Chapter 25

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Unfortunate that 9 moons go by so fast. But it was exciting for Callum. Callum got one step closer to August. On the third moon, they had a small date, which is what August called it. August had made food for him and Callum and they had a small picnic out at the area that Callum had shown him the very first time. Callum and August ate the food and laid down on the blanket to look up at the stars. August rubbed his ring finger where his engagement ring still stayed. He had t taken it off ever since he put it on the first time except when he had to take baths. Otherwise, the ring stayed in the one spot. He turned over at laid his head on Callum's chest. Callum looked at August.
"Are you tired? We can go inside n-" Callum started.
"No- I wanna stay longer." August said, closing his eyes. Callum smiled and grabbed August's hand. Normally, he'd grab August's other hand but this time he grabbed the other one which had the ring on it. He felt the ring and lifted August's hand up a little to look in the light. He saw the ring. He smiled.
"I didn't realize you still wore this." Callum said.
"Mhm. I've always worn it. I guess I just want to feel like I'm actually engaged by wearing a ring." August said. Callum smiled softly and held August's hand carefully.
"I live you August." Callum said. August opened his eyes and sat up a little to look at Callum face to face.
"I love you too." August said. Callum blushed. August leaned down and kissed Callum. Callum kissed back and pushed August over slightly. They both pulled away from the kiss but they didn't move theirselves. They put their foreheads together.
"I don't know why, but this moment is making me feel very emotional but I'm really glad I met you." Callum said. August blushed and smiled.
"You are adorable." August chuckled. Callum snickered and started to tickle August.
"Nu uh, I'm hawtt!" Callum said. August laughed and tried to pull away. Callum held him down to tickle him. Then, Hunter stuck his head out his window. He looked down and groaned.
"Oi!! Can't you shut it?" Hunter yelled m. August and Callum looked up and saw Hunter.
"Oh shush! I know very well that Skipp is in there with you." Callum yelled out. August chuckled. Skipp stuck his head out of the window and glared down at them.
"I was trying to sleep." Skipp called out. Ray stuck his head out of his window.
"All of you guys can shut up!" Ray complained. August rolled his eyes. August laughed and laid his head back down on Callum's chest. Ray grunted and shut his window. Skipp went back in so Hunter could shut the window. About an hour later, Callum decided it was time to go back in. August was asleep. Callum lifted August up in his arms. August's head leaned on Callum's neck. Callum walked into the castle and up to their room. He set August down on their bed slowly and took his cape and shoes off. He leaned over August and took August's shoes and jacket off. He laid down next to August and held his hand. He kissed August's forehead goodnight then went to sleep.

The next day, Hunter was bulleted into several prince lessons. Skipp had to watch because Hunter didn't want him to leave. Hunter was in the dining room with Arthur teaching him some things. Skipp was sitting at the table eating breakfast while watching. Callum walked into the dining room in a good mood.
"Morning." Callum said.
"Morning." Arthur said.
"Screw you." Hunter said. Callum walked into the kitchen and came out with some food. He walked towards the stares then stopped. He turned around and looked at Arthur.
"Dad, if I were to propose to August again— the correct way... do I got another ring?" Callum asked. Arthur looked up at Callum and rose an eyebrow.
"Hm?" Arthur muttered. Callum rubbed his forehead.
"I wanna propose to August again. But this time, a real one." Callum said. Arthur smiled and crossed his arms.
"I don't know. I would get another ring just to show my love. But it's really up to you." Arthur said. Callum smiled and walked back upstairs.
"Gross." Skipp said.
"Hey! You caught the bouquet out of shear luck! Which definitely means that you will be getting married next!" Hunter cried. Skipp looked at Hunter.
"And who'd marry me?" Skipp asked.
"Me!" Hunter said proudly. Skipp blushed and looked away quickly. Arthur flicked the back of Hunter's head.
"You are too young to be speaking like that." Arthur said. Hunter whined and complained. Callum walked upstairs and into their room. August was resting in the bathtub. There were bubbles so August couldn't see his privates. Callum saw August and quickly shut the door. He smiled and walked over to the bed.
"Aug, your favorite color is rose gold right?" Callum asked for clarification.
"Mhm." August said without moving his body or opening his eyes.
"Alright." Callum said, stretching his legs back and laying down.
"Why do you ask?" August asked. Callum chuckled.
"Secret." Callum said. For a moment, it was silent until Callum saw August's ring on a stand next to the bathtub. He grew curious and stood up. He walked over to the bathtub and sat down. He reached over and grabbed the ring. He smiled. August opened his eyes and looked at Callum who was only a foot away now.
"I love that you still wear this." Callum said. August smiled.
"Well it's the only thing I have to show that I'm engaged to you. Nothing else besides your word." August said. Callum looked over at August and set his ring back down on the table.
"I love you." Callum said. August smiled.
"I love you too." August said. Callum stood up after getting his refuel which was August's "I love you too" and bent over. He pecked August's lips then stood up straight.
"Ima go to the village for a quick bit. I'll be back soon." Callum said, walking over to his coat. He put it on and then put his cloak on.
"Oh alright then. Stay safe." August said, shuffling around in the water. Callum smiled.
"Of course I will. Don't miss me." Callum said then he left. August took a breath in and closed his eyes again. Callum walked off. He said no to any accompaniment by the guards and walked towards the village. Right as he was, he turned towards the markets, not realizing where he was going. He ran into Juliet and Andres accidentally.  Juliet gasped. Callum's eyes widened.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry ma'am!" Callum said turning to Juliet. Juliet shoved away from Callum.
"Watch where you are going brat!" Juliet screamed. Andres crossed his arms and spit in front of Callum's feet.
"Do you know who my mother and father are? You better bow then say sorry." Andres said. Callum stepped away nervously.
"I am very much sorry miss." Callum said, bowing his head. Juliet scoffed. Julien walked over to Callum and pushed his to the ground.
"You dare push into my wife!" Julien screamed. Callum fell down on his butt and looked up at Julien scared.
"I'm very sorry sir. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Please forgive me." Callum pleaded.
"Scum like you don't deserve forgiveness. You see, me and my lovely family here are good friends with the king and the richest man of the realm. You better get lost before I have you killed." Julien said strictly. Callum blinked the stood up.
"Are you joking?" Callum asked.
"No." Julien said. Callum started laughing then quickly left, not being able to stop laughing. Julien felt threatened.
"Little shit." Julien muttered.
    Callum walked over to Gene's shop and walked in. The whole family was there plus Chase and Milo. Chase was talking to Gene about business. Milo was there for Sebastian. When Callum walked in, Noah and Sebastian looked up.
"Oh hey Callum. What's up?" Sebastian asked. Callum walked over to Sebastian.
"Hey Seb. I wanna get a rose golden ring. An engagement ring." Callum said. Sebastian looked down and lifted up a tray with several different types of rose gold rings. Callum looked at them. There was a specific ring that was perfect in his position. He pointed at it.
"How much is this?" Callum asked. Sebastian grabbed a board and looked through it. Milo peaked over then pointed at the ring.
"Ah- 40 argentz." Sebastian said. Milo looked at Callum.
"But you are the prince, you can have it for nothing." Sebastian said. Callum rubbed his head.
"Nah, I want to buy this." Callum said, pulling out some money from his pockets. He dropped the coins down on the counter and counted all of them.
"Here ya go." Callum said, pushing the money to Sebastian. Sebastian counted through all the money and stopped at the end.
"Here." Sebastian said, picking up the ring and handing it to Callum. Callum took it and smiled.
"Thanks.. of by the way, there is some crazy people in the kingdom. The guy claimed that he was friends with you all and my fathers." Callum said. Noah looked up at Callum.
"Really?" Noah asked.
"Yeah." Callum said. Gene chuckled a little after overhearing.
"Yeah, that's Alexander's father." Noah said. Callum's jaw dropped.
"Shit, really?" Callum asked.
"Yeah. They also claimed that they were friend with my fathers and yours." Noah said. Callum scoffed.
"Damn." Callum said. Noah nodded his head.
"Remind me to show him who's boss if I ever come across them." Milo chuckled.
"He'd probably beat you first." Noah said.
"Says you. He actually pushed me to the ground earlier-" Callum said nervously. Everyone looked at Callum shocked.
"That's horrible." Sebastian said.
"Should you like- report that as harassment?" Milo asked, sliding off the counter.
"Nah." Callum said. Sebastian went over the counter and grabbed Milo.
"Why not?" Noah asked, leaning over the counter. Callum smiled.
"I kinda wanna play with him." Callum chuckled. Noah rolled his eyes.
"Now that is something I wanna join." Milo said.
"Hell yeah! That piece of shit will regret messing with the prince." Sebastian laughed. Callum chuckled then waved goodbye as he left. Sebastian and Milo quickly turned to Noah.
"Oi, aren't you supposed to be asking Alexander to come to our house for dinner?" Sebastian asked. Gene turned to Noah.
"Yeah. You promised." Gene complained. Noah looked at Sebastian then at Gene. He sighed and took his apron off.
"Alright, I'm going." Noah said then he left. Sebastian crossed his arms.
"Dad, can Milo come to dinner too?" Sebastian asked. Milo flinched and looked at Sebastian.
"Eh?" Milo mumbled.
"Sure." Gene said, getting back to his business with Chase. Sebastian smiled and turned towards Milo. Milo looked at Sebastian sternly then left the store. Sebastian quickly took his apron off.
"Ima go for the day. See ya later!" Sebastian yelled, running after Milo. Milo walked towards the woods. Sebastian rounded the corner and saw Milo.
"Milo! Baby!" Sebastian yelled out, running after Milo. Milo walked into the woods under his father's property.
"Milo!" Sebastian yelled out, rushing up to Milo.
"Go away." Milo complained. Sebastian grabbed Milo's hand and walked with him.
"Why are you mad at me?" Sebastian asked. Milo continued walking.
"Can't you ask me for my permission before you invite me to stuff?" Milo asked. Sebastian frowned.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Sebastian said. Milo continued walked. Sebastian stopped walking and looked down nervously. He quickly looked up excitedly and ran after Milo. But then... the thump made Milo jump. He turned around and looked at the big boulder down on the ground. He looked up and saw Sebastian dangling in the air.
"Oh shit!" Milo said, running over to Sebastian.
"I forgot about all the traps your parents have set up all around." Sebastian chuckled nervously. Milo frowned.
"I'm so sorry, let me get you down." Milo cried, rushing around the tree. Sebastian rubbed his head and then heard a snap.
"Sebby, put your arms straight down." Milo called out. Sebastian blinked and started putting his hands out but then the snap grew larger and Sebastian fell on his head. Milo's eyes widened and he rushed back over to Sebastian.
"SEBASTIAN! ARE YOU OK?!" Milo cried, falling on the ground and lifting Sebastian's head up. Sebastian rubbed his head and smiled.
"Of course I ok. I heard your lovely voice." Sebastian said, looking up at Milo. Milo's eyes widened and he blushed. He quickly groaned and pushed Sebastian away.
"Stop that!" Milo screamed. Sebastian sat up and crawled up to Milo. Milo looked at Sebastian and turned red. He looked down slowly and saw Sebastian's hand somewhere that it shouldn't be. He tensed up and looked up at Sebastian.
"S-Seba- Ah~" Milo cried, feeling Sebastian's hand touch him in sensitive spots.
"Milo, I'm sorry again. Can I continue where this is going?" Sebastian asked softly. Milo started to lose saliva through his mouth from the pleasure.
"A-Ahh~!" Milo moaned. Sebastian smiled.
"I'll take that as a yes." Sebastian said.

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