Chapter 1

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    As a kid, I learned to keep my family closer. And also, to not upset my father unless I wanted an ass whooping. They hurt. Haha. But he only did that when I got in trouble. To be honest, I think he regrets doing it so much. He always ends up crying afterwards. And uh, I had to live under strict rules from my uncle and aunt who always invite themselves to our home. Oh yeah, I'm also a prince.

Ten Years Later:
Callum quickly sat up in his bed. His hair was messed up and he was only in his pajamas.
"Ah shit." Callum muttered. He got up and ran to his dresser. His eyes widened when he saw his hair.
"Oh god-" Callum trembled. The door banged several times.
"Prince Callum!"
Callum scrambled around then tripped on a box on the ground. He fell on the floor and stood up quickly. The banging stopped and a small knock hummed the room.
Callum turned to the door and sighed.
"Come in Hunter!" Callum yelled. Hunter opened the door and slid in. He shut the door behind him.
"You are a mess." Hunter laughed.

      Hunter is Callum's little brother by about 4 years. Callum may be 18 but little Hunter is 14.

    "Thanks." Callum said sarcastically. Hunter went to Callum's drawers. He dug into them.
"Get cleaned up and go see aunt and uncle. They are bullying father again. I'll clean your room up so they won't be strict on you." Hunter said. Callum looked at Hunter and smiled.
"Thank you." Callum said. Hunter threw some pants to Callum and Callum put them on quickly. He started combing his hair while Hunter looked for a shirt for Callum. Once Callum finished combing his hair, Hunter through a shirt to Callum.
"Your cape is on the hook and put your boots on under your pants." Hunter said. Callum put the shirt on and grabbed his coat. He stuck it over his head and grabbed his shoes. He ran over to his cape, grabbed it, and started for the door.
"Wait!" Hunter yelled. Callum froze as he stuck his cape around his neck. Hunter walked up to Callum and parted his hair the the right of his face. Callum smiled and put his books on. He tucked his jeans over the boots.
"Thank you Hunter." Callum said. Hunter cheered then both of them went outside. Callum bowed to the guard outside his room and went downstairs to the dining room. Hunter turned to the guard.
"Get Sir Skipp to clean this room and then my room." Hunter demanded.
"Yes my young prince." The guard said. Hunter ran after Callum.
   Down in the dining room, Callum and Hunter's father Jay the king was being yelled at by a older man. Jay crossed his arms and glared at the older man who was mainly known as James, Hunter and Callum's great uncle. Callum and Hunter walked up behind Jay.
"Father, uncle." Callum said, bowing his head. Hunter did the same. Jay turned around and looked at Callum and Hunter.
"Ah! My sons! How is your morning?" Jay asked. James quickly slapped the back of Jay's head and stepped on his foot. Jay fell to the ground in pain.
"Why did you two take so long? Are your rooms cleaned? And why the hell is your hair all sloppy?!" James screamed. Callum and Hunter looked at each other then to James. Jay quickly stood up.
"You are forbidden from yelling at my sons!" Jay yelled. James was about to bitch slap Jay but luckily Hunter and Callum's other father, Jay's husband, interrupted them.
"Uncle!" Arthur yelled. Everyone in the dining room turned to the stairs and saw Arthur walk down the stairs.
"What the hell! Why are you hurting my husband?!" Arthur screamed, walking up to James. James looked at Arthur.
"Might have to do the same with you. You are a king! Posture, clothing, hair, your damn crown?!" James yelled. Arthur put his hand on James's face.
"Shut up. You yell at my children and abuse Jay!" Arthur said. Jay smiled and turned to Callum and Hunter.
"You guys can have a free day. I'll be sending the staff home today anyways." Jay said. Callum and Hunter bowed to Jay. Jay glared at his children.
"I'm your father boys. Why are you bowing and not hugging?" Jay asked. Callum and Hunter quickly made a smile and hugged Jay. Jay hugged back.
"I love you my boys. Stay safe and keep away from Con." Jay said.
"Yes father!" Callum and Hunter said.
"And Hunter, take care of Callum." Jay said, pulling away. Callum sobbed.
"Seriously! I'm older." Callum laughed. Hunter laughed. James stomped up the stairs and Callum and Hunter's other father turned to the three.
"Have a good day my sons." Arthur said, grabbing Jay's hand and smiling. Callum glared at Arthur. Hunter bowed and started for the ball room.
"Alright, go fuck. It's obvious you guys want that." Callum said, turning around and walking to the ball room.
"So smart son!" Jay said. Arthur jabbed Jay in the gut.
"Shut up!" Arthur said. Jay cried and fell.
      Hunter and Callum walked around the kingdom looking through the markets and restaurants.
"So, who'd you make clean our rooms?"Callum asked. Hunter snickered.
"I made Skipp do it." Hunter said. Callum glanced at Hunter.
"That's not how you make a boy like you Hunt." Callum laughed. Hunter stopped walking and blushed.
"O-Oh look! It's Kanna! Ima go see her!" Hunter said nervously and ran to a restaurant named "Shawna's Food". Callum laughed.

A Dragons Love Story 3 (Gay Love Story) BL/LGBTQ+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang