Chapter 33

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A few days later; the elf and vampire guests arrived. Some staff didn't know they were coming, just like Axel. Axel was wearing a light pink sweater. It slanted to one side, revealing his shoulder on that side. In all, he looked like a softie. Arthur and Jay stood outside, ready to welcome the guests. Callum and August were also supposed to be there. Ryder and Kai were there to show the guests and the guards to their rooms. Skipp was also there.
"Skipp, where's Callum and August?" Arthur asked.
"They woke up late. They are hurrying." Skipp said.
"Alright." Arthur said. Right as the carriages pulled up, Callum and August joined Arthur, Jay, Ryder, Kai, and Skipp at the front. Kai assisted all the guards to the barracks. Then the two carriage doors opened. Grey and Eowyn got out of the elf carriage and Victoria and Clara got out of the vampire carriage. Then the young we ones got out. Kenji and Razel got out of the vampire carriage along with a woman. Uqa, who clung to Kenji's arm. Zaylon, Harper, and Elias got out of the elf carriage.
"Welcome!" Arthur cheered.
"Ah, thank you for having us!" Eowyn said, bowing his head.
"Alright, breakfast will be soon. Let us get your things to your guys rooms and then have breakfast. Ryder looked at Skipp. Zaylon tilted his head and pointed at Skipp.
"Wait- I thought you were a visitor." Zaylon said. Skipp jumped a little. Arthur pat the top of Skipp's head.
"Your fathers can explain that." Arthur said. Zaylon and Harper looked at Eowyn and Grey. Eowyn and Grey were both confused. They didn't actually know who Skipp was. Ryder clapped twice. Maids and butlers came to escort everyone to a room. Victoria and Clara walked up to Arthur and Jay
"Thank you very much for letters our children stay, same to our guards." Clara said.
"It's very much fine." Jay said.
"We allow you to do whatever with our guards and if they do something wrong, please punish them just as you do with your guards. Same for our children. And, give Kenji and Uqa separate rooms." Victoria explained. Arthur and Jay peaked at Uqa clinging to Kenji's arm.
"Alright." Jay said. Victoria and Clara bid a goodbye then they got in their carriage. They'd leave for a week. Kenji looked at Uqa and pulled her off him.
"Get off please." Kenji pleaded. Uqa looked at Kenji.
"I have a right to cling to you." Uqa said.
"No. No you don't." Kenji said then walked up to Callum and August quickly. Callum saw Kenji.
"Where's Axel?" Kenji asked excitedly. Uqa was walking up to Kenji.
"Who is she?" August asked.
"Some girl that my brother betrothed me to. But she's crazy I swear. I just wanna get away from h-" Kenji never got to finish his sentence because Uqa jumped on his back and both fell backwards. Callum and August looked at each other.
"Prince Kenji, miss Uqa, your rooms are ready." Jay said. Kenji smiled in relief.
"Rooms? Don't we have the same room." Uqa asked.
"No miss." Arthur said. Uqa frowned. Kenji pulled himself off of Uqa and stood behind Callum and August.
"Go to your room to lose her. I'll assist you to Axel afterwards." Callum whispered.
"Thank you." Kenji whispered. A maid took Kenji to his room and Uqa to a different room, across the castle from each other, and Razel to her bedrooom. Zaylon and Harper walked into the castle. Elias, Grey, and Eowyn walked in after them. Ray ran down the stairs and to the hall room. He looked around and saw Zaylon.
"Zaylon!" Ray yelled. Zaylon blushed and looked over at Ray. Ray smiled and ran over to him. Zaylon opened his arms. Ray ran into his arms and hugged him.
"Ew." Harper said, following a maid to his room.
"Ah, I missed you!" Zaylon said.
"I missed you too!" Ray said. Zaylon quickly kissed Ray. Eowyn and Grey walked in and saw this. Eowyn's jaw dropped.
"Woah- what did we miss?" Grey asked. Zaylon quickly broke the kiss and looked at his parents.
"I-Uhm.." Zaylon didn't know what to say. Ray didn't either. Eowyn rubbed his eyes and chuckled.
"That's one way to welcome us." Eowyn said. Grey laughed. Zaylon felt relieved right then. He sighed and closed his eyes. Ray smiled. A butler walked up to Eowyn and Grey.
"I'll escort you to your rooms." The butler said. Grey and Eowyn looked at the butler and their eyes widened. It was Tyler. Tyler spread his wings and winked an eye.
"TYLER!" Grey yelled and quickly hugged him.
"Tyler?!" Zaylon questioned.
"Like— the Tyler! The Tyler that ex King Kenta wants dead?" Zaylon questioned in shock.
"Yup." Tyler chuckled. Zaylon's jaw dropped.
Fox walked up behind Tyler and bowed to Eowyn and Grey. Tyler smiled.
"Grey, Eowyn, I'd like you to meet my husband Fox." Tyler said. Eowyn and Grey smiled.
"And I'm pretty sure you already met my son." Tyler said,  pointing over at Skipp.
"Skipp!" Fox yelled. Ray quickly took Zaylon to his room. Skipp walked over to his parents and looked at Grey and Eowyn.
"That makes so much sense!" Grey said. Skipp looked at his fathers.
"I have to go tend to Hunter now." Skipp said as he left. Tyler and Fox took Grey and Eowyn to their room. Kenji sat in his room for a moment till there was a knock. Callum opened the door. Kenji stood up and walked over to Callum.
"Alright- so we didn't actually tell Axel you were coming. But he's probably in the barracks sleeping still. He died t work until breakfast so he dies need a wake up call. Just go to the barracks and tell the chamber master you are looking for Axel." Callum explained. Kenji nodded and did what Callum told him too. He was guided to a pretty much empty cell except for Axel who was sleeping on a hammock. A book was laying on his face. Kenji smiled and walked over to the hammock. He lifted the book off Axel's face and saw Axel asleep. He looked at his clothes too. It made him know Axel better from what he wore. The light pink sweater. He tapped Axel's forehead. Axel moved a little. Kenji tapped his forehead more.
"Skipp, I swear if it you—" Axel muttered grouchy like. He opened his eyes and saw Kenji. Axel looked at him for a moment then his eyes widened. The hammock flipped and Axel fell to the ground.
"KENJI!" Axel screamed. Kenji chuckled. Axel stood up quickly and stared at Kenji.
"Wait, just a moment- I'm sleeping aren't I-" Axel said. Kenji shook his head no.
"You can't see me any more real then this." Kenji said. Axel smiled and quickly hugged Kenji. Kenji hugged back.
"Oh I missed you so much!" Axel said.
"I missed you too." Kenji said. Axel looked at Kenji and blushed. Kenji chuckled and tapped Axel's chin.
"Nice sweater babe." Kenji teased. Axel's eyes widened and he looked down. He saw his pink sweater. He quickly looked up at Kenji embarrassedly.
"I— uhh.. lemme ch-" Axel started walking away. Kenji quickly grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Axel blinked then kissed back. Kenji wrapped his arms around Axel's neck. Axel took the dominant side and pushed Kenji to a wall. He kissed him hardly.
"Mm.." Kenji mumbled. Axel pulled away and smiled. He set his head on Kenji's shoulder. Kenji smiled and hugged Axel.
"You look cute in the sweater." Kenji said. Axel smiled and kissed Kenji's neck softly.
"Are you staying here?" Axel asked.
"Yeah, for a week. I came with the elf royals, my sister, and a clingy brat." Kenji chuckled. Axel looked at Kenji.
"Clingy brat?" Axel muttered.
"Yeah.. my older brother Parker betrothed me to a damn clinger. Without my permission." Kenji muttered. Axel looked at Kenji and chuckled.
"I'm better then haha." Axel said. Kenji smiled.
"You are better then anyone." Kenji said, touching Axel's cheek. Axel smiled.
    At breakfast, Callum explained to Kenji that Axel doesn't actually stay for breakfast because he has work to do automatically. Kenji sat in a chair next to Razel and Zaylon so he wouldn't have to be next to Uqa. Razel looked at Kenji.
"Ken, shouldn't you sit with your betrothed?" Razel asked.
"No." Kenji said. Razel snickered and swapped seats with Uqa. Uqa eeked and grabbed Kenji's arm. Kenji groaned and laid his head on the table. Axel and Skipp walked around the table. Skipp sat next to Hunter and Axel walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a breakfast roll and walked out. He walked over to Callum's plate.
"Yumm." Axel said. Kenji flinched and looked up at Axel. Callum let Axel take a piece of food from his plate. Axel looked at the food in Axel's hand. He had very little. Axel smiled and looked over at Kenji. He frowned when he saw Uqa clinging to him. Kenji smiled and pulled away from Uqa. Axel winked at Kenji and then walked towards the stairs. Kenji smiled and set his head back on the table. The table was filled and everyone ate. Afterwards, everyone was aloud to do their own thing. Kenji walked over to Callum. Callum knew exactly what Kenji was gonna ask.
"He's doing the checking of each room on the second floor." Callum said. Kenji smiled and walked upstairs. Uqa looked at Callum and then upstairs. She rushed up to Callum and touched his chest. Callum jumped then stepped away.
"Uhm, how can I help you miss Uqa?" Callum muttered nervously. Uqa licked her lips.
"Oh... I'm a little messy down there.. I could use some help taking care of that~" Uqa said, touching Callum's butt. Callum quickly pulled away and gagged.
"Miss Uqa, I'm engaged. Please don't do that." Callum pleaded. Uqa got closer to Callum then August stepped between them.
"Love, let's go." August said. Callum nodded and turned around. He and August walked upstairs.
"I need to take a bath..." Callum said disturbingly. August nodded. Kenji looked around then saw a door open. He walked over and saw Axel eating a breakfast roll while making a bed. Kenji smiled and leaned on the doorway. Axel finished making the bed and chewing the breakfast roll. He turned around and looked at Kenji. He smiled.
"Why, hello there baby~ miss me so much?" Axel teased, walking over to Kenji. Kenji chuckled.
"Nah, it's just really cute how you work." Kenji laughed. Axel smiled and wrapped his arms around Kenji. Kenji leaned forward.
"I really love that sweater." Kenji said.
"Whys that?" Axel asked. Kenji bite down on his lower lip and blushed.
"Because I can take it off of you quickly..." Kenji said, looking up at Axel. Axel blushed and leaned forward.
"Do you have a room?" Axel asked. Kenji nodded. Axel smiled.
"Lead the way." Axel said. Kenji blushed and left. Axel followed. Uqa, who watched them the whole time, also followed. She finally found the room that Kenji and Axel went in and put her ear up to the door. She heard soft moans, gasps, and the bed rocking. She pulled away and scoffed.
"He's cheating on me?!" Uqa said with shock.
    After a little, Axel walked out of the bedroom, disoriented and his hair was a mess. Before he got to far, Kenji grabbed him. Kenji only had his underwear on. He grabbed Axel's arm and pulled him into a kiss. Axel kissed back and smiled.
"When can I meet your parents?" Kenji asked. Axel looked at Kenji.
"Tomorrow afternoon is the only time they are free." Axel said.
"How come?" Kenji asked. Axel walked back into the bedroom and shut the door. Kenji grabbed his pants.
"They work at the castle as guards. They normally have the night shift." Axel said.
"Oh, I see." Kenji said.
"I promise you can meet them tomorrow." Axel said. Kenji smiled and kissed Axel once more.
"Come sleep with me tonight." Kenji pleaded.
"Anything for you." Axel said. Kenji smiled and Axel left.

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