Chapter 18

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The days were quite boring without Arthur or Jay in the kingdom. Callum was scolded by Max and Tyler while Caroo told him how to maintain the office.
But in the wolf realm, this got much worse. Ace sat as his fathers desk, staring at a wall of paper sitting there. He leaned back, closed his eyes, and groaned.
"Dads! Why.. THE FUCK did you have to start new transportation route in the ocean now!" Ace complained, standing up quickly. He closed his arms and stared at the paper's intensely.
"God Damnit..." Ace pouted. Nathaniel stood outside the room and frowned. He cleared his throat and walked to the kings chambers where Alpha laid in an internal coma and Trevor said dreading. Arthur and Jay, Kai and Ryder, and Jason were there as well. Jason and Ryder begged to help Trevor and Arthur and Jay made sure Alpha was still stable and mourned. Kai sat in the sofa watching his family stuck in a room full of guilt, sadness, and regret. Taylor was also there, sitting on the other end of the sofa. Kai glanced at Taylor curiously and then sighed. He stood up.
"Love, he's not gonna move. Let's go to our guest room." Kai said. Ryder stood up slowly and walked over to Kai.
"I hate that you are right." Ryder trembled. Kai looked down and they both left the room. Arthur and Jay decided to do the same because there wasn't a thing they could do. Jason looked at Trevor nervously.
"I love you dad. Watch after father." Jason said then sat up. He left. Nathaniel stood there awkwardly. He glanced at Taylor.
"Sir Taylor, may I speak to you?" Nathaniel said. Taylor looked over at Nathaniel and stood up. He walked over to Nathaniel and they stepped into the hall.
"Sir Taylor, your husband to be isn't having the best hour right now." Nathaniel explained. Taylor looked at Nathaniel nervously and looked down.
"Yeah." Taylor said. Nathaniel glanced into the kings chambers and then leaned closer to Taylor. He whispered in his ears.
"Ace's bedroom is on the farthest end of the castle from here. Plus, the rooms are sound proof." Nathaniel muttered. Taylor's eyes widened and he blushed.
"Are you suggesting—" Taylor muttered.
"I am. In my own experience, sex makes me calm and at peace. So maybe it would work with Ace." Nathaniel smiled. Taylor stepped away and rubbed his head.
"Wicked is you. I've never even gotten physical with him, nonetheless have sex with him." Taylor said quietly. Nathaniel pointed towards the office.
"Sir Taylor, your husband to be is worried and out of sorts right now. In other words, anxious as all hell." Nathaniel said. Taylor looked down the hall and frowned. He sighed and started for the office. Nathaniel smiled and walked over to the chamber room. He shut the door and smiled.
Taylor walked down the hall and when he reached then office, he saw Ace with his face facing down, his eyes closed, and his hands rubbing his head. His ears were down which worried Taylor firstly. He walked in and knocked on the open door. Ace didn't move.
"Please go away." Ace said. Taylor looked down.
"I don't give you a kiss for the morning and you already don't want me here?" Taylor joked. Ace's ears popped up immediately and he looked up at Taylor.
"No no! I promise it's not that way." Ace said, standing up and rushing over to Taylor. He walked up to him. Taylor put his arms around Ace's waist to hold him in a spot.
"Prove it." Taylor whispered. Ace smiled and kissed Taylor's lips. Taylor kissed back. He pulled Ace up to him and kissed him slightly harder. Ace flinched but didn't care. He continued to kiss him. Taylor finally pulled away and looked away, embarrassed. Ace smiled.
"You haven't kissed me like that before. That was much more seductive." Ace chuckled.
"To get your mind off everything." Taylor said, turning back to Ace. Ace rose an eyebrow.
"Is Reo in our room?" Ace asked. Taylor blushed and shook his head no. Ace smiled and grabbed Taylor's hand.
"Then continue making my mind go elsewhere..." Ace said softly. Taylor looked at Ace for a moment then smiled. He pulled him out of the office and down the hall.

It was still sad for them all, but down in the dragon realm, Callum was having a better time in the office then Ace. Callum sat in his fathers office with an empty desk. He stared at the desk. August walked in every other hour to see how Callum was doing. When he walked in this time, he had Callum's lunch. Callum looked up at August and smiled.
"Hey baby." Callum said. August smiled and set Callum's lunch on the desk.
"Hello." August said. He pecked Callum's lips and looked at Callum.
"You can sit." Callum said. August looked at the chair and shook his head no.
"It's your fathers seat." August said. Callum looked down and stretched.
"Hey, wanna go on a walk?" Callum asked, looking up at August. August looked at Callum and looked around.
"Are you allowed to do that?" August asked. Callum nodded and stood up.
"Guard, ring bell three!" Callum called out. The guard rang the bell. A few minutes later, Caroo walked into the office. Callum smiled.
"Can you watch the office for me? I wanna go on a walk with August." Callum pleaded.
"And I wanted a day off with Gene but I didn't get that." Caroo said, walking into the office. Callum and August immediately frowned.
"Then leave Caroo. That's why I was asking. I'll just have my Uncle watch the office then." Callum muttered. Caroo looked at Callum and smiled.
"Really?" Caroo asked.
"Yeah." Callum said. Caroo sighed and turned around.
"Thank you." Caroo said and left. Callum glanced at August and smiled.
"How about we do something else then." Callum said, pulling August up to his chest. August blushed and pulled Callum into a kiss.
Noah was with Alexander, playing cards in Alexander's house. Noah placed down a card and smiled.
"And that is a win for me." Noah smiled. Alexander grunted and set his hand of cards down.
"Alright, what do you want this time?" Alexander crossed his arms. Noah looked at Alexander then looked around.
"Hmm..." Noah muttered then stopped. He blushed and glanced at Alexander.
"I want my body on yours." Noah said. Alexander nodded and then his eyes widened when he realized what Noah said. He blushed and looked at Noah shocked.
"H-Huh?—" Alexander said. Noah looked away nervously. Alexander studied Noah's face and smiled.
"Come here then." Alexander smiled. Noah looked up at Alexander and blushed. He stood up and walked over to Alexander slowly. He sat on Alexander's lap and looked down. Alexander smiled and put his arms around Noah's waist. Noah looked at Alexander and blushed.
"Do you wanna do this?" Alexander asked. Noah nodded. Alexander and Noah pulled into a kiss and started getting very intimate.
     An older man and Julien walked up to the house.
"This is where I saw your son go." The older man said. Julien looked at the house and knocked on the door. Mrs Delores glanced out her window then opened the window doors.
"Good sirs, no one lives there." Mrs Delores said. Julien and the old man looked at Delores.
"No one said this house was on the market though." Julien said.
"It isn't because someone owns this home. I doubt they'd like you on their property seeing as the owner is literally the son of the richest man in the kingdom." Delores bragged. Julien scoffed and banged on the door.
Alexander was kissing Noah hard, leaning him on the table and rubbing his cock. Noah was trying to stay quiet. Then the bang rumbled the home. Alexander and Noah looked at the door quickly.
"What the hell?" Noah muttered. Alexander pulled away. Noah stood up and put his shirt on. He walked around the kitchen to the window where he could see Mrs Delores. Delores saw Noah peak over at her. Alexander walked over to Noah and saw Delores. Delores pointed at Alexander and words "Father" with her lips. Alexander immediately stepped away. Noah looked at Alexander and grabbed his arm. He pulled him to the bedroom.
"What is it?" Noah asked. There was another bang on the door. Alexander looked down.
"My stepfather." Alexander said. Noah blinked with confusion.
"Your mum remarried?" Noah asked. Alexander sighed.
"Unfortunately." Alexander muttered. They both jumped a little when there was yet another loud bang. Alexander trembled and got on his knees.
"Do you remember the night of the ball?" Alexander asked. Noah looked down at Alexander.
"When you told me that you regret leaving? Yes." Noah said. Alexander looked up and grabbed Noah's hands.
"I left to help my mother and my little brother so they could make a living. And then my mother found a new man. She married him a week later. After that, I tried several times to make an excuse to leave... to come home to you-" Alexander trembled. Noah kneeled down and touched Alexander's cheek.
"They always had a reason to keep me in their clutches. I feel like I became a slave to them. And I hate it. And even now, they are forcing me to buy them a house and no house is on the market. I didn't know they knew where this house was." Alexander said. Noah stood up immediately.
"Are you saying that if they figured out that this is your house, they barge in like they own the place?" Noah questioned.
"I don't think so— I mean, I did put the house under your name." Alexander muttered. Noah smiled and knelt back down. He pulled Alexander into a kiss. Alexander kissed back. After a moment, they pulled away after hearing another bang except this was an aggressive bang that time. Noah stood up and buttoned his shirt up the rest of the way. Alexander watched Noah mess up his hair to make it look like he just woke up. He turned to Alexander and pointed to the closet. Alexander smiled and walked to the closet where there was a small hiding space under it. Noah walked through each room and hid anything of Alexander's. Then there was another bang except this time it didn't stop. Noah slithered to the door and opened it slowly.
"What the hell?" Noah muttered. Julien was standing there now. The old man had left. Julien looked at Noah confused.
"Who the fuck are you?" Julien asked. Noah blinked and peaked his head out the doorway. He waved to Delores.
"Morning Mrs Delores." Noah said tiredly. Delores chuckled.
"Te equivocaste, querido hijo mío. Tis the afternoon love." Delores laughed. Noah jumped and his eyes widened.
"What?!" Noah acted. He ran into the house and grabbed a comb quickly.
"Damn I'm late!" Noah cried. Julien stepped into the house and looked around.
"Who are you?" Julien asked. Noah glared at Julien.
"No, who are you? You woke me up by banging on my door and walked in." Noah said. Julien rubbed his head.
"My name is Julien. I'm looking for a boy named Alexander." Julien said. Noah shrugged his shoulders, fixing up his hair.
"I don't know who that is sir." Noah said, walking into a different room. Julien looked around, looking for Alexander's things if possible.
"Uhm, a man named Roe Je said an Alexander owns this home." Julien muttered. Noah froze and didn't know what to say. He gulped and closed his eyes. He grabbed a jacket and walked out.
"Ah, an Alexander used to own this home." Noah said, making shit up. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed food. Julien smiled.
"Yeah?" Julien questioned.
"Mhm. Like, three years ago, he sold this house to me because he had to leave to take care of his mother or something like that. And yeah. I ain't seen him back in awhile." Noah explained, putting the jacket on. Julien frowned.
"You are a teen? Can't you like with your folks?" Julien asked. Noah tilted his head confusedly.
"Eh?-" Noah questioned. Julien smiled.
"Well you see, me, my wife, and my only son Andres just moved here and are looking for a home. Can't seem to find one but you are so young.." Julien explained, trying to convince Noah. Noah blinked with shock.
"I-I don't find myself going back to live with my parents— I doubt." Noah lied. Julien glared at Noah.
"Look here kid, I'm good friends with the king... AND the richest man in the kingdom. I can buy this house out and have your head if you don't sell your house now." Julien threatened. Noah blinked and chuckled.
"Funny. The kings are friends with no one. And the richest man in the kingdom happened to be the richest man in the whole realm. Who the fuck is friends with that type of person?" Noah laughed, lying right to Julian's face. Julien grabbed Noah's arm and held it tight.
"I am. I will have your head and all your family's heads." Julien threatened. Noah pulled away quickly and pointed out the door.
"Leave." Noah muttered.
"Gladly, you bitchy punk." Julien said, leaving the house. He slammed the door shut, maki g the house rock. Noah stood there nervously, rubbing his arm. He slowly walked to the bedroom. Alexander was half way out of the closet when he saw Noah. He got out and walked up to Noah.
"Noah?" Alexander muttered. Noah looked up at Alexander.
"I don't think you should go back home. I think, you should stay here or— I can get you a room in the castle even." Noah trembled. Alexander frowned and pulled Noah into a hug.
"I know." Alexander muttered.

A Dragons Love Story 3 (Gay Love Story) BL/LGBTQ+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें