutting it.
"It is. It took hard work to get that information from you." Callum said. August turned to Callum and scoffed sarcastically.
"Love, you quite literally fucked the information out of me." August said, leaning towards August. Callum leaned forward to August's face.
"Oh baby, I'm pretty sure that not only information came out of you..." Callum whispered. August blushed and pulled away.
"Which part? My voice or my cum? Hmm." August asked, crossing his arm.
"Your love." Callum said. August blushed and looked at Callum. He smiled and grabbed Callum's hand.
"Precious." August said.
"You are." Callum said. August touched Callum's cheek and kissed him. Callum kissed back. August put his hands on Callum's shoulders. Callum leaned forward and put his hands on August's waist. Skipp walked into the library looking for Callum and August then he saw them making out. He froze and looked at them confusedly. He looked down nervously.
"Prince Callum- Sir August—" Skipp mumbled. Callum and August broke their kiss and looked at Skipp.
"What's up?" Callum asked. Skipp pointed out the door.
"The kings request for both of you in their office." Skipp said.
"Probably want more details on the wedding." Callum sighed, standing up. August stood up and they started for the door. Before they exited-
"Callum?" Skipp said, looking at the ground. Callum stopped and looked over at Skipp. August stopped too. Callum was curious because Skipp rarely spoke just his name without the Prince.
"What is it Skipp?" Callum asked. Skipp hesitated to speak.
"Do you- uhm—" Skipp muttered. August tilted his head. Callum walked over to Skipp and pat his head.
"Sorry Skipp. My dad said no again." Callum said softly, talking about Hunter and Jay's argument earlier. Skipp frowned and nodded.
"Ok." Skipp said. August frowned. Skipp left to escort Callum and August to the office. Caroo was in the corner finishing some paperwork. Ryder was at the desk for discussion but right as they got there, they heard Hunter yelling again.
"He came back for a fourth try?" Callum muttered. He and August walked in. Skipp stood behind a wall right outside of the office listening to Hunter.
"I don't understand why I can't! You guys are always welcome to changes! So why can't you change the dating rule?!" Hunter screamed. Arthur rubbed between his eyes. Jay frowned
"Son. We've already been over this." Jay said strictly.
"Four times, today." Arthur muttered.
"Hunter, why are you so frustrated?" Callum asked.
"Yeah- I though Skipp was ready to wait. Why can't you?" Caroo asked.
"I'm impatient!" Hunter complained. Arthur slammed his head on his desk.
"It's unfair to Callum if you got to date at a younger age Hunter. We never let Callum date when he was younger then 18." Jay explained.
"That's why I said you guys like change! Just change the rule!!" Hunter screamed. Caroo and Jay groaned.
"Stop raising your voice to your fathers." Ryder said, checking off some papers that Caroo had finished.
"Even if we changed the rules, it would still be unfair to Callum, Hunter." Arthur mumbled. Callum looked down. Hunter turned to Callum.
"Do you even care about the stupid rule anyways Callum?! Aren't you happy you didn't have to date anyone because you met August?! So you can change the rule!!" Hunter cried, turning back to Jay and Arthur.
"You will abide by our rules Hunter. No dating till you are 18. Like your brother." Jay said strictly.
"I don't want too!" Hunter screamed. Arthur slammed his fist on the table and stood up.
"I am leaving." Arthur announced then left. Hunter wanted his father leave then turned to Jay. Jay was worried. The room became silent. Arthur walked out the door and immediately saw Skipp. Skipp was staring at the ground nervously. Arthur shook his head and left. Jay looked out the window and saw Arthur leave the castle with his cloak on. Jay turned to Hunter.
"Hunter go to your room." Jay said.
"No. Not till you change the rule!" Hunter yelled.
"HUNTER!" Jay yelled. Hunter's eyes widened. Everyone looked at Jay.
"Just— just go to your room Hunter." Jay muttered then left to go after Arthur. Hunter trembled and looked at Ryder. Ryder was actually shocked.
"I ain't ever heard Jay scream like that—" Ryder mumbled, standing up and walking over to the window. Callum and Caroo walked over to the window and looked down. Jay was running out of the castle and towards the woods.
"Where is he going?" Callum asked. Ryder looked at Callum.
"He's going to the place he and Arthur first fell in love." Ryder said.
"And their first kiss. They had their first kiss there too." Caroo said. Callum knew what they were talking about.
"The place they had their wedding?" Callum asked.
"Mhm. Arthur always goes there when he needs to clear his head. Especially right now." Ryder said, glancing at Hunter. Hunter trembled and looked down. Ryder walked up to the desk and grabbed a piece of paper.
"Here. Your fathers wanted to give you guys these. They are lists that go with the items you asked for, for your wedding." Ryder said, handing Callum the piece of paper. Callum grabbed it and looked at it. August walked up to Callum and looked at the paper too.
"Alright then." Callum said. Ryder turned to Hunter.
"What are you waiting for Hunter? Go to your room." Ryder said. Hunter turned around and walked out of the office. When he did, he saw Skipp standing there.
"Sk-!" Hunter started.
"No Hunter. No." Skipp muttered. Hunter froze. Skipp turned away and left. Hunter actually started crying right then and there. He left quickly to his room.

A Dragons Love Story 3 (Gay Love Story) BL/LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now